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Bubbajack ago

Everything you don't know is your god

Crensch ago

How incredibly ambiguous. Is that the point?

Bubbajack ago

Ambiguous. How so?

Edit: it's tough to give an actual response to the op due to it's over generalization and lack of any specific argument or examples.

Crensch ago

It could be taken to mean a worshiped god, a 'money is your god' type god, you could just be making a general insult, making an observation...

I realize my OP could be difficult to respond to, but basically, any argument so far presented for the belief in any deity tends to have multiple levels of errors. The more a theist talks, the more complete bullshit that has to be cleaned up before even addressing the problem.

Things like a fundamental misunderstanding of science, logic, reason, morality, the definition of words, reality...

Bubbajack ago

Well I'm not sure I identify as a theist but I wouldn't consider myself to be athiest either. I was agnostic for a while but as I grow it seems like the more I learn the less I know. That being said, I consider my ignorance to have complete and utter dominance over my life whether I want it to or not and in that way I find the universe to be infinitely more powerful than any person will ever know. It's just inconceivable! As far as knowledge is concerned it could be said that knowledge provides us with some light in the darkness of our ignorance. However I don't think knowledge is god because our actual knowledge pales in comparison to our ignorance. Therefore I feel that my ignorance is my god because I can gain knowledge, wisdom, understanding etc but ultimately will never come close to knowing the true complexity of this universe we live in. Also, we are essentially our own gods because whether you're a theist or athiest, you just made that shit up in your head anyways, so we have the power to create our own realities and universes. It could also be that I've smoked way too much weed over the past few years.

Crensch ago

Well I'm not sure I identify as a theist but I wouldn't consider myself to be athiest either.

You know, there is no in-between on those. You either actively believe in a theistic god, or you do not.

It could also be that I've smoked way too much weed over the past few years.

Probably this.

The rest of your post seems way too much like something you'd say to your buddies as you passed one around. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to use the word "god" in any of the contexts you did. All that does is confuse the matter, and the point of communication is to transmit ideas from one mind to the next.

Bubbajack ago

There's plenty of gray area bud. I'm sorry you were confused. Good luck.

Crensch ago

No, there isn't. There's nothing in between the belief in unicorns, and the lack of belief in unicorns. There is no "I don't know", because if you don't know, then you don't believe in unicorns.

You've never heard of the null hypothesis?


Things like this have to be framed in a claim/accept/reject format, or there's absolutely no logical way to discuss them.

Claim: A god exists

Accept: Theist

Anything else: Atheist


"Do you believe that 82 women in Kentucky should be executed for cannibalizing 40 people?"

You either believe that they should be executed, or you do not. It can be for any reason whatsoever, even "I don't know", and you still do not WANT them executed.

Bubbajack ago

Yes but by 'a god' you're assuming some sort of physical form or entity rather than an abstract concept. The null hypothesis is just that- a hypothesis, obviously an individual can decide to subscribe to any number of theories or hypotheses in order to suit their own beliefs and opinions which you have obviously done. I may very well be wrong but the fallacy is yours in your assumptions.

Edit: you also have yet to provide any actual factual information as to whether or not there is 'a god'. Instead, you are your own god and decide to subscribe to the null hypothesis regarding unicorns and cannibals, which also proves absolutely nothing. So what makes your made up story better or worse than anyone else's?

Crensch ago

Yes but by 'a god' you're assuming some sort of physical form or entity rather than an abstract concept.

That's because it is the only useful definition for the word. If "a god" can mean my coffee mug, then we might as well just resort to grunts and shouts to communicate, because apparently words don't have useful meanings.

The null hypothesis is just that- a hypothesis, obviously an individual can decide to subscribe to any number of theories or hypotheses in order to suit their own beliefs and opinions which you have obviously done.

Wow... such a fundamental lack of understanding. This is the kind of thinking I was posting about in the OP. The null hypothesis is not some big single entity like the Theory of Gravity, it's the logical hypothesis when a claim is made, until there is sufficient reason to believe the claim provided.

I may very well be wrong but the fallacy is yours in your assumptions.

You... you don't even understand fallacies. The fallacy is thinking you can be "agnostic".

I'm making no fallacies whatsoever, and you'd know that if you knew anything about fallacies.

As for your definitional error, You can't just look into your alphabet soup and take a word that basically means an all powerful, invisible dude, and make it mean something so amorphous as "things I don't know". Not only is it useless, time-wasting, and completely dishonest, but it ruins any chance that someone will take you seriously.

