WillowMinxy ago

As you know 2 people ended up dead in Kenosha and no violence spread to the farmlands. Rural businesses and schools and neighborhoods were patrolled by citizens just in case but no bad happened.

The young man who did the shooting is a 17 year old patriot from Illinois. Local news is saying he was attacked first (on video) then shot to protect himself. He was there to protect property. Illinois is just a few miles away so it could be his business or a family business the border can be blurry like that.
This part could be considered rumors...apparently after the shooting and running away from the area the young shooter turned himself into the police. They told him to go home. That’s from my son who knows some of the people who were “guarding” Property. I can’t confirm or deny it. It is what a patriot would probably do.

Thanks for your prayers. Let’s hope the governor gives Kenosha their 1500 national guard troops the locals have asked for.

Perhaps pushing the protest away from the courthouse causing groups to move through the city wasn’t the best idea. IDK. If they had surrounded them with enough troops and sent them in one direction but could’ve would’ve should’ve.

Thanks to those who prayed. ♥️

WillGreeley ago

Oh, Good Report!! God Bless you and America!

letsgoallthewhey ago

So cops defend the courthouse but business owners and the citizenry are left to defend themselves. Nice.

WillowMinxy ago

Those cops can’t be everywhere and a well armed militia has always been part of the deal.


If youre locked in your House you are a cuck

MercurysBall2 ago


Police in Kenosha requested 750 additional support units to keep the peace. The governor of Wisconsin rejected the request and sent 250. When the federal government offered to send in 500, the governor rejected it again.

Tonight, people are dead in Kenosha as the city burns.

suave200 ago

Sounds like its time to arrest the governor for aiding the riots as well as obstructing justice by not allowing adequate police to preserve the peace.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Kind of wish this were happening on the other side of the state, where I live. Laid off, denied benefits for a bullshit reason, both my and my girlfriend's cars broken into (ALL of our fishing gear stolen), and now I'm being fucked with by the financial aid department at the local tech after deciding to finally follow my dream of being a police officer. All in two months. I'm ready to test my trigger finger on more than just paper.

xXTRVXx ago

If you kill never tell anyone.

Irish_Amnesia ago

Shots fired. Multiple people hit it looks like.



What does RAS stand for?

CheeBooga ago

all nogs, beaners and jews are terrorists.

TheFritoBandito ago

Latest from the Broadcastify feed:

US > Wisconsin > Kenosha (County) [Milwaukee]





WillowMinxy ago

Thank you. Watching the you tube channel and listening to the scanner is interesting.

Arrvee ago

While you're out there get some info to the cops and the community because they're not getting it from the feds and the media.

  • Map of the Deep State - it's all a giant front for Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and Russia helping out its strategic partner Iran.

The short version is "it's the British". The British have been acting as a middleman for other foreign intelligence services, laundering their money and passing their off assets as NATO allies in exchange for kickbacks. The British will also infiltrate American institutions and sell off board seats to the highest bidder, and they call that "diversity and inclusion".

Global Philanthropy Project / Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is another of the Deep State's main hubs.

That is the group that enforced Transgender on everyone. It's called the Yogyakarta Principles and they were made up in 2006. It's all a front for the PLO, a banned foreign terrorist organization.

Demos is another major hub. The Rockefellers handed over control of their entire organization to <a href="https://keywiki.org/Standing_Together_to_Organize_a_Revolutionary_Movement">a communist group</a> and Elizabeth Warren's daughter.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#128950) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Arrvee: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

ChimpEvader ago

Communists aren't people. Jesus approves automatic fire.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Destroy them. Wrist rockets and pellet guns work wonders.

AleiMira ago

I'll pray for you :)

CryptoBard ago

Did you hear that? A truck dropped off bricks and the locals are getting rid of them.

WillowMinxy ago

I’m hearing all kinds of amazing police work. I did not expect this. I thought they were idiots.

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

My good man dropping the links. I shoulda thought of that First, listening in.

You got any good channels for Milwaukee. BC sucks for Milwaukee.

WillowMinxy ago

Scene in my house. Wes Daily channel you tube on TV. Scanner on IPad and phone. Two other phones monitoring other feeds And Twitter.

It’s like 911 all over again.

Irish_Amnesia ago

Is the EMERGENCY ALERT TEST about civil unrest, 8 days prior to this shithead getting shot, suspicious to anyone else?

Did anyone say that yet?

WillowMinxy ago

I hinted that’s what I was thinking

Irish_Amnesia ago

Fucking strange right?

WillowMinxy ago

YES and I was so glad I took a screen shot and that I wrote to the sheriff about it!

