Please read the article. It actually all now makes sense. When looking into the possibility of Plaquenil (HCQ) as a treatment for COVID-19, I could not figure out the pharmacological mechanism that would allow it to work against a supposed respiratory infection. (Background in medicine myself.) It did not make sense. But, if the possibility exists, as some ER and ICU clinicians may be implying, we could very well be treating the wrong disease altogether. This is a weaponized Coronavirus that may not be behaving like a typical Coronavirus infection. It may be infecting lungs yes, causing symptoms - but, could we be dealing with a secondary double wammie of infecting RBCs (Red Blood Cells) as well?
Malaria is a disease caused by the bite of an infected mosquito that carries the intracellular parasite Plasmodium that eventually finds its way to red blood cells destroying them - thereby effecting the transfer of oxygen due to lack of hemoglobin. We may be seeing something similar in COVID-19. If, RBCs are being infected by SARS-nCov2 virus, which could be dislodging the bound iron from the heme molecule, that would explain what physicians are seeing - patients that are suffering from hypoxia not due to pneumonia.
COVID is alleged to cause viral pneumonia leading to cytokine storm. The rogue iron, as suggested in the article, is what is causing the damage to lungs seen in imaging. It could also explain the multiple organ failure as seen in critically ill patients who succumb despite ventilation. Wow.
This may not be viral pneumonia related to a SARS, but hypoxia from O2 starvation like altitude sickness. Increasing PEEP is causing more harm than good. The iron thing now makes total sense - therein -CovFeFe. COVid and Fe2 and Fe3 - COVID is ox/redux reaction gone amuck - therefore no O2 exchange. All the forced air from increased PEEP is useless because the hemoglobin is working with defective heme. The treatment is causing even more damage on top of the destruction from the excess rogue iron - that explains the rapid organ failure cascade attributed to cytokine storm.
They are looking in the wrong place. Holy crap! It explains everything. The perfect bioweapon designed to make us look in the wrong place and treat patients the wrong way. Now look at why Barry and Honey Sherman were 187'd at their home in Toronto in 2017 - generic Plaquenil. Why are Fauci and company - cough, cough, Gates - working so hard to discredit Plaquenil and push toxic vaccines? That is why POTUS is giving them the rope to hang themselves. You do not develop a bioweapon unless you already have the cure. It needs to be cheap and effective. BOOM!
The thread mentions 3 indicators to recognize the difference between SARS and COVID but I only see two listed. The two listed make perfect sense. If any anons can come up with another indicator I would be grateful. The article lists #1: increased hemoglobin production #2: elevated ALT. I could not find #3.
In addition, I think there is merit to use the Plaquenil prophylactically to prevent infection. Mostly to those people who are most at risk from infection such as health workers and the military. A bioweapon is designed to take them out first thereby leaving everyone else vulnerable to attack. There is a long established safety record for the drug - but there does need to be monitoring with individuals with liver dysfunction and other preexisting conditions.
If a person becomes symptomatic then treatment with the dual combination of Plaquenil and Z-pak can be used - but with caution in cardiac patients due to the azithromycin. Believe it or not, quinine and macrolide antibiotics have been used as an established treatment for malaria. The Plaquenil could possibly prevent the binding of the virus to RBCs - thereby preventing the loosening of the iron from hemoglobin and viral replication at the same time. The Azithromycin also helps to reduce viral replication.
I want to give a shout-out to the Patriot MudPuddlePie who passed this article on to me for review. Proof why we need each other. This information is exactly what needs to be promoted right now. This is giving us the starting point to go on and do some research - more anons on the case. So feel free to disseminate this out there. The more eyes on the better.
I feel really sorry for the clinicians in states where they are only allowed to prescribe in emergency cases. I guess there needs to be an uptick in new Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnoses. Actually, there are less known autoimmune diseases that would fit the bill with far less scrutiny. The states where physicians are allowed to prescribe the Plaquenil and Z-pak are having fewer cases that go on to critical condition.
Be safe Patriots and keep digging. This was a real plandemic by the DS years in the making. We also have possibly switched the more deadly variation of the virus originally planned to be released. But, people are still getting sick and the treatment may very will be killing them when they become critical. (Please don't blame the physicians who can only go by the treatment protocols they have.) Getting this information out there can help. Don't think there are no physicians who are on these boards from time to time.
The DS has to go with the script they already have. There are too many moving pieces to change now. That is why the discrepancies are glaring and becoming more so by the day. But, there are still people who are sick - that is not a hoax. We must help them and the clinicians who are treating them. Life is still precious. Pray, pray, pray - we are winning.
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The leading Iranian female Olympic track and field star was in peak physical fitness, and was one of the earliest Iranian deaths from Covid 19, at 25 years of age.
This seems to fit your thinking about extreme athletes and possible zinc deficiencies.
I did not know that about the Iranian athlete. I really think the deficiency angle links these disparate groups to one another and could be the common denominator. Thanks for the weigh in.
I have worked with some extreme athletes in the past and it is a common problem. The issue with them is they don't think they have any problems because, "I'm and athlete and I'm healthy." Some of the sickest patients I have dealt with were women from 20-40 years old who ran and were vegans. They had the skeletal structure of an 80 year old - maybe worse. No muscle mass so they can't stay warm. Completely depleted and addicted to running. Several of them only stopped running after suffering severe fractures requiring major orthopedic surgery. Their ankles and lower leg bones shatter. This is my own theory, but I think it is due to stress micro fractures in the bone compounded by mineral and protein deficiencies - IMHO.
The deficiency thing makes sense to me - some of the corona cases seem to go lightning fast. Early on there were reports of sudden deaths prior to showing symptoms - and those may also have been corona. People collapsing in the streets. Surprising we do not see that elsewhere - so there may be another factor at work as well. 5G is one possible suspect.
Take a look at Invermectin - a common dewormer for pets and farm animals with well documented anti viral properties - kills this virus in vetro in 48 hours with a single dose.
There's an article posted over at natural, and probably some good links off of that to the actual research.
Thanks for the information. Yes, what I am hearing from ER and ICU physicians is that if a case comes in already intubated, they can deteriorate very quickly and the outcomes are not good. These are the sickest of the sick. Part of the degradation may be due to the protocol they are using based on treating SARS in addition to just being so sick when they come in. I think if these patients are treated much earlier with intervention with HCQ and Zinc, those that go on to develop ARDS would be greatly reduced.
