theoldones ago

Obrez ago

I'm reporting you for spam and harassment, nigger.

theoldones ago


to whom?

Obrez ago

@puttitout, it really is harassment, and all because I had to correct you on the legality of drawn porn, just like @puttitout did.

theoldones ago

i think this just went beyond that initial issue.

i suddenly have a few very pressing questions about you, and i think even @puttitout would be quite interested to see your responses to the questions in the post i just linked.

i just spend days being stalked and chased by bot accounts, pissing on my post scores, and then i get the bottom of it, i find you there, and when i corner you, you scream "harasment". HOW INTERESTING.

@Obrez i'm sure that if you'd please respond to the post i just linked, this could clearly be resolved, right?

Obrez ago

You are a coward and an idiot. this is all because I called you out for lying in your own sub isn't it?

theoldones ago

theoldones ago

this post is purely to waste a bots downvote ammunition @the_sharpest_knife @Obrez @6h057 @KimBellend