Antiracist2 ago

If "a god" can mean my coffee mug, then we might as well just resort to grunts and shouts to communicate, because apparently words don't have useful meanings.


You know, there is no in-between on those. You either actively believe in a theistic god, or you do not.


Yeah, some people just don't know how to admit when they're wrong.


It's called the false-middle-ground fallacy. You're up to your eyeballs in it. There's nothing in between the belief in unicorns, and the lack of belief in unicorns. There is no "I don't know", because if you don't know, then you don't believe in unicorns.

You're a fucking idiot, Crensch.

Things like this have to be framed in a claim/accept/reject format, or there's absolutely no logical way to discuss them.

Claim: A god exists

Accept: Theist

Anything else: Atheist you stupid uneducated bitch.

If "a god" can mean my coffee mug, then we might as well just resort to grunts and shouts to communicate, because apparently words don't have useful meanings.

Ahahaha, Crensch is a total idiot utterly incapable of argument. See:

u mad cuz u stoopid and illiterate

Exhibit A that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Soundness

Exhibit B that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Cues

Exhibit C that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Philosophy

Exhibit D that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Deserves

Exhibit E that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Morality

Exhibit F that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Strawman

Exhibit G that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Dialetheism

Exhibit H that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Pragmatism

Exhibit I that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessarily

Exhibit J that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Absurd

Exhibit K that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessity

Exhibit L that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Claim

Exhibit M that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Knowledge

You... you don't even understand fallacies. The fallacy is thinking you can be "agnostic". I'm making no fallacies whatsoever, and you'd know that if you knew anything about fallacies.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Says the guy who fucks up ad hominem, strawman, appeal to authority, question-begging, burden of proof, and special pleading! Ahahahaha!

Part 3: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is womanly, natural theology doesn't exist, Oxford's theology department is a Harry Potter department, and "the unexamined life is not worth living" is an appeal to authority.

Part 4: Antiracist throws down the gauntlet and Crensch cowers. Crensch claims he's better at other things, so that means his atheism is sound! God is a penguin. Crensch fucks up identifying ad hominem and strawman.

Part 5: God is a unicorn. Arguments are not evidence. Occam was an atheist physicist. "physicists have figured out a mechanism for creation ex nihilo - occams razor." The prime mover contradicts physics. Crensch misunderstands burden of proof, then appeals to Laurence Krauss' authority.

Part 6: Philosophy has too many big words. Logic is not logic. Although I know much more about the topic than you, I don't know any of the vocabulary, and it's your fault for not explaining it to me simply enough! Referencing articles is an appeal to authority, and you should have invented all ideas independently!

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha


Bubbajack ago

A coffee mug can absolutely be your god, if you decide to assign it that value that's your choice. I think the disconnect here is happening because you're trying to assign academic theory to spirituality which is your mistake. The fact that you posted this at all is an indication of your spiritual weakness and conflict. Maybe one day you'll understand, maybe not. It's none of my concern. And if no one will take me seriously, at least I have you, who has validated everything I believe just by your reaching for spiritual answers and continuing to respond even though you apparently don't/can't take someone like me seriously. Like I said, it's is easier for someone in your position to ignore spirituality instead of taking a wider view on things you don't understand.

Crensch ago

A coffee mug can absolutely be your god, if you decide to assign it that value that's your choice.

And that makes the word "god" useless as a shortcut to a thought.

Completely useless, which completely undermines the purpose of words with definitions.

I think the disconnect here is happening because you're trying to assign academic theory to spirituality which is your mistake.

Spirituality is a bunch of crap that has either not been proved to work, or has been proved not to work. There's nothing special about people that are spiritual - they're not nicer, healthier, happier, or better off in any way than those that are not. There's nothing special about thinking in a spiritual way, as it's not actually useful for anything at all.

The fact that you posted this at all is an indication of your spiritual weakness and conflict.

And now I know how much of an idiot you really are.

Maybe one day you'll understand, maybe not. It's none of my concern. And if no one will take me seriously, at least I have you, who has validated everything I believe just by your reaching for spiritual answers and continuing to respond even though you apparently don't/can't take someone like me seriously.

I doubt there will come a day when your delusions become reality. I've not validated a single thing about your words that didn't have some grounding in reality.

As for taking you "seriously", every so often I'm fascinated by the depths of human stupidity. The fact that you think differently is entertaining.

Like I said, it's is easier for someone in your position to ignore spirituality instead of taking a wider view on things you don't understand.