It is hard to judge anything that comes out of China, so I am not inclined to give things a great deal of weight unless they are seen elsewhere. Like you state, we have yet to see people fall over in other parts of the world. I think there was - and is - a great deal of coverup in China with regards to political dissidents who I am sure just disappeared. They were rounding people up and we know they were burning a lot of bodies. We could see that from satellite imaging. There are areas all other the world with 5G and they are not seeing the severity that Wuhan had at the outset. I think the death toll was much higher than they are claiming. I am not saying that 5G is a good thing at all. I have great concerns over all kinds of EMF we are bombarded with on a daily basis. Did 5G contribute to the severity in Wuhan? I certainly am not going to ignore the possibility.
If you could get me the link to the article about Invermectin I would greatly appreciate it. Natural News has a lot of articles.
Thanks again for your reply and take care Patriot.
Very interesting article and I read part of the study. If they can keep doses manageable as to keep from having neurotoxicity, it has some promise. I find it interesting that it is known to inhibit the SV40 which contaminated polio vaccines when I was a kid. The makers found out the vaccine was contaminated with this monkey virus but continued to distribute the vaccine for several years until it was gone. So, people my age that received that vaccine when we were kids have a ticking time bomb in us. It manifests as either lymphoma or glialblastoma. These sick bastards have been playing with us for years. I pray we can bring this to an end. If not, the future doesn't look too bright. But I am prayerfully hopeful we can turn this ship around with God's help.
COVFEFE is secret code for a corona virus years later huh? Oh yeah sure.
you people grasp at every fucking straw you can and you don't even stop to look at the increasing level of mental gymnastics. you're desperate for some type of greater "plan" and you desperately want to be on the "inside" so you can continue doing absolutely fucking nothing in the meantime.
you qoomers really want to make a difference?
Stop being such huge faggots.
Stock up on guns and ammo.
Be willing to make a difference when the time comes.
Kill the people that need killing (but honestly I don't trust you morons with that level of discernment), just focus on the deep state I guess, (you people aren't qualified to make higher level decision executions than that).
This is such good information! Thank you so much. I’ve read a bit about the ferritin part & understand how that works but every time I read a good article it helps clarify more and more. Please keep explaining this to the boards. I agree with Leonidas4Q that we need your “splendid brains” to provide necessary clarity on a disease that is confusing even for a long-time RN to understand. Thank you, thank you.
You are most welcome fellow health care warrior and thank you for your kind words of encouragement. We are all in this together. This just made so much sense to me and gave me some missing pieces to the puzzle. First and foremost, the pharmacological mechanism of action for the Plaquenil on COVID patients. The failed oxidation/reduction reaction malfunction was a huge light bulb going off for me. Then all the pieces fell into place.
As I stated to another anon, we clinicians work too damn hard and spend a whole lot money to get and keep our licensees to jeopardize them for a fad. Even though the FDA opened the door for prescription approval of Plaquenil to treat COVID, there has to be a mechanism that we understand in order to justify the treatment. I do not blame some physicians for being slightly hesitant. The CovFeFe mechanism gives us the reason to justify the treatment. Now it makes sense and we are going to see more docs getting on board. The fake news propaganda push to demonize Plaquenil and Zinc is showing cracks in the facade and we will see its quick demise. Weasels like Cuomo are already bailing on the narrative and asking for HCQ. The house of cards is coming down and idiot puppets like Fauci and Birx are being exposed. (I cringe at the thought of addressing them as Doctors. They are traitors to their oath.) Our POTUS is the stable genius for sure.
Thank you again for the kind words. Anything you can add is greatly appreciated. We are in this together and all hands are needed on deck.
I think it really was the ferritin that piqued my interest because I know quite a bit about how ferritin works. I’m post op GBS for 14 yrs & run a ferritin of 80-90 much of the time. I’ve been as low as 4 within my first couple of yrs. but have found a great supplement & no need for $2500 Ferlicit infusions for a few years. It was so confusing when people were dying on the vents & the spokespersons kept saying once they went on the vent it was the kiss of death. That didn’t make sense but it there’s this mechanism that makes it impossible for their bodies to utilize their hgb that totally makes sense. Blood is kind of a big part of my nsg practice. 20 yrs L&D & 15 yrs OR. I obviously do t know it as well as you do so I’m really grateful for your explanations, even though I need to re-read it several times and turn my TV down so I can concentrate! Lol
Trump is so intelligent. Today I saw him during the presser tell a reporter to stop talking & she just kept talking over him. He stiffened up a little bit, dropped his head & closed his eyes, then patiently waited for her to shut up. Deep breath. I have more and more respect for him every single day. It’s like he’s running a daycare center every day at those press conferences. I’ve never seen anything like this & hope we never do again. I can’t watch TV, only get my news here or on YouTube. It’s so fun to see what the other anons have picked up on, I stand in amazement at the work we’ve all done for the love of our country and of our President. God Bless you Anon. Thanks for caring.
You are so welcome and thank you for your years of service. Thank you also for your kind words. We are all in this together and we all bring different abilities and knowledge base to these boards. Where one is lacking, another can fill in the missing pieces. I just want the information out there so it reaches the people on the front lines directly treating patients.
You did not say what you were doing to help yourself. I'm interested. GBS, that's tough. All of this must make a hell of a lot of sense to you since you already have a good foundation. Same thing here. The whole increased PEEP didn't make sense especially in view of the poor outcomes. Also, the Plaquenil didn't make sense until the dysfunctional hemoglobin idea was suggested. It all fits together now and others are seeing the same thing so we are not alone. I am glad you can appreciate what a game changer this could be. POTUS kept saying it was a game changer for sure.
It’s like he’s running a daycare center every day at those press conferences.
I could not agree with you more. It is amazing watching him handle the press. They are going to look like complete idiots when this is over - even more than they already are.
That's thinking Patriot for sure. Sad truth is, there are many with Lyme that still haven't been diagnosed yet. Maybe, the treatment might actually help.
Your writing is the most cogent I've read here in months. God Bless your abilities, keep going please. If you had an MD degree, you wouldn't be allowed by the insurance and employment industries to express your opinions this freely. (I don't do well with those captura things so didn't manage to read the document yet.)
Thanks, it's people like you who keep all of us digging for more information and I must add, your information was very informative. Thank you patriot and God bless!
There are DOCTOR boards out there. Hit them up if you want to get the info to them.
You really should get on the Medical based boards. Good info, but you're a solid month behind with your breaking news. How old was the article that was sent to you for "review"?
