ToxicWhiteMale ago

Lots of left wing and nigger propaganda, but it was a good show!

DamonAxemaker ago

I was a kid during the second round of busing in the early eighties. I lived in a very well to do (also very Jewish) area and we imported some black kids from the inner city. They probably got about 8-12, not too many but I had close interactions with two.

This was early elementary school and one kid couldn't write his name. The teacher, fed up with stopping the class for one retard, told me to help him out. All he had to do was write his name at the top of the paper. I showed him exactly what to do and wrote my name damonalexander at the top of the page. He nods, and gets to work, writing damonalexander at the top of the page.

The second kid was a flaming faggot. This was second grade and he was sashaying, dancing and talking with a lisp like he sucked a million dicks. This was before the faggots were everywhere so it's not like he got it from a tv show. There was nothing like you see now and no faggots on tv. I didn't even know what he was until years later. He skipped class to go clothes shopping at a woman's department store.

Second grade

It lasted a couple of weeks and the entire program was scrapped.

AllOfIt ago

Poor niglets, cant get by because the school doesnt get enough funding.

We spend more on education per capita than any other nation. We have a demographic problem, not a funding one. No one wants to admit that, though.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Who in their right mind watches TV?

BoyBlue ago

You don't have to refer to the writer as a white/jew liberal. jews are not white and they are all liberal. The show doesn't accurately portrait niggers in the western district because they are all animals.

If you every make it to seasons 4 and 5 the jew writer calls out the corruption in Baltimore City. jew lawyers are laundering drug money and everyone is getting their cut.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Writer/Producer George Pelecanos has written many books about niggers and the inner city. I love his writing but I agree he way over sells 'how fundementally decent' the negro is. How being a nigger can be rich and vibrant and, drug dealers and thugs aside, at its core wholesome and enriching.

Not all of his books include it though, fortunately, so if you're interested at all in some exceptional writing then I suggest to check his stuff out. Fortunately he's very prolific so if one book turns your stomach just move on to the next. He has a whole universe populated by persistent characters, in particular greeks, and tells their stories in most engaging way. The book The Big Blowdown is particularly good and a excellent place to start, though be warned it's set in the first 1/2 of the 1900s and some of the word choices can sound pretty cheesy to our modern ear. No doubt Pelecanos was going for authenticity and who are we to say whether he's actually accurate or just guessing.

As far as The Wire goes the excellence of the writing, acting, and production goes along way to excuse OP's complaints. It's fiction after all so set your concerns aside for the duration and just try to enjoy the show. The down side is, of course, that some people may take it as reality and try to apply it to real life. Interestingly even though I first watched The Wire long before I came to realize just how dangerous niggers are to society I did not feel any more inclined to pity them or want to forgive them after watching The Wire. Again it's just fiction.

projection ago

The writer/creator . . .

David Judah Simon was born in Washington, D.C., the son of Dorothy Simon (née Ligeti), a homemaker, and Bernard Simon, a former journalist and then public relations director for B'nai B'rith for 20 years. Simon was raised in a Jewish family with roots that originated in Eastern Europe and Hungary (his maternal grandfather had changed his surname from "Leibowitz" to "Ligeti").

LordSporkington ago

I thought the show was exceptional. No part of that show portrayed blacks as good or smart. Even the school episodes, it wasn't that the school didn't have money, it's that the black administration fucked the school over, so it had no money.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Now review the sopranos

Destination ago

beat into retardation

Hey, did you go to my school? Saw it happen to a near genius black kid. Felt bad for him, tbh, he legit wanted to improve himself and get ahead in life. Once in a lifetime nig.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

The wire was cool but..... nothing can last forever.

Im_Steve ago

Most tv is shit. What shows do you recommend?

MaxVieuxlieu ago

There was an entire season about how "journalists" are fraudsters.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

I think you missed the point of the show.

yt4cz9 ago

I tried to watch this piece of trash but I just couldn't. How the hell is it rated so highly? Apparently if you like Breaking Bad, the powers that be believe you should like this. It's not even close.

