patriot2008 ago

All three men were criminals with a rap sheet. Young Rittenhouse was the only one without a rap sheet.

Are the democrats releasing people from jail to fill these rioters with people?

eupher11 ago

Yes. Why yes they are.

quantum1234 ago

new recruits!

Christosgnosis ago

so in carrying a gun as a convicted felon he probably was illegally carrying a gun

jesojr ago

there is obviously a government connection here, chop the head off

VotingGodWins ago

in the video i saw, the guy he shot in the gut/chest was trying to hit Kyle over the head with his skate board. Kyle was protecting himself. he should have never been arrested and charged.

watch the riots go again and even heavier when Kyle is let off. as he should be and damn well better be.

and yes the one he shot in the arm was carrying a pistol.

quantum1234 ago

the irony, an Antifa member was calling for police after her friend was shot..

VotingGodWins ago

yep, they do this constantly when one of their own are injured. hear them on videos all the time saying "call 911" the very people they are trying to defund.

shows their ignorance.

Adopted-Patriot ago

I understood he shot the guy chasing him with a Molotov cocktail, (killed), then after being attacked by the mob, he fired out in self defense and killed one more and wounded one other, who had a gun.

quantum1234 ago

that's what I read also

patriot2008 ago

"Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the Milwaukee-based social justice reform group the People’s Revolution Movement, a spokeswoman for the group said Wednesday."

So these are gun carrying domestic terrorists from another state.

quantum1234 ago

Its time they are classified as "Communists"....its still illegal in the US!

Where is our Justice Department...."The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining …

Note .....Communist-action" organizations

patriot2008 ago

A law is meaningless if no one enforces it. So is our Constitution if no one enforces it.

quantum1234 ago

I am hoping that our laws will be enforced...if not on the state level.than .on a federal level...

patriot2008 ago

Me too. Hopefully after all these riots in demoncrat cities and states there will be a strong push for law and order. We have just the guy for them too running for President.

jojojubi ago

He showed mercy by only "disarming" the last guy.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Who cares? Some dumb Antifa fucks got murked.

There will only be more.

LakotaPride ago

Brother the Fake News MSM will never report the Democrats BLM puppet was a convicted Felon.

Alderwolf ago

There was a shooting just prior to this the kid was involved in. I would like more information on that. Was that in self defense as well? Very important!!

VAT ago

of course all 4 were self defense :

before head shot, antifa with head shot threw brick chunks at the 17 year old Kyle Rittonhouse, and then antifa threw this lit molatov-like burning weapon then kept chasing:

Poor man's MOLOTOV! shown

Antifa dying thug first recently threw large bricks at armed guard Patriot Kyle Rittonhouse!

a third angle of first scene : showing ARMED antifa mob surrounding white rifleman Kyle Rittonhouse on all sides :

Alderwolf ago

That's the information I was looking for thanks!!

While in my opinion this looks very much like it was self defense (why the fuck were the idiots chasing a guy with a gun and throwing things at him), what the hell was the kid doing running though there in the first place? Looks like that will be the deciding factor.

Either way, I have no sympathy for the people shot and killed. As far as I'm concerned, they deserved it.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

How did he get separated from his group?

Blacksmith21 ago

Can we get Rittenhouse to speak at night 4 of the RNCC?

omnimattymattymatt ago

He has a shot.

poni221 ago

I will be the one to say it Matt, ... hilarious!


quantum1234 ago

the left's heads would explode!

patriot2008 ago

That's why you do it. The left would be talking about it for weeks and forget Biden is running. Perfect strategy!

GritD2 ago

It would totally disarm them!

Pointyball ago

He was attacked with a Molotov cocktail by the first giy. The mob then went after him and he shot 3 more attackers. The arm shot commie had a handgun. Rittenhouse was protecting his neighborhood. His neighbors should have shot more of them. The only way to stop this is to shoot the commie insurgents.

DamnLiquor ago

Keep seeing that the arm-shot commie is an Israeli dual citizen.

Keep hearing that Rittenhouse came from another state as part of a militia?

VAT ago

his home is 15 miles from the shooting location.

you can call Antioch, Illinois another state, but its still 15 miles.

and he did come with a large militia group

An online militia posse site organized the patriots, and "Mr.Obvious Show" on BitChute predicted this shooting outcome. PREDICTED!:

Onetime1 ago

Rittenhouse lives in Antioch, Illinois, a 30 minute car ride from Kenosha.

Blacksmith21 ago

Any sauce?

WorldClown ago

Even if the kid with the gun was not a felon, having a concealed weapon requires a special permit in most places. Open carry is legal, but potentially not even normal sidearms openly carried either.

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Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

That's a dumb take. He's a rioter.

Pointyball ago

He was protecting his neighborhood and was attacked. Big difference.

Drkadrka ago

He was protecting his workplace. He lived across the state border, 30 min away, but worked in the city. He is even recorded talking to the police and points to the building behind the cops and says he works there.

Pointyball ago

MSM even today with video available never mentioned that the first commie attacked him with a molotov cocktail. After, he was attack by 3 more commies, one of which had a handgun. He defended his life.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

He drove in from out of state. Probably on Soros money. Dude was looking for a fight and found one.

Drkadrka ago

Dude lived 30min away and worked in the town.

Blacksmith21 ago

Daily Caller journo also interviewed him before SHTF. Rittenhouse had a medic bag and said he was there to help the injured. The rifle was for his protection.

quantum1234 ago

He was Not a rioter....he was a police supporter who was attacked by BLM!