The first words in your comment were to please read the article. So I did. And I can’t believe it but I read the entire thing and understood it and was riveted because now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then I read your entire comment and it’s even more gold. Already shared the article everywhere I could and in a couple hours when they wake up I’m sharing it to my doctor friends.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I so pray that this is the right path. It just makes so much sense - Occam' s razor. Like I said, I could not figure out how the medication worked for a respiratory infection. I like to know how things work and that one just bugged me. When I read that paper the bells just went off. By the way, the guy that wrote it, his father is a physician and helped him write it. The place he first posted it took it down within a day - over the target. But, it had been up long enough that it was archived and spread. Some doctor's have seen it and are already weighing in on it. If this is truly the justification for giving it to patients, the POTUS is going to make all the ivory tower DS knuckleheads look stupid and corrupt. At any rate, I just want the people who are sick to get better and not be hurt in the process. Thanks again.
Great information and this all makes sense to me (even though I am not medically trained). Question for you, considering I came down with covid-19. All of my symptoms were pretty mild for the most part, with the exception of “loss of smell”, because I couldn’t smell anything for quite a while. I am still recovering but should no longer be contagious (currently 25 days from start of symptoms and 14 days without symptoms). My lungs feel like they are still completely thrashed, and breathing ability seems decreased. I am presuming this would be from the low supply of healthy hemoglobin and the “iron poisoning” (for lack of better description to the free iron ions in my system). What can I do to help relieve my body of the iron ions and ramp up my ability to replace red blood Cells that have healthy hemoglobin (short of getting a blood transfusion)?
Is there something that I could be doing, or eating or ingesting to help my liver purge the iron ions?
Your input would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you in advance. I would like to avoid any long term effects from this crappy virus, which btw did not seem “natural” to me at all when it was running rampant through my body. It was the most fucked up illness I have ever had, and my symptoms were mild. I would not be surprised one bit for us to discover that this virus was indeed man-made in a laboratory.
Thank you so much for revealing your condition. There are so many on these boards that think COVID-19 is just so much crap. I am sorry you had to get sick with this. You are stuck in the middle between the naysayers and the fear mongers. My prayers are with you.
First, if you live in a state where Plaquenil can be prescribed, I would suggest getting a script from your doctor if you are able. There is so much about this virus we are still discovering. Your symptom of loss of smell has been noted in several patients before they became symptomatic. I tried telling that to someone else earlier today and they basically told me I was full of crap. Some people who are having problems have said that after they starting taking the Plaqenil they were feeling better in a few hours. If you can get your hands on some it may help you.
I cannot provide medical advise as I am not your doctor and do not know what you medical conditions are. Please check with your health care provider before taking anything to make sure it is not contraindicated with any medications you are taking. That information can also be obtained from your pharmacist. Had to put this disclaimer in.
It sounds like you are over the worst of it and you just simply need to heal. Your body will clear the iron over time as long as you are not continuing to reinfect. Zinc is helpful with keeping viruses from attaching. If you are in a weakened state, which it sounds like you are, avoid being around anyone who is sick. You do not need to come down with a secondary viral infection. Your RBCs can take 90-120 days to replace. So, the process is going to take a little while. Eat healthy - fruits and veggies - avoid sugar - viruses love the stuff and it drives inflammation. Drink lots of water because it will help flush your system.
Keeping your gut healthy is critical for removal of toxins, including excess minerals. A good probiotic is a place to start. Glucomannan fiber is a well tolerated soluble fiber that is good for removing metals out of the intestinal tract. Apple pectin is also good because contains soluble fiber. They will help detoxify the crap out - pun intended. Some people claim bentonite clay is good - but haven't used it myself. Your liver has taken a hit so some milk thistle could be useful. Chaga extract was used by Chinese herbalists when the virus broke out over there. Chaga is a mushroom. According to the herbalists, the people that had been taking the Chaga did not get sick. Of course the CCP shut the stories down right away. So the stories have leaked out on the back-channels. Mostly, just rest and get your strength back. Take care of yourself and find others who share your path - you can learn from each other. This is new territory for all of us. If you find out anything useful Patriot please pass it on to me so that I can pass it to someone else. Get well soon and God's speed. I hope this was helpful.
my own obs: Here are the people seriously affected and requiring hospitalisation by the Chinese virus.
co-morbidities - cancer, diabetes high blood pressure etc
Not linked en-masse yet but vegan zoomers are being admitted increasingly this is typically in the 20-30 female group is the highest in Australia in vegan/trendy/instasgram areas of Bondi, Sydney
What will soon be found is the the link between them all is chronically low zinc levels in each of these groups.
Med fags will be able to confirm these low zinc levels in the covid admissions by looking at the bloods.
Hydroxycloroquinine is being used in some hospitals because that's where the above archetypes are all ending up.
HC will ONLY work where zinc is administered this is because HC is highly absorbed into each cell and has a half life of 56 days. It carries the zinc in the blood into each cell and forms a fortress against the invading shitskin virus.
Absolutely agree. Zinc is a huge factor in all of this. They are also noticing low potassium levels as well. Lets face it, malnutrition is at the heart of all chronic illness - period. So, this does not surprise me. A body that is malnourished is more susceptible to illness. All the groups you described above fit that profile to a tee and I see them all the time. Nutrition unfortunately always takes a back seat. It is not even taught in med school. It's all about pushing the drugs.
Thank you so much for the links. Get this information about zinc out there as well. I have been recommending it myself. Just make sure a person is not already anemic. The zinc will make them worse by lowering copper. Supplements with the zinc and copper are available.
Mac1221, you are so fantastic!!!! Thank you so much for the information. All of this makes so much more sense to me than a majority of the information from WHO or the CDC.
All of it Pertains more to what I have experienced and still am experiencing. Even today, I found myself seeming like a bumbling idiot around my house, dropping things, spilling stuff and knocking stuff over. I thought it was so weird how often I was doing that in such a short amount of time. Since I wrote you, I have been researching other things related to this RBC and hemoglobin theory,... which all point towards similar symptoms of HAPE. When I go down this path, my lack of coordination becomes valid (although weird how far along I am in my conditions).
Out of all the people in our group that got sick, my friends girlfriend seems to be getting hit exceptionally harder. She is a vegetarian. It now makes me wonder if her diet, which might be already lacking in iron (at least lack of animal based iron) is why she is having such a harder time recovering. I am pretty sure she is also currently menstruating (please don’t ask me how I presume this, let’s just go with the fact that tomorrow is a full moon). She was telling me today how she feels almost worse than she did when this all started and she was hoping that it wasn’t some sort of relapse. It would make sense that her body is increased demand for iron that it is severely lacking at this time.
