InnocentBystander ago

And I think you should pay more attention before making silly accusations.
If you knew who I was or read this whole chain of comments, you'd realise that my preferences have nothing to do with it.

I don't make the rules.

InnocentBystander ago

It is additional information. The post should be a direct link, anything else is additional.

This is not an information sub, or news, or politics.
It is /v/videos.

It is for posting direct links to videos. He can include additional videos in the comments, but we want video posts that work with the site here.

If you have questions, I am happy to answer any. But I am not interested in a debate. Those are the guidelines.

If you think the rules should change, then make a post in the meta sub, or anywhere else that allows discussion posts and we can see what the users think.

I do not make the rules. I enforce the mandate handed to me by the users. And in this case, all I did was flair it and ask him not to next time.

InnocentBystander ago

Why is it wrong to link to that site?

We prefer direct links as that allows the videos to work with the Voat features, lets it work with VTV, avoids a lot of advertising, and generally loads faster.

But how can he show two videos side by side if not through that site?

Additional information can be included in the comments.

InnocentBystander ago

Please use direct links.

Taharrush ago

But how can I show the two videos side by side if not linking to this site? What is wrong with that site?

InnocentBystander ago

We prefer direct links as that allows the videos to work with the Voat features, lets it work with VTV, avoids a lot of advertising, and generally loads faster.
Additional information can be included in the comments.

Taharrush ago

But how can I show two videos side by side if not through this site? Why is it wrong to link to this site?

InnocentBystander ago

We prefer direct links as that allows the videos to work with the Voat features, lets it work with VTV, avoids a lot of advertising, and generally loads faster.
Additional information can be included in the comments.