25619965? ago

do as I SAY, NOT do as I DO!

25732060? ago

25573077? ago

Open Borders for Mecca!

Hindus need Mecca, too!

25572086? ago

isreal says we are too small? well shit open the borders and grow your country. isreal says we are too small cant accommodate that many new people... jews diversity is americas greatest strength with africans coming in they will help solve any engineering or technical probl3ms you have. If you let africans in within 10 years you will be on the moon blacks are the only reason we made it to the moon after all those 2 or 3 black women did all the hard math.

25571833? ago

Both are semites. It's dey culture an' sheit.

25571203? ago

Israel doesn’t have contiguous borders like a normal country because they’re always stealing land.

Keep repeating that israel has “borders” though.

You’re not sucking jewish dicks at all when you repeat their tricks for them.

Nukes nukes nukes nukes

25571126? ago

They are different people, obviously, than their counterparts in the states. different values. Ours CLAIM to be of the synagogue of Judah but DO LIE and are of the synagogue of Satan. (rev c3).