Thank you so much for your time and effort to put out this information and to answer my questions. It is all so helpful to me and other people that are trying to make heads or tales of what this virus is doing to us. You are absolutely right about being stuck between naysayers and fear mongers. I enjoy information I read on this board, but some people are hell bent on their presumed opinions about this virus. When I have brought my experiences with this virus forward on voat, I have been called a shill, a Larp and in one case was told I don’t know what I was talking about and that I just had a Common cold.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, I hope you stay healthy and sane during these interesting times we are in. Best to all in these times.
Thank you again. I really pray you get better. Just take care of yourself. As for your friend, I was never a fan of vegetarian lifestyles. They wind up being deficient in so many things. I'm sorry, you cannot mix enough rice and beans together to meet protein needs. The body will start to cannibalize itself especially vegans who run.
One other thing I came across. Just an observation some docs had - no real research. They noticed that some of their patients that got sicker were also low in potassium. Some of the patients may have had comorbidity issues like HTN which more than likely means meds. Several of the HTN meds deplete minerals like Potassium. Docs usually try to keep and eye out for that but they never look for magnesium deficiency. I would not be the first time I have run across a patient with Mg levels in the basement because of HTN meds. Just a thought - make sure you are not low in minerals.
Be patient with yourself and be patient with the process. This is going to take time to recover from, so don't beat yourself up. HAPE is a life-threatening condition so I am pretty sure that is not what you have - but COVID has similar symptoms as far as starving for O2. That is what we are looking at. You probably get tired very easy. Do your muscles cramp? That could be lack of minerals as well. If you are achy soak in a bath of Epsom Salts - it can help. God bless you and get well soon.
Yes, I agree. I know that I do not have HAPE, I was only using it as a comparison to how the body and lungs seem to counteract Covid and the need for O2.
Remember the odd suggestion made by the Surgeon General at the end of one of first news conferences with Trump? As he (the S.G.) was walking off stage his final words were "Donate blood. Donate blood."
There could be a number of reasons for why he said that, but perhaps he was stating that for this very reason.
Something has been odd about the disease hitting Italy and now showing to hit Black Americans at a much higher rate. Thalassemia is a disease found in people from the Mediterranean region (especially swampy parts of Italy and Greece) who are homozygous for a gene that in the heterozygous form (carriers) produces some genetic resistance to malaria. Sickle cell anemia is inherited in a similar fashion but is prevalent in the Black population. Heterogygous carriers of the sickle cell gene have a natural resistance to malaria. Resistance to malaria in both forms is due to a slightly different shape of the hemoglobin molecule that makes it harder for the malaria to attach to the hemoglobin. From this article, I would bet that the slightly twisted shape of the hemoglobin might make it more susceptible to the effects of the virus to degrade the hemoglobin; for example if the Fe+++ is more exposed? Would make sense to me.
Interesting speculation. It definitely fits into what we are discussing. Maybe people are going to need the help until their own bodies can produce more functional hemoglobin. I must say though, I don't trust the whole blood bank thing. But what you imply is interesting.
Thank you so much for your very kind words. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was even reading my comments. I just want to get the information out there. Especially to the docs.
I had a long conversation on Sunday with a relative who is a doctor treating actual patients. His opinion is consistent with your comments (and my personal opinion).
Thank you so much. That is encouraging to hear. My hope is that patients will start getting the treatment they need. I really do think this is starting to turn the corner now with more physicians getting on board. The chatter is all over. The press is not going to be able to keep this down much longer.
Well I was a bit surprised to find my Doctor relative agreeing with me. This never happens, as he's normally inside the MSM information bubble.
I could write a novel about how many doctors leave our institutions of higher learning completely brainwashed, but that's been covered on the pages enough already. The point is that at least some medical professionals are seeing the truth. I have a now-ex-friend who refused to listed to anything about Hydroxychloroquine because Fox News was touting it. I terminated the friendship immediately, as a doctor should never refuse to hear about possible cures because of Orange Man Bad.
My point is, some are waking up, but far from all.
I have an ex-GF who I'm still in touch with. Her sister is a nurse and they are all hysterical about how we are going to run out of everything and the hospitals are being overrun. I have yet to see proof of this.
The problem we have, is that there are some hot spots and they are getting hammered. Thank God, that is not the majority of facilities. Most are quiet. So, the situation gets spun both ways depending on the agenda you want to promote. The truth is always somewhere in the middle. It is quiet where I am - for the moment. But, that could change at any time. I do believe we are ready because we have had a little more time to be prepared since it has been so slow. My concern is that the people who have gotten ill are being marginalized and treated horribly. Many are still suffering from the effects of the illness - whatever you want to call it. It has been real to them.
As far as the physicians are concerned, most just want to do what is best for their patients. My hope with this new information is that it will now give clinicians the "why" behind the rationale for treating a patient using HCQ and ZINC or Zpak. They are not stupid and are not going to give a patient a treatment just because it is the popular thing to do. Those of us in health care worked too damn hard and spent a boat load of money to get our licenses to have them suspended over something like this. If they can see a rationale for using the treatment, then they will be onboard. I really believe that is happening. The chatter is all over the place. The FDA already opened the door to give docs the ability to prescribe - now we have to give them the reason.
Thanks for your comments and I really hope that someday all these shattered relationships can be mended. That would truly be a great day. Be blessed fellow Patriot.
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mac1221 ago
Please read the article. It actually all now makes sense. When looking into the possibility of Plaquenil (HCQ) as a treatment for COVID-19, I could not figure out the pharmacological mechanism that would allow it to work against a supposed respiratory infection. (Background in medicine myself.) It did not make sense. But, if the possibility exists, as some ER and ICU clinicians may be implying, we could very well be treating the wrong disease altogether. This is a weaponized Coronavirus that may not be behaving like a typical Coronavirus infection. It may be infecting lungs yes, causing symptoms - but, could we be dealing with a secondary double wammie of infecting RBCs (Red Blood Cells) as well?
Malaria is a disease caused by the bite of an infected mosquito that carries the intracellular parasite Plasmodium that eventually finds its way to red blood cells destroying them - thereby effecting the transfer of oxygen due to lack of hemoglobin. We may be seeing something similar in COVID-19. If, RBCs are being infected by SARS-nCov2 virus, which could be dislodging the bound iron from the heme molecule, that would explain what physicians are seeing - patients that are suffering from hypoxia not due to pneumonia.
COVID is alleged to cause viral pneumonia leading to cytokine storm. The rogue iron, as suggested in the article, is what is causing the damage to lungs seen in imaging. It could also explain the multiple organ failure as seen in critically ill patients who succumb despite ventilation. Wow.