Charilko ago

The season with the school stuff is a great education into what liberals think. Actually, the whole show is a window into how liberals see the world. It’s valuable from that perspective.

Brain_Spasm ago

I prefer Oz.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I cant avoid it

Don't think I've heard or read about that in several years. It can be done! (BTW, if you watch television or "shows", you may want to stop.)

amendthediscourse ago

I couldn’t get into it either. I wanted another cop show after getting blown away by True Detective season 1, but no dice.

willroos ago

I don't know what universe you all are living in but this show is awesome. It's a TELEVISION SHOW. It doesn't need to be 100% accurate to be entertaining. Geez - sometimes this site is a no fun zone!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Not everyone enjoys your jewish mind rape.

McHaggis ago

I've tried watching it twice for the same reason. The first time because Charlie Brooker, whom I have always liked, was raving about it. Fucking boring as shit.

Go watch the Sopranos again bro.

whambamthankyouham ago

Glamorizing evil as usual.

skanderbek ago

Any suggestions for shows that are actually based?

waringi ago

HBO's Rome. Its an amazing show. I cant believe how well made it was. Absolutely based.

Chromium ago

Deadwood. Fantastic dialog and just dripping with misogyny from start to finish. It's made by a kike though and has a few rare nigger moments but it's still one of my favourite TV shows ever done. Then you have the usual stuff like Sopranos, Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire. Lots of kikes involved in the making of those shows though again...

amendthediscourse ago

True Detective season 1.

HeebSlayer ago

Nothing on Talmudvision is based.

LastCowboy ago

I never could get into it. Now The Shield was a good show.

spaceman84 ago

It went full retard pretty quick. It had a couple good seasons and then got more retarded with each subsequent season.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

The first season that the Jew producer made was too realistic, even though he tried to give the pavement apes personal stories, after that it just turned into an snti white shitfest.

But it pretty much showed what niggers are, so i guess it's worth a watch if you are aware of the Kike and his agenda, that made it.

zxcvbnasdf ago

It ends with the Greek in the politicians office admitting he's not Greek.

The balls to tell everyone all the mobs were Jewish, and now control everything, in the most popular cop show, because you know normies will not only not get it, but defend you?

Gas them when?

21568190? ago

Every line of a The Wire teleplay: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I love cursing like a sailor, but The Wire really goes too far to even be watchable.

Dr3dpierat ago

What a pussy, too much for your virgin ears? Jesus what a cunt thing to say

21572362? ago

Just saying the show had no actual content because they were just trying to be edgy.

Kind of like you.

spaceman84 ago

Don't ever watch The Big Lebowski then, fucking faggot.

hamdoguhoh ago

Fuck this show. Living in/next to a real ghetto shows you this show is total bs.

Firevine ago

Ive seen the ghetto, Ive lived it.

Same here. Moving to a decent area was a giant wakeup call. They're feral animals who do not belong with us.

nomadriders ago

It felt pretty accurate to me, you think it would have been more realistic if they portrayed negros in the ghetto as law abiding citizens?

philomath ago

I agree. It had a story to tell, and did a pretty good job of it. It had good character development, and did so, for all characters, in a way that made it consumable.

puggy ago

it's not a chimpout unless there is major destruction of private and public property

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

one nigger attacking a person = chimpout

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drhitler ago

2nd season is good, but fuck all the others, i can't even understand what the niggers are even saying

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

My favorite season as well.

Chromium ago

Really? To me the 2nd season was by far the hardest one to get through. It was mind-blowingly boring.


Oh when I saw the headline I thought you were referencing that website that ben shapiro owns

MarauderShields ago

I thought of Bird on a Wire with Goldie Hawn.


Goldie Hawn? I'd give her my bird on a wire

TheSeer ago

It ain't 1977 any more.


If we're make believe fucking movie stars then it's whenever we want it to be

btw I'm fuckin Audrey Hepburn on the daily

TheSeer ago

20 y.o. Sofia Vergara is making my lunch as we speak.

WD_Pelley ago

20 year old Cate Blanchett is my Aussie slampig, if that's the case.