thebearfromstartrack ago

What if he isindicted before the election? Does SHE get the nod?

CalAnon805 ago

She has her own dirt.

Warnos44 ago

I thought she wasn't eligible for office.

i_scream_trucks ago

im pretty sure dual nationals arent eligible for office in the us government either but, you know, there you are.

suave200 ago

she's not but no one of significance seems to give a shit.

CalAnon805 ago

This part is totally crazy to me. Seriously. Etc is she even doing here?

Warnos44 ago

It's why I continue to say every bit of it is a show. Even the parts many don't want to believe. Because if she's not eligible then why waste time debating?

Awokcanuck ago

Imagine the mess if the phone and text messages between kameltoe and jusse Smollett mysteriously surfaced next. I was always sure they must have had them, could be they were just saving them for maximum pain.

i_scream_trucks ago

so it turns out that if it happened, nsa has a record of it.