This may not be viral pneumonia related to a SARS, but hypoxia from O2 starvation like altitude sickness. Increasing PEEP is causing more harm than good. The iron thing now makes total sense - therein -CovFeFe. COVid and Fe2 and Fe3 - COVID is ox/redux reaction gone amuck - therefore no O2 exchange. All the forced air from increased PEEP is useless because the hemoglobin is working with defective heme. The treatment is causing even more damage on top of the destruction from the excess rogue iron - that explains the rapid organ failure cascade attributed to cytokine storm.
They are looking in the wrong place. Holy crap! It explains everything. The perfect bioweapon designed to make us look in the wrong place and treat patients the wrong way. Now look at why Barry and Honey Sherman were 187'd at their home in Toronto in 2017 - generic Plaquenil. Why are Fauci and company - cough, cough, Gates - working so hard to discredit Plaquenil and push toxic vaccines? That is why POTUS is giving them the rope to hang themselves. You do not develop a bioweapon unless you already have the cure. It needs to be cheap and effective. BOOM!
The thread mentions 3 indicators to recognize the difference between SARS and COVID but I only see two listed. The two listed make perfect sense. If any anons can come up with another indicator I would be grateful. The article lists #1: increased hemoglobin production #2: elevated ALT. I could not find #3.
In addition, I think there is merit to use the Plaquenil prophylactically to prevent infection. Mostly to those people who are most at risk from infection such as health workers and the military. A bioweapon is designed to take them out first thereby leaving everyone else vulnerable to attack. There is a long established safety record for the drug - but there does need to be monitoring with individuals with liver dysfunction and other preexisting conditions.
If a person becomes symptomatic then treatment with the dual combination of Plaquenil and Z-pak can be used - but with caution in cardiac patients due to the azithromycin. Believe it or not, quinine and macrolide antibiotics have been used as an established treatment for malaria. The Plaquenil could possibly prevent the binding of the virus to RBCs - thereby preventing the loosening of the iron from hemoglobin and viral replication at the same time. The Azithromycin also helps to reduce viral replication.
I want to give a shout-out to the Patriot MudPuddlePie who passed this article on to me for review. Proof why we need each other. This information is exactly what needs to be promoted right now. This is giving us the starting point to go on and do some research - more anons on the case. So feel free to disseminate this out there. The more eyes on the better.
I feel really sorry for the clinicians in states where they are only allowed to prescribe in emergency cases. I guess there needs to be an uptick in new Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnoses. Actually, there are less known autoimmune diseases that would fit the bill with far less scrutiny. The states where physicians are allowed to prescribe the Plaquenil and Z-pak are having fewer cases that go on to critical condition.
Be safe Patriots and keep digging. This was a real plandemic by the DS years in the making. We also have possibly switched the more deadly variation of the virus originally planned to be released. But, people are still getting sick and the treatment may very will be killing them when they become critical. (Please don't blame the physicians who can only go by the treatment protocols they have.) Getting this information out there can help. Don't think there are no physicians who are on these boards from time to time.
The DS has to go with the script they already have. There are too many moving pieces to change now. That is why the discrepancies are glaring and becoming more so by the day. But, there are still people who are sick - that is not a hoax. We must help them and the clinicians who are treating them. Life is still precious. Pray, pray, pray - we are winning.
SearchVoatBot ago
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The_Impaler ago
this can not be posted and shared anywhere
not even on moss glp
CrustyBeaver52 ago
The leading Iranian female Olympic track and field star was in peak physical fitness, and was one of the earliest Iranian deaths from Covid 19, at 25 years of age.
This seems to fit your thinking about extreme athletes and possible zinc deficiencies.
mac1221 ago
I did not know that about the Iranian athlete. I really think the deficiency angle links these disparate groups to one another and could be the common denominator. Thanks for the weigh in.
I have worked with some extreme athletes in the past and it is a common problem. The issue with them is they don't think they have any problems because, "I'm and athlete and I'm healthy." Some of the sickest patients I have dealt with were women from 20-40 years old who ran and were vegans. They had the skeletal structure of an 80 year old - maybe worse. No muscle mass so they can't stay warm. Completely depleted and addicted to running. Several of them only stopped running after suffering severe fractures requiring major orthopedic surgery. Their ankles and lower leg bones shatter. This is my own theory, but I think it is due to stress micro fractures in the bone compounded by mineral and protein deficiencies - IMHO.
Thanks again.
CrustyBeaver52 ago
The deficiency thing makes sense to me - some of the corona cases seem to go lightning fast. Early on there were reports of sudden deaths prior to showing symptoms - and those may also have been corona. People collapsing in the streets. Surprising we do not see that elsewhere - so there may be another factor at work as well. 5G is one possible suspect.
Take a look at Invermectin - a common dewormer for pets and farm animals with well documented anti viral properties - kills this virus in vetro in 48 hours with a single dose.
There's an article posted over at natural, and probably some good links off of that to the actual research.
mac1221 ago
Thanks for the information. Yes, what I am hearing from ER and ICU physicians is that if a case comes in already intubated, they can deteriorate very quickly and the outcomes are not good. These are the sickest of the sick. Part of the degradation may be due to the protocol they are using based on treating SARS in addition to just being so sick when they come in. I think if these patients are treated much earlier with intervention with HCQ and Zinc, those that go on to develop ARDS would be greatly reduced.
It is hard to judge anything that comes out of China, so I am not inclined to give things a great deal of weight unless they are seen elsewhere. Like you state, we have yet to see people fall over in other parts of the world. I think there was - and is - a great deal of coverup in China with regards to political dissidents who I am sure just disappeared. They were rounding people up and we know they were burning a lot of bodies. We could see that from satellite imaging. There are areas all other the world with 5G and they are not seeing the severity that Wuhan had at the outset. I think the death toll was much higher than they are claiming. I am not saying that 5G is a good thing at all. I have great concerns over all kinds of EMF we are bombarded with on a daily basis. Did 5G contribute to the severity in Wuhan? I certainly am not going to ignore the possibility.
If you could get me the link to the article about Invermectin I would greatly appreciate it. Natural News has a lot of articles.
Thanks again for your reply and take care Patriot.
CrustyBeaver52 ago
LOL - I spelled it wrong - Ivermectin is the correct spelling:
mac1221 ago
Very interesting article and I read part of the study. If they can keep doses manageable as to keep from having neurotoxicity, it has some promise. I find it interesting that it is known to inhibit the SV40 which contaminated polio vaccines when I was a kid. The makers found out the vaccine was contaminated with this monkey virus but continued to distribute the vaccine for several years until it was gone. So, people my age that received that vaccine when we were kids have a ticking time bomb in us. It manifests as either lymphoma or glialblastoma. These sick bastards have been playing with us for years. I pray we can bring this to an end. If not, the future doesn't look too bright. But I am prayerfully hopeful we can turn this ship around with God's help.
