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Questionable_1 ago

Where the fuck are you migrating to?

Tallest_Skil ago

I’ve been posting this, just getting the word out to anyone who reads it about all the potential alternatives where everyone ELSE is saying they’re going:

Nothing nailed down yet. There are some options we’ll all float around on. There are also Voat bunker communities on Element, Aether, and Keybase (really they’ll be used to do light comms and tell other former goats where to go when the listed sites start banning us). I think we may not settle down until there’s a genuine Voat clone. NotABug is close, but…

But in all honesty, I’ll probably just kill myself. And it’s not over Voat. Voat’s just a microcosm of the overarching problem. What’s even worse is that we’re not all just planning to take down power lines in retaliation for this. We’re just accepting it. Running away. Hiding. Lying to ourselves that it’s going to be okay; that we can totally just pick up the pieces somewhere else and it’ll be “just the same” even though our homeland has been razed to the fucking ground. Like what whites have done for 15,000 years.

I’m too tired of being right every goddamn second. I see no future from here. Not for my species, not for my culture, and therefore not for me.

Anyway, you can find me here as a throwaway: [email protected]

Conspirologist ago

Hi. I migrated to Poal a couple days ago with some other based users from Voat. I suggest you to join us on Poal so we can all decide what to do while we are on Poal. The place is very cool and welcoming. It also has great security systems against kike shills. I don't want to lose you, since you are a very valuable member of Voat.

Tallest_Skil ago

Don’t change your username

Tell Poal’s owners to fix their password recovery, then. I can’t get into my account (made it years ago; apparently they had a problem between then and now, and my saved password–which I never lost or changed–doesn’t work).

Cheers, man.

Conspirologist ago

You can write TallestSkil without the dash. Just to interact until the recovery is fixed.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, I have that one, too. Password’s also broken. I’ll figure something out.