numina18 ago

Arrest him. It is probably his favorite activity.

godsstudent ago

This shit will be the downfall of America...Sodom and Gomorrah! Their agenda has always been about the children!

ButtersThatsMe ago

Anthony brother maybe.

yodaballs ago

This is the same kike piece of shit that decriminalized faggots with HIV from having to disclose their condition for blood donations.

Don_Tomaso ago

Why is that jew whore still alive??

Jellybumps ago



2funny ago

Unless we take a stand on truth and call this what it is we will lose this battle. We must NEVER capitulate to those who promote, or engage in, sexual immorality. It destroys people and it destroys countries. Sodom and Gamorah are an example to us all.

HomegrownHoney ago

That's what happens when you take God out of schools, so called churches and basically you life. Morals/Values are no longer taught. Instead it's do what thou wilt.

Well I say God HELP US to bring back the values OUR Country was founded on!!!

DaveofPC ago

One place for that queer under my boot.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, the guardians of the pedophiles are now coming out. and thus supports what we pointed out, a big push to make pedophilia normal, despite ignoring the damage it has done to its past victim.

the_old_ones ago

kill him.

OogaBooga696969 ago

This guy is lying. If a 24 year old man has anal sex with a 15 year old girl, they get put on the list. If you don't want to be on the list, don't fuck underage people in any way. If they raise the AoC to 20, still don't fuck underage people. Simple concept for avoiding the registry. Move to another state if you have a problem with your state's AoC laws. Don't play victim while in full control of your actions. Faggots.

irelandLost ago

Something quite similar happened in Ireland very recently (like a few weeks ago). Our new Minister for Children is a faggot and pictures emerged of him with British paedo apologist Peter Thatchell. Thatchell has spoken publicly about how an adult having sex with a 9 year old can be “joyous” for the raped child. A few people were subsequently a little uncomfortable with O’Gorman being appointed children’s minister and they aired their concerns publicly and there were protests at An Dail (parliament). Everyone, be it media, other politicians, lock step twitter profiles, dismissed all criticism of both O’Gorman and Thatchell as “homophobic.” These things seem to occur in tandem across multiple western countries simultaneously far too often to be coincidental. (e.g. the entire civilised world didn’t decide faggots should be able to get married at almost the exact same time due to some social awakening)

SuckaFree ago

This falls in line with their belief that gays and lesbos are born that way, and we all should just accept it. They believe pedos are the same, born with it and we should all just accept it.

Just another reason why I know the End Times are here.

uab ago

Wiener was born to a Jewish family[4] in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and grew up in southern New Jersey, the son of small business owners.


headrick ago


VotingGodWins ago

never trust a man with the last name Wiener.

ssgrader ago


Deadbeat ago

It's time we deal with the truth behind the "gay" agenda. Anita Bryant warned us decades ago.

BlackSunRising ago

You know she started a movement called Save Our Children? It's crazy to see how demonized she was even in the 70's.

Deadbeat ago

This has been going on for a long time. We are now witnessing the logical eventuality of the gay movement. Anita warned us back then that gays must recruit children. The gays played coy back then but now they feel free to flaunt their degeneracy in our faces. It's time this crap is put to an end.

User890020 ago

That's pedo-like behavior

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Seer1965 ago

Demented, sick ...