Stay safe Patriot and thanks again.
CrustyBeaver52 ago
Stout Hearts.
mac1221 ago
Thanks. Much appreciate it.
RedWolfTheAnimal ago
jesus christ you people are so stupid.
COVFEFE is secret code for a corona virus years later huh? Oh yeah sure.
you people grasp at every fucking straw you can and you don't even stop to look at the increasing level of mental gymnastics. you're desperate for some type of greater "plan" and you desperately want to be on the "inside" so you can continue doing absolutely fucking nothing in the meantime.
you qoomers really want to make a difference?
Stop being such huge faggots.
Stock up on guns and ammo.
Be willing to make a difference when the time comes.
Kill the people that need killing (but honestly I don't trust you morons with that level of discernment), just focus on the deep state I guess, (you people aren't qualified to make higher level decision executions than that).
Jewel516 ago
This is such good information! Thank you so much. I’ve read a bit about the ferritin part & understand how that works but every time I read a good article it helps clarify more and more. Please keep explaining this to the boards. I agree with Leonidas4Q that we need your “splendid brains” to provide necessary clarity on a disease that is confusing even for a long-time RN to understand. Thank you, thank you.
mac1221 ago
You are most welcome fellow health care warrior and thank you for your kind words of encouragement. We are all in this together. This just made so much sense to me and gave me some missing pieces to the puzzle. First and foremost, the pharmacological mechanism of action for the Plaquenil on COVID patients. The failed oxidation/reduction reaction malfunction was a huge light bulb going off for me. Then all the pieces fell into place.
As I stated to another anon, we clinicians work too damn hard and spend a whole lot money to get and keep our licensees to jeopardize them for a fad. Even though the FDA opened the door for prescription approval of Plaquenil to treat COVID, there has to be a mechanism that we understand in order to justify the treatment. I do not blame some physicians for being slightly hesitant. The CovFeFe mechanism gives us the reason to justify the treatment. Now it makes sense and we are going to see more docs getting on board. The fake news propaganda push to demonize Plaquenil and Zinc is showing cracks in the facade and we will see its quick demise. Weasels like Cuomo are already bailing on the narrative and asking for HCQ. The house of cards is coming down and idiot puppets like Fauci and Birx are being exposed. (I cringe at the thought of addressing them as Doctors. They are traitors to their oath.) Our POTUS is the stable genius for sure.
Thank you again for the kind words. Anything you can add is greatly appreciated. We are in this together and all hands are needed on deck.
Jewel516 ago
I think it really was the ferritin that piqued my interest because I know quite a bit about how ferritin works. I’m post op GBS for 14 yrs & run a ferritin of 80-90 much of the time. I’ve been as low as 4 within my first couple of yrs. but have found a great supplement & no need for $2500 Ferlicit infusions for a few years. It was so confusing when people were dying on the vents & the spokespersons kept saying once they went on the vent it was the kiss of death. That didn’t make sense but it there’s this mechanism that makes it impossible for their bodies to utilize their hgb that totally makes sense. Blood is kind of a big part of my nsg practice. 20 yrs L&D & 15 yrs OR. I obviously do t know it as well as you do so I’m really grateful for your explanations, even though I need to re-read it several times and turn my TV down so I can concentrate! Lol
Trump is so intelligent. Today I saw him during the presser tell a reporter to stop talking & she just kept talking over him. He stiffened up a little bit, dropped his head & closed his eyes, then patiently waited for her to shut up. Deep breath. I have more and more respect for him every single day. It’s like he’s running a daycare center every day at those press conferences. I’ve never seen anything like this & hope we never do again. I can’t watch TV, only get my news here or on YouTube. It’s so fun to see what the other anons have picked up on, I stand in amazement at the work we’ve all done for the love of our country and of our President. God Bless you Anon. Thanks for caring.
mac1221 ago
You are so welcome and thank you for your years of service. Thank you also for your kind words. We are all in this together and we all bring different abilities and knowledge base to these boards. Where one is lacking, another can fill in the missing pieces. I just want the information out there so it reaches the people on the front lines directly treating patients.
You did not say what you were doing to help yourself. I'm interested. GBS, that's tough. All of this must make a hell of a lot of sense to you since you already have a good foundation. Same thing here. The whole increased PEEP didn't make sense especially in view of the poor outcomes. Also, the Plaquenil didn't make sense until the dysfunctional hemoglobin idea was suggested. It all fits together now and others are seeing the same thing so we are not alone. I am glad you can appreciate what a game changer this could be. POTUS kept saying it was a game changer for sure.
I could not agree with you more. It is amazing watching him handle the press. They are going to look like complete idiots when this is over - even more than they already are.
God bless you too anon
DamnLiquor ago
Lyme disease is the hidden cause of many autoimmune diseases. The silent epidemic with 100 symptoms, The perfect disease to exploit.
mac1221 ago
That's thinking Patriot for sure. Sad truth is, there are many with Lyme that still haven't been diagnosed yet. Maybe, the treatment might actually help.
SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago
Your writing is the most cogent I've read here in months. God Bless your abilities, keep going please. If you had an MD degree, you wouldn't be allowed by the insurance and employment industries to express your opinions this freely. (I don't do well with those captura things so didn't manage to read the document yet.)
sabinah ago
Incredible efforts here mac1221. You have connected the dots for me. Thank you.
R2077R ago
Thanks, it's people like you who keep all of us digging for more information and I must add, your information was very informative. Thank you patriot and God bless!
Nfn8wzdm ago
It works as a primary anti-inflammatory.
There are DOCTOR boards out there. Hit them up if you want to get the info to them.
You really should get on the Medical based boards. Good info, but you're a solid month behind with your breaking news. How old was the article that was sent to you for "review"?
mac1221 ago
Was just sent the article yesterday. Do you have a board to recommend?
Vampyregod ago
Transfuse transfuse transfuse?
RightSideUp17and6 ago
ThanQ @rotteuxx and @mac1221. Reading it, read it, now will disseminate it. Like freaking dandelion seeds...
mac1221 ago
Thanks, I sure hope this is the right answer. POTUS knows what he is doing. He just needs us to catch up.