Irish_Amnesia ago

Good thing you did!

Stay safe, stay sharp, don't forget to breath.

Prayers for you, family, friends and Kenosha.

WillowMinxy ago

Glad I didn’t call and blast them for not sending one.

AR47 ago

I said fuck it and got a hotel in Milwaukee. Have to go there Thursday and will post some content in /niggers

WillowMinxy ago

Watch on you tube Wes Daily channel 2 cameras at the court house.

whohat ago

Live feeds for Kenosha if you dont have https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/ctid/3081

Prayers for all of you there

Lyonessrising ago

Time to stand.

Awakenednotbroke ago

Prayers up for you, your neighbors and friends, WillowMinsky! God Bless and Protect You and those other Patriots from the evil leftist scum.

TheInfoManCT ago

Rooftop Snipers??? Shades of Ukraine's Maidan revolution which was the false flag.


dirt_reynolds ago

Keep your powder dry.

tury ago

Kill anyone who threatens your life.

QCrumbCatcher ago


Optional-Reading ago

Snipers FTW

DaveofPC ago

God please protect this Patriot and his family and neighbors.

WillowMinxy ago

I’m a mom of adult kids but God knows that. Thank you and Amen.

thebearfromstartrack ago


See those TERRIBLE ACTORS (niggers) on TV PRETENDING they loved that nigger piece of shit (paralyzed). PRETENDING he was an upstanding citizen.

ALWAYS the nigger in question is NOT following the cops ORDERS WITH IMPUNITY. For ALL the cops knew, he was going into his SUV (where his KIDS were! putting THEM at risk) to GET A GUN for himself, IGNORING the cops ORDERS.

Then niggers WONDER, WHY he got SHOT!

You can TELL they were ALL (dressed to the nines) SLAVERING over their new celebrity status and THREATENING (as if it's a DONE DEAL) their MILLIONS (lawsuit proceeds).


Locked_Account ago



Prayed for you and WI, anon.

LiamOdinThomas ago

Prayers are with you PATRIOT! Godspeed in getting through this safely.

WillowMinxy ago

Now allow me to add a weird fact to the situation. Last week before the shooting and protests began there was an alert sent to our phones warning of civil unrest. It was a test and they sent 2 because so many called and said the small print that said test was wrong. So they sent one with all caps. I saved screen shots. Well since the BS started NOT A SINGLE WARNING HAS BEEN SENT!

Very strange! Now it’s time to vote out Sheriff Beth.

AnonymousLex ago

Not a single emergency broadcast on 9/11

WillowMinxy ago

No there wasn’t but we had every tv and radio on gathering information. People showed up at my home to talk about it. I had been vocal since Waco to my family about the evil government!

Blacksmith21 ago


WillowMinxy ago

Under the Patriot who asked first and here too. I’m not bullshitting.


AR47 ago

Here is the thing with that screenshot. It isnt complete and has no reference.

Notice how mine had the map in it, the time, and all the info? It's hard to disprove or deny.

You going to post a screenshot be certain to check as many boxes as you can and post it as fast as you can to recorded time so people have to accept it.

You could have typed that out and your movement is losing credibility really fast. You can say it isnt, but let's be serious....it is.

WillowMinxy ago

Also that was the 15 of Aug so there was no shooting yet. That’s the point of the strangeness. Thanks for keeping us on out toes.

Paladin_Diver ago

Are you suggesting that the shooting was pre-planned? I can't buy that from the footage I've seen, although I don't chastise anyone for being suspicious of anything in 2020.

WillowMinxy ago

Idk, sometimes it feels like a movie and sometimes it’s all random.

Paladin_Diver ago

There were similar discussions after the Floyd death. The number of people who would have had to be complicit and willing to have their lives completely disrupted is too great for complicity. You'd also never be able to keep it quiet. And that's leaving out the difficulty of scripting anything during a violent situation (ask anyone with real experience with violence.......way too many things can go wrong in a kinetic situation to try to choreograph).

That said, they don't need to orchestrate an incident. People commit violent crimes every day and some get caught on video. They've got their trained insurrectionists and their sheep all ready to perform their roles. They just need to wait for the right video, send the message out to the MSM, and voila......you've got yourself a new race riot.

WillowMinxy ago

Good observation.

WillowMinxy ago

Your right but it’s real. I didn’t plan to need it just to complain to the sheriff. He knows it’s real.

Blacksmith21 ago

Well done. No one thought you were bullshitting. We just like to see sauce.