Maybe if you hadn't smoked so much pot and picked up a fucking book once in a while, you'd know that accepting any hypothesis or idea as having possible merit is nothing but a massive waste of time, and exercise in futility.

But that's ok - go learn something from your spirit animal or something, I'm sure some massive load of wisdom will just drop in your lap because you believe in supernatural things.

Or, you know, you could learn something useful.

Bubbajack ago

Spirit animal? If I hadn't smoked so much pot? How much pot have I smoked? Since you seem to know better than me. What was the last book I read? You sure do believe in a lot of shit that you feed yourself. Also, I notice how matter of fact you're trying to be. Your responses are filled with a ton of absolute words 'never' 'all' 'any' 'every'. Either way, you seem to be doing well enough convincing yourself of your own opinions, your masturbation game is probably on point. I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to answer your cry for help. I'm gonna go read a book or 'learn something useful'. I didn't realize you knew me so well, it's almost as if you're making broad generalizations assumptions and judgments based on an internet conversation. Again, I'm sorry that you are spiritually infantile. It's probably not your fault. My spirit animal told me that people fear and attack what they cannot understand so I don't fault you. lol fkn spirit animal. This guy.

Crensch ago

Oh, as a lovely aside, I bet you're one of those people that thinks everyone's opinions and beliefs are just as valid as everyone else's, and that no one is smarter than anyone else. Am I right?

I bet I am.

That's the kind of shit losers tell themselves and their children to make everyone feel good about themselves.

Bubbajack ago

Oh, and as a lovely aside (lmfao) you sure do seem to doubt yourself a lot. All this doubt and betting doesn't seem very scientific.

Crensch ago

Impostor syndrome. Look it up.

Bubbajack ago

Nah bruh. You're not as smart as me by a long shot. Possibly more educated but not very smart at all. As far as what you teach your kids (which I doubt you have any because you can't get a sock pregnant ) I don't care. My kids are champions and will have a keen eye for your type of narrow minded and stubborn willful ignorance. Talkin bout 'I bet', where are you pulling this from cuz it smells way worse than ass.

Crensch ago

Nah bruh. You're not as smart as me by a long shot.

You don't even understand null hypothesis, or apparently, epistemology.

Possibly more educated but not very smart at all.

You don't really seem to understand what it means to be smart, either. Which, of course, comes back to that DK effect I mentioned before.

As far as what you teach your kids (which I doubt you have any because you can't get a sick pregnant ) I don't care.

A what pregnant?

And hold on for a second while I mock you for considering kids to be some kind of fucking accomplishment. Wait... wait..


Yes, if that's the best you can do, congratulations, you're cattle. Having kids is literally one drunk fuck away, and is probably the least useful thing someone can do with their lives given the current population.

Congratulations on failing so hard that I actually laughed for a few seconds.

Moo, bitch.

My kids are champions and will have a keen eye for your type of narrow minded and stubborn willful ignorance.

Says the "spiritual" moron and his own personal dictionary where the word "god" means whatever the fuck anyone wants it to mean, making it a useless utterance.

Talkin bout 'I bet', where are you pulling this from cuz it smells way worse than ass.

The fact that I'm probably more right than you're comfortable with is really, really entertaining. I can almost see it in how your responses seemed to have dropped proverbial grade levels in school, even from how inane they were previously.

Bubbajack ago


Edit: but are you sure though. And i also noticed I'm the only person who even offered you any type of response which would indicate that I'm wasting my time. However, it's been fun watching you throw around these words that mean so much to you.

Crensch ago

And i also noticed I'm the only person who even offered you any type of response which would indicate that I'm wasting my time.

Some people don't know how inept they are until they jump into the deep end. Some people know.

However, it's been fun watching you throw around these words that mean so much to you.

Hope you learn something useful someday. Maybe you can actually carry on a conversation about some kind of subject without having to redefine words, or retreat behind "spiritual".

Bubbajack ago

Or rather than needing to retreat I could hide behind a thin veil of intellectualism like you.

Crensch ago

Do you know what the difference between spiritualism and intellectualism is?

You can fact check one of them.

Bubbajack ago

I meant pseudo-intillectualism

Crensch ago

Backpedaling on a Freudian slip now?

Here's the thing, you can still fact check pseudo-intellectualism. (Go ahead, try it. Find something fallacious or non factual with the non-obvious extrapolations)

But an idiot like you wouldn't know that, and would instead focus on the completely irrelevant faux pas

Bubbajack ago

Literally everything you said was non factual. You have not provided one fact. Only bets and doubts along with your own interpretation of intillectual theories. Not one fact have you spoken.