IWishIWasFoxMulder ago
The first words in your comment were to please read the article. So I did. And I can’t believe it but I read the entire thing and understood it and was riveted because now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then I read your entire comment and it’s even more gold. Already shared the article everywhere I could and in a couple hours when they wake up I’m sharing it to my doctor friends.
mac1221 ago
Thank you so much for your kind words. I so pray that this is the right path. It just makes so much sense - Occam' s razor. Like I said, I could not figure out how the medication worked for a respiratory infection. I like to know how things work and that one just bugged me. When I read that paper the bells just went off. By the way, the guy that wrote it, his father is a physician and helped him write it. The place he first posted it took it down within a day - over the target. But, it had been up long enough that it was archived and spread. Some doctor's have seen it and are already weighing in on it. If this is truly the justification for giving it to patients, the POTUS is going to make all the ivory tower DS knuckleheads look stupid and corrupt. At any rate, I just want the people who are sick to get better and not be hurt in the process. Thanks again.
Inidaho ago
Great information and this all makes sense to me (even though I am not medically trained). Question for you, considering I came down with covid-19. All of my symptoms were pretty mild for the most part, with the exception of “loss of smell”, because I couldn’t smell anything for quite a while. I am still recovering but should no longer be contagious (currently 25 days from start of symptoms and 14 days without symptoms). My lungs feel like they are still completely thrashed, and breathing ability seems decreased. I am presuming this would be from the low supply of healthy hemoglobin and the “iron poisoning” (for lack of better description to the free iron ions in my system). What can I do to help relieve my body of the iron ions and ramp up my ability to replace red blood Cells that have healthy hemoglobin (short of getting a blood transfusion)?
Is there something that I could be doing, or eating or ingesting to help my liver purge the iron ions?
Your input would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you in advance. I would like to avoid any long term effects from this crappy virus, which btw did not seem “natural” to me at all when it was running rampant through my body. It was the most fucked up illness I have ever had, and my symptoms were mild. I would not be surprised one bit for us to discover that this virus was indeed man-made in a laboratory.
mac1221 ago
Thank you so much for revealing your condition. There are so many on these boards that think COVID-19 is just so much crap. I am sorry you had to get sick with this. You are stuck in the middle between the naysayers and the fear mongers. My prayers are with you.
First, if you live in a state where Plaquenil can be prescribed, I would suggest getting a script from your doctor if you are able. There is so much about this virus we are still discovering. Your symptom of loss of smell has been noted in several patients before they became symptomatic. I tried telling that to someone else earlier today and they basically told me I was full of crap. Some people who are having problems have said that after they starting taking the Plaqenil they were feeling better in a few hours. If you can get your hands on some it may help you.
I cannot provide medical advise as I am not your doctor and do not know what you medical conditions are. Please check with your health care provider before taking anything to make sure it is not contraindicated with any medications you are taking. That information can also be obtained from your pharmacist. Had to put this disclaimer in.
It sounds like you are over the worst of it and you just simply need to heal. Your body will clear the iron over time as long as you are not continuing to reinfect. Zinc is helpful with keeping viruses from attaching. If you are in a weakened state, which it sounds like you are, avoid being around anyone who is sick. You do not need to come down with a secondary viral infection. Your RBCs can take 90-120 days to replace. So, the process is going to take a little while. Eat healthy - fruits and veggies - avoid sugar - viruses love the stuff and it drives inflammation. Drink lots of water because it will help flush your system.
Keeping your gut healthy is critical for removal of toxins, including excess minerals. A good probiotic is a place to start. Glucomannan fiber is a well tolerated soluble fiber that is good for removing metals out of the intestinal tract. Apple pectin is also good because contains soluble fiber. They will help detoxify the crap out - pun intended. Some people claim bentonite clay is good - but haven't used it myself. Your liver has taken a hit so some milk thistle could be useful. Chaga extract was used by Chinese herbalists when the virus broke out over there. Chaga is a mushroom. According to the herbalists, the people that had been taking the Chaga did not get sick. Of course the CCP shut the stories down right away. So the stories have leaked out on the back-channels. Mostly, just rest and get your strength back. Take care of yourself and find others who share your path - you can learn from each other. This is new territory for all of us. If you find out anything useful Patriot please pass it on to me so that I can pass it to someone else. Get well soon and God's speed. I hope this was helpful.
magzy ago
my own obs: Here are the people seriously affected and requiring hospitalisation by the Chinese virus.
What will soon be found is the the link between them all is chronically low zinc levels in each of these groups.
Zinc absorption deficiency in old people
Zinc deficiency in obese people - including kids:
Zinc deficiency in people with cancer:
Zinc deficiency in diabetics diabetes:
Low Zinc is a risk factor for pneumonia in the elderly:
Zinc levels in runners half that or normies:
Med fags will be able to confirm these low zinc levels in the covid admissions by looking at the bloods.
Hydroxycloroquinine is being used in some hospitals because that's where the above archetypes are all ending up.
HC will ONLY work where zinc is administered this is because HC is highly absorbed into each cell and has a half life of 56 days. It carries the zinc in the blood into each cell and forms a fortress against the invading shitskin virus.
This trial - results due in september (!) will prove to be effective:
mac1221 ago
Absolutely agree. Zinc is a huge factor in all of this. They are also noticing low potassium levels as well. Lets face it, malnutrition is at the heart of all chronic illness - period. So, this does not surprise me. A body that is malnourished is more susceptible to illness. All the groups you described above fit that profile to a tee and I see them all the time. Nutrition unfortunately always takes a back seat. It is not even taught in med school. It's all about pushing the drugs.
Thank you so much for the links. Get this information about zinc out there as well. I have been recommending it myself. Just make sure a person is not already anemic. The zinc will make them worse by lowering copper. Supplements with the zinc and copper are available.
Inidaho ago
Mac1221, you are so fantastic!!!! Thank you so much for the information. All of this makes so much more sense to me than a majority of the information from WHO or the CDC.
All of it Pertains more to what I have experienced and still am experiencing. Even today, I found myself seeming like a bumbling idiot around my house, dropping things, spilling stuff and knocking stuff over. I thought it was so weird how often I was doing that in such a short amount of time. Since I wrote you, I have been researching other things related to this RBC and hemoglobin theory,... which all point towards similar symptoms of HAPE. When I go down this path, my lack of coordination becomes valid (although weird how far along I am in my conditions).
Out of all the people in our group that got sick, my friends girlfriend seems to be getting hit exceptionally harder. She is a vegetarian. It now makes me wonder if her diet, which might be already lacking in iron (at least lack of animal based iron) is why she is having such a harder time recovering. I am pretty sure she is also currently menstruating (please don’t ask me how I presume this, let’s just go with the fact that tomorrow is a full moon). She was telling me today how she feels almost worse than she did when this all started and she was hoping that it wasn’t some sort of relapse. It would make sense that her body is increased demand for iron that it is severely lacking at this time.