HappyGoLuckyGoy ago

Post images of those screenshots

WillowMinxy ago


I posted them backward the second first but when you read them you’ll see how they clarified the situation.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

They should seize the buses bringing them in.

Paladin_Diver ago

I'd have thought that would be the very first thing police should do in these situations. It's not like the Antifa/BLM playbook is a secret.

SocksOnCats ago

Seize? Just pop all the tires.

AttackHelicopter ago

And slot all the floppies.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Tire repairs can be easily paid for, but replacing whole buses will give a bus company pause.

apple-bag ago

loss of the busses will hit them in the pocket books, im sure the insurance wont cover them as they are facilitating riots

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Yes, and they will hesitate before accepting this work again.

ScreaminMime ago

and out.

kojre3 ago

Government is the cause whether dems or republ.

WillowMinxy ago

I’m a bit proud of these neighbors organizing. It’s hard to get into Kenosha City right now but not as hard to head west into the farmland. That is the concern plus the scanner is saying bus loads and caravans from out of town. Ug!

WillowMinxy ago

250 of them double yesterday’s presence.

WillowMinxy ago

Update, there’s a Facebook group I’m getting screen shots from it’s called Armed Citizens to Protect our Lives and Property That where you can see the resistance taking shape. We are all calm now listening to scanner and praying. 40 patriots are patrolling in 8 quadrants of our small town 2000 people.

noob_tube ago

Hmmm let me guess your facebook group is going to "back the blue"? Its going to be over before it starts.

WillowMinxy ago

Not my group just got some screen shots

jackfraser ago

Watch out, Facebook could ban you. Get a Signal group going as a backup while you still have the platform.

WillowMinxy ago

I don’t do FB others are sending me screen shots.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's all Kenosha has? I thought it had 100,000 people?

WillowMinxy ago

Not in Kenosha in the farmland

Blacksmith21 ago

Ah ok. Thanks. Make sure the flashlights have fresh batteries ; )

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

They need more people to kneel?

con77 ago

isnt there a large somali presence there?

Devils_Advocate ago

Jews will be busing nigs and lefties in from all around.

WillowMinxy ago


GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

Dude fuck these midwest sand niggers.

kishind ago

Albanians are very fine people.

Shame about their mind parasite.

con77 ago

theyre bastards in Detroit

Blacksmith21 ago

And everywhere else. My bullshit detector is starting to ping.

Paladin_Diver ago

I have NEVER heard of Albanians described as anything other than scum-of-the-earth. At the risk of offending anyone, there's a lot of gypsy culture going back generations there, and that comes with an absolute disrespect for the rule of law and other people's property. Belushis might be the rare exception.

Blacksmith21 ago


Paladin_Diver ago

PJ O'Rourke, in his book Eat The Rich, had a chapter on Albania, which he describes as "bad capitalism". It's an outstanding book by one of my favorite authors and I highly recommend. It should be required reading in schools, and it his satirical with would make it entertaining for students, unlike the awful drivel being shoveled at kids these days (my red-pilled nephew shares the worst of his teachers and now professors with me).

Blacksmith21 ago

Bad capitalism only as of recent. They were hardcore communists for decades. I used to listen to Radio Tirana as a kid and all of the propaganda emanating from their tower. Albania was/is basically a country full or Borats.

Paladin_Diver ago

That's exactly my observation. The Borat reference is spot on.

If I can't find some exerpts online, I'm going to manually transcribe some of O'Rourke's lines from the book. It's so good that I still remember it and I first read the book when I was 18 or so.

Blacksmith21 ago

You can lump in Romania, Bulgaria and anything ending in 'stan as well.

Paladin_Diver ago

I'd imagine so. Without referencing a map, it seems that the region we're discussing once had a very strong Khazarian influence, no?

Blacksmith21 ago

I think the Khazars were more in the area of Turkey and into the Balkans. Close, but who knows? They were nomadic, so they could have spread anywhere.

Paladin_Diver ago

It has been my understanding that with the destruction of the Khazarian Empire, many of their people emigrated to Eastern Europe and the Balkans. I've surmised that their lack of morality followed with them and that has had a historical influence on these cultures that we are discussing.

I'm using rather vague terms intentionally, as I have not studied this subject in enough depth to be more specific.

Now I've got to go look at old maps to see if I'm full of @#$T^.

Blacksmith21 ago

Report back please. Godspeed.

Awake2Truth ago

I'm standing and praying with you. My family goes to the monastery in Kenosha and are very concerned about the city. Thank you for your update. Please continue to post as things evolve.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Will send prayers. Have you heard if everyone got out of that apartment building they burned down there last night? I'm not finding any updates.