Edit: not ONE fact

Crensch ago

Literally everything you said was non factual.

Really? Maybe you should pick up a logic 101 book, or a 'how to argue and support your point' book of some sort.

I'm right about that. I'm right about the definitions of words. I'm right about "agnostic" being a label for idiots that don't know what words mean or how they work.

I'm right about you having serious comprehension issues. I'm right about the bumbling-idiot-gish-gallop of spiritualistic/theistic morons.

You have not provided one fact.

And you seemed so qualified to determine what's fact and fiction... you know, since you're so 'spiritual'.

Only bets and doubts along with your own interpretation of intillectual theories.

Oh, does it hurt to have to argue against someone that actually knows what they're talking about? Does it make you feel like less of a man when someone can take your words and eviscerate you over the internet?

I've been told it does.

Not one fact have you spoken.


I can think of one I just mentioned one post ago:

You can fact check intellectualism/pseudo-intellectualism.

Guess what? You can't fact check spiritualism. It's a free pass to say whatever stupid shit your mind hallucinated.

Antiracist2 ago

Really? Maybe you should pick up a logic 101 book, or a 'how to argue and support your point' book of some sort.

Ahahahaha!! This thread is glorious!

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha @Bubbajack

I'm right about the definitions of words. I'm right about "agnostic" being a label for idiots that don't know what words mean or how they work.

@musa_acuminata @bilbo_swaggins

Oh, does it hurt to have to argue against someone that actually knows what they're talking about? Does it make you feel like less of a man when someone can take your words and eviscerate you over the internet?

Ahahahahahahaha!!!! I've been kicking your ass FLAWLESSLY for months. You're clearly an idiot who does not know basic logic, and who doesn't know any theology!

Maybe if you ... picked up a fucking book once in a while

Ahahahaha!! Crensch has refused to read ANYTHING I've provided him!

Also, No, I won't read about "arguing about gods". There's so little point or usefulness to it, I can't be bothered to waste that kind of time. ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Yeah! Says the guy who runs v/theisthate. Why learn anything about that which you hate, when it's so much easier to hate what you don't understand?!

Impostor syndrome. Look it up. You don't even understand null hypothesis, or apparently, epistemology. You don't really seem to understand what it means to be smart, either. Which, of course, comes back to that DK effect I mentioned before. The fact that I'm probably more right than you're comfortable with is really, really entertaining. I can almost see it in how your responses seemed to have dropped proverbial grade levels in school, even from how inane they were previously.

DK EFFECT OVER LEVEL 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bubbajack ago

Lol 'eviscerate over the internet' You're over reaching your intelligence bro

Crensch ago

I don't give myself enough credit, actually. Or are you also too fucking lazy to google impostor syndrome. That was a while ago - one would hope you'd have learned something by now.

Bubbajack ago

Yeah I'm not seeing any sources or links to sources regarding your so called understanding of these theories you're using to support yourself. I'm not convinced in the least about your knowledge of the things you speak of. You obviously don't understand what you're saying well enough to explain if to another reasonable adult. You're just using psychological and intellectual key words without proving your own understanding. Hey I was thinking though, it would make sense if my spirit animal was a pussy because that would explain why you don't get it lol

Edit: bitches ain't shit but hoes n tricks Congrats on your 101 course bud

Crensch ago

Yeah I'm not seeing any sources or links to sources regarding your so called understanding of these theories you're using to support yourself.

Oh, I just figured that you'd actually google the things you were incapable of understanding, like a smart person would.

Here: (notably, NOT like the Theory of Gravity, moron)

I even gave you good examples of that one. You were just too stupid to comprehend.

It's a fucking tautology that if you make "god" mean whatever you want it to mean, that the word no longer means anything in particular and is rendered completely fucking useless.

It's A = A

It's Water = H2O

There's literally no baser axiomatic way of explaining it.

I invited you to support "spirituality" as anything beyond nonsense, and you could not do it. I rejected your implied assertion of its existence the way you'd reject an assertion that a magic, invisible, intangible baseball is sliding in and out of your ass right now.

Since neither you, nor anyone else has proven anything supernatural or "spiritual" is in any way, first off, definable, secondly, measurable, then it's a fact that spirituality is, and I quote:

Spirituality is a bunch of crap that has either not been proved to work, or has been proved not to work.

But do you know what isn't a fact?