Thank you so much for your time and effort to put out this information and to answer my questions. It is all so helpful to me and other people that are trying to make heads or tales of what this virus is doing to us. You are absolutely right about being stuck between naysayers and fear mongers. I enjoy information I read on this board, but some people are hell bent on their presumed opinions about this virus. When I have brought my experiences with this virus forward on voat, I have been called a shill, a Larp and in one case was told I don’t know what I was talking about and that I just had a Common cold.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, I hope you stay healthy and sane during these interesting times we are in. Best to all in these times.
mac1221 ago
Just hit the wires this morning. Zinc baby.
mac1221 ago
Thank you again. I really pray you get better. Just take care of yourself. As for your friend, I was never a fan of vegetarian lifestyles. They wind up being deficient in so many things. I'm sorry, you cannot mix enough rice and beans together to meet protein needs. The body will start to cannibalize itself especially vegans who run.
One other thing I came across. Just an observation some docs had - no real research. They noticed that some of their patients that got sicker were also low in potassium. Some of the patients may have had comorbidity issues like HTN which more than likely means meds. Several of the HTN meds deplete minerals like Potassium. Docs usually try to keep and eye out for that but they never look for magnesium deficiency. I would not be the first time I have run across a patient with Mg levels in the basement because of HTN meds. Just a thought - make sure you are not low in minerals.
Be patient with yourself and be patient with the process. This is going to take time to recover from, so don't beat yourself up. HAPE is a life-threatening condition so I am pretty sure that is not what you have - but COVID has similar symptoms as far as starving for O2. That is what we are looking at. You probably get tired very easy. Do your muscles cramp? That could be lack of minerals as well. If you are achy soak in a bath of Epsom Salts - it can help. God bless you and get well soon.
Inidaho ago
Yes, I agree. I know that I do not have HAPE, I was only using it as a comparison to how the body and lungs seem to counteract Covid and the need for O2.
Good information. Have a great day.
mac1221 ago
Understood. Just looking for clarity. You too. Have a great day.
New_years_day ago
Doing gods work
mac1221 ago
Thank you. To Him be all the praise.
New_years_day ago
I'm praying for all of us
Remember the odd suggestion made by the Surgeon General at the end of one of first news conferences with Trump? As he (the S.G.) was walking off stage his final words were "Donate blood. Donate blood."
There could be a number of reasons for why he said that, but perhaps he was stating that for this very reason.
MeriTX ago
Something has been odd about the disease hitting Italy and now showing to hit Black Americans at a much higher rate. Thalassemia is a disease found in people from the Mediterranean region (especially swampy parts of Italy and Greece) who are homozygous for a gene that in the heterozygous form (carriers) produces some genetic resistance to malaria. Sickle cell anemia is inherited in a similar fashion but is prevalent in the Black population. Heterogygous carriers of the sickle cell gene have a natural resistance to malaria. Resistance to malaria in both forms is due to a slightly different shape of the hemoglobin molecule that makes it harder for the malaria to attach to the hemoglobin. From this article, I would bet that the slightly twisted shape of the hemoglobin might make it more susceptible to the effects of the virus to degrade the hemoglobin; for example if the Fe+++ is more exposed? Would make sense to me.
Roughpatch ago
It sure sounded like don't eat blood, don't eat blood.
jensmith ago
I thought he said "don't EAT blood"
mac1221 ago
Interesting speculation. It definitely fits into what we are discussing. Maybe people are going to need the help until their own bodies can produce more functional hemoglobin. I must say though, I don't trust the whole blood bank thing. But what you imply is interesting.
Leonidas4Q ago
mac1221, you and rotteux are doing a GREAT public service. Keep using those splendid brains of yours.
mac1221 ago
Thank you so much for your very kind words. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was even reading my comments. I just want to get the information out there. Especially to the docs.
Lynnwiod ago
Yes, reading and seeing out to friends. Thank you so much.
mac1221 ago
Thank you. I just pray the people who are much smarter than I am get to see this and figure it out. Blessings.
Paladin_Diver ago
I had a long conversation on Sunday with a relative who is a doctor treating actual patients. His opinion is consistent with your comments (and my personal opinion).
mac1221 ago
Thank you so much. That is encouraging to hear. My hope is that patients will start getting the treatment they need. I really do think this is starting to turn the corner now with more physicians getting on board. The chatter is all over. The press is not going to be able to keep this down much longer.
Paladin_Diver ago
Well I was a bit surprised to find my Doctor relative agreeing with me. This never happens, as he's normally inside the MSM information bubble.
I could write a novel about how many doctors leave our institutions of higher learning completely brainwashed, but that's been covered on the pages enough already. The point is that at least some medical professionals are seeing the truth. I have a now-ex-friend who refused to listed to anything about Hydroxychloroquine because Fox News was touting it. I terminated the friendship immediately, as a doctor should never refuse to hear about possible cures because of Orange Man Bad.
My point is, some are waking up, but far from all.
I have an ex-GF who I'm still in touch with. Her sister is a nurse and they are all hysterical about how we are going to run out of everything and the hospitals are being overrun. I have yet to see proof of this.
mac1221 ago
The problem we have, is that there are some hot spots and they are getting hammered. Thank God, that is not the majority of facilities. Most are quiet. So, the situation gets spun both ways depending on the agenda you want to promote. The truth is always somewhere in the middle. It is quiet where I am - for the moment. But, that could change at any time. I do believe we are ready because we have had a little more time to be prepared since it has been so slow. My concern is that the people who have gotten ill are being marginalized and treated horribly. Many are still suffering from the effects of the illness - whatever you want to call it. It has been real to them.
As far as the physicians are concerned, most just want to do what is best for their patients. My hope with this new information is that it will now give clinicians the "why" behind the rationale for treating a patient using HCQ and ZINC or Zpak. They are not stupid and are not going to give a patient a treatment just because it is the popular thing to do. Those of us in health care worked too damn hard and spent a boat load of money to get our licenses to have them suspended over something like this. If they can see a rationale for using the treatment, then they will be onboard. I really believe that is happening. The chatter is all over the place. The FDA already opened the door to give docs the ability to prescribe - now we have to give them the reason.
Thanks for your comments and I really hope that someday all these shattered relationships can be mended. That would truly be a great day. Be blessed fellow Patriot.
MuddyGardener2018 ago
We are reading. Thank you.
mac1221 ago
Thank you. Pray the right people see this and consider it. That is all we can do and let God do the rest.
RoBatten ago
Thanks mac. Thanks a lot for this . . .
mac1221 ago
You are so welcome Patriot. I just pray the information gets to those who really need it. I do appreciate your reply - thanks.
VicariousJambi ago
Think mirror
The disease [covid] is worse than the cure [ventilators]