WillowMinxy ago

No deaths reported so I assume they are safe.

LakotaPride ago

Thank you Patriot, WRWY , WWG1WGA. prayers of support.

DamnLiquor ago

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

chirogonemd ago

Isn't it funny that when the powers get the sense that whites might start defending themselves, that's when it becomes "civil unrest". Only then does it become something they have to issue a warning over. Before that, when niggers were burning buildings and destroying private property, it was peaceful.

watitdew ago

Perhaps they would prefer the property damage and relatively sporadic and individual violence to a full on massacre.

chirogonemd ago

Perhaps your comment isn't very thoughtful. Are the text-based warning systems only meant to signal the threat of a massacre? What was issued was a civil unrest warning. Wouldn't mobs of people looting and burning constitute civil unrest? The retaliation should not be the threshold for this type of warning. If the authorities were worried about people's safety, they would have issued the warning when the people became unsafe.

Which is exactly the other point you are missing. The retaliating force would be making most people safer, if they kill the mob. So precisely who would the warning be for, on your account where it is meant to stop a massacre? The people? The people would benefit from a massacre. So who did the warning get issued for? The powers that be? That wouldn't make sense.

Paladin_Diver ago

I agree with your general point, but it doesn't seem that your use of the term "retaliating" is appropriate. If the armed citizens were going into the looters' neighborhood and burning and stealing their sh*t, that would be "retaliation". That sounds like vigilanteism, which is rightly illegal and that's what the MSM will try to paint them as.

Looks to me like they are instead protecting property, which is very much legal and admirable.

chirogonemd ago

I agree, if putting a line in the sand and defending property is all that it is. That is all we saw in the video that was circulating, at least tentatively. But there was that sort of ominous warning issued to the minorities to leave the area that we saw a few hours before.

I agree with your point about the terminology. It all hinges on whether people set out to directly counter the presence of the mob and drive them out of their community, or whether they are defending property.

So far, I haven't seen a direct attack on the groups so retaliation doesn't seem quite right.

Although I think it becomes sticky when we get into the notion of legality and whether something qualifies as vigilantism. There are a lot of variables and a great deal of head room for interpretation on what is necessary and legal in this situation. Unfortunately, our Constitution isn't the end-all-be-all in the analysis of these situations. We wouldn't have nearly the trouble we do if it was.

Paladin_Diver ago

In my previous post, I mixed legality with my bigger point about the spin on these actions.

Your response made a reasonable legal case, and I'll accept that as mostly valid as I don't want to get into the legal minutae.

My point about not calling this "vigilantism" is 100% political. We know the MSM will call it that, and somehow insert the inference that everyone who doesn't want their neighborhoods looted is an "extreme right wing racist". They are already doing this.

What these people are doing is protecting their property and communities. As you point out, the authorities are failing to do so, and in some cases encouraging the destruction.

A vigilante is seeking some sort of retribution. That is not ok. These defenders are creating a deterrent to unlawful behavior. That is more than ok to me.

When I've seen someone, or a group of someones, vandalize a dozen cars, when they approach my car, I'm well within my rights to prevent their likely actions. If a dozen of my neighbors support me in doing so, they are also within their rights. If this becomes violent, we go back to who initiated the violence, and good luck using a 1619 argument in court.


chirogonemd ago

I completely agree with this.

prairie ago

Shit, I never thought I'd actually understand that classic in a direct way as now.

noob_tube ago

Are you ready to kill police? You know what they're going to do to you for defending yourself from the nigger horde?

Clubbooradley ago

What’s the range of a 50 caliber rifle...?

HaroldTheGhoul ago

1 mile = 1609.34 meters, for those who wont look it up.

Fried-Laptop ago


DaveofPC ago

Over a mile.

blit416 ago

champion shooter got 2000 metres.

DaveofPC ago

Is 2000 meters over a mile?

WillowMinxy ago

It’s so crazy to be sending texts about ammo and guns with neighbors.

DanaNordic ago

Be aware there are professional mercenaries mixed in with dumbass kids.

Blacksmith21 ago

It looks like the dumbass kid won.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Mossad? CIA?

suave200 ago

China, Russia, Iran

DanaNordic ago

NWO funded: traitors within the USA, Soros, Obama, Brennan, etc and foreign actors within the UK, EU, Iran, China, etc.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think they need some bugaloo killed for optics and the narrative. Sounds like a good place to let that happen. Too important to leave to the ANTIFA. They turn operators when and however they can. Those are their pros. And cops.