Shit like this:

Maybe one day you'll understand, maybe not. It's none of my concern. And if no one will take me seriously, at least I have you, who has validated everything I believe just by your reaching for spiritual answers and continuing to respond even though you apparently don't/can't take someone like me seriously.

Where you're so delusional that you think my responding to you validates what you believe.

You don't even deserve contempt at this point.

Bubbajack ago

So 'spirituality is a bunch of crap' is a fact?

Crensch ago

Being deliberately obtuse and strawmanning my words is pretty dishonest, if you ask me.

Antiracist2 ago

it's a fact that spirituality is, and I quote:

Spirituality is a bunch of crap that has either not been proved to work, or has been proved not to work.

So 'spirituality is a bunch of crap' is a fact?

Being deliberately obtuse and strawmanning my words is pretty dishonest, if you ask me.

Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! This thread is hilarious. @eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha @Bubbajack @musa_acuminata @bilbo_swaggins

Bubbajack ago

I don't even deserve all the attention you have given me

Crensch ago

Given your responses here, I doubt you're even qualified to comment on what you deserve.

Bubbajack ago

Do you want me to give you the last word babe? If it means that much to you I will.

Crensch ago

This is a wonderful example of what theists/spiritualists do when they realize they're out of their league. Try and be all patronizing, "champ" "sport" "tiger" "babe" etc., while making it seem like they don't care.

It's really, really predictable.

Bubbajack ago


Crensch ago

That regret is a powerful thing. Nothing you could have done about it. You were just born with your genetics designed to be better than me at something besides thinking.

Bubbajack ago

Yeah. Probably most things, including thinking. You're a pretty good linguistic gymnast but that about it. You probably won't get the reference but okay.

Crensch ago

Yeah. Probably most things, including thinking.

You're more pathetic than I thought if you honestly think that.

You're a pretty good linguistic gymnast but that about it.

You're not. You have to hide your stupidity behind your thought-terminating lifestyle of smoking weed and breeding like cattle.

It's like discussing something with the guys from Dude, Where's My Car?.

You probably won't get the reference but okay.

Oh, I'm sure if I based my pot-smoking life around SMB's The Joker, I'd get it, right? Right?


You're so out of your league, it's stupid.

Bubbajack ago

Wtf is smb's the joker

Crensch ago

Spirit animal? If I hadn't smoked so much pot? How much pot have I smoked?

Enough to think that you're coming up with valid points, apparently.

Since you seem to know better than me. What was the last book I read?

Nothing that afforded you the kind of knowledge needed to have a discussion on the internet on the subjects being discussed here.

You sure do believe in a lot of shit that you feed yourself. Also, I notice how matter of fact you're trying to be. Your responses are filled with a ton of absolute words 'never' 'all' 'any' 'every'.

I'm usually not wrong about things when I use those words. Did I misspeak? I kinda doubt it.

Either way, you seem to be doing well enough convincing yourself of your own opinions, your masturbation game is probably on point.

Because that would make someone wrong, in your eyes. Let me guess, some kind of ad hominem fallacy is going to come up next?

I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to answer your cry for help.


I'm gonna go read a book or 'learn something useful'.

Yeah, watch out for crap like C.S. Lewis and Joel Osteen. That's not actually useful stuff. Try Lawrence Krauss or Dawkins.

I didn't realize you knew me so well, it's almost as if you're making broad generalizations assumptions and judgments based on an internet conversation.

I'm so very rarely wrong. Are you saying I'm wrong here? You have a great way of putting a lot of words together without actually having content or a point.

Again, I'm sorry that you are spiritually infantile.

"Spiritually" hahahahaha... go talk to your psychic about it. Ask your astrologer whether the cock or the dog is in alignment with your stars. Maybe speak to some spirits about how this makes you feel.

If you didn't already get it, all forms of the word "spritual" are meaningless, just like how you want to make the word "god".

It's probably not your fault. My spirit animal told me that people fear and attack what they cannot understand so I don't fault you.

Your spirit animal is a pussy. That's the kind of thing that bullied kids get told by their parents, when they could stop the bullying by not being such inept clowns.

lol fkn spirit animal. This guy.

I'm not the one trying to redefine words, and talking about spirituality. That's ok though, you can think that mic drop was some amazing work of art if it helps you feel better about yourself.

The fact is, you're more than a little stupid, and insanely unqualified to talk about any subject you've chosen to weigh in on. That Dunning Kruger effect just makes you feel like a million bucks, doesn't it?