tanukihat ago

Haha yeah, guilty. I got a text from a Biden campaigner offering to "help" me vote by mail. I told her that voting by mail was a scam to steal the election for pedophile Joe Biden. She quickly responded saying she's removing me from the phone list. Keep it up, patriots!

poly ago

when they say that, say no, no. no... I'm still a democrat, and i plan on remaining a democrat, but my morals are not negotiable and joe biden is a pedophile and i can't support that. but keep my contact info for next election.

G45Colt_II ago

Good to see these people get exposed. Most people have no clue about what's going on around them. Partly because they are too busy with work and their lives to spend time investigating things, and because of the corrupt MSM. But it's starting to show up everywhere - hence FB and Giggle's efforts to block the truth.

tjliberty69 ago

Well forgive them. The Truth is rarely seen by them.

LakotaPride ago

Great dig and thread , Brother, people are waking up. appears a Red Tsunami has arrived.

ButtersThatsMe ago

Well if the shoe fits.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Respond with: In the future I will KILL anyone who VOTED for Biden.

tanukihat ago

I don't know why you're getting downvoated, that's quite literally their own message to us.

thebearfromstartrack ago

everyone's against me.

thebearfromstartrack ago


Seer1965 ago

Jerry Harris, a gay black star of Netflix docuseries "Cheer," was arrested for getting porn from two 14 year-old boys. The parents of the boys found the images on their phones along with Snapchat conversations with Harris, who was soliciting them for naked pics. Recently the Biden campaign had reached out to Harris as a Hollywood campaign surrogate. Harris apparently embodies all the values Joe Biden esteems so highly, ready as he is to "engage" his youngest fans directly. Harris had also sought an in-person meeting with one of the boys for oral sex.


Seer1965 ago

Interesting dig here as well https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/4034977

Seer1965 ago

Here is an huge example of people becoming aware and winning efforts!!