Thataintbutter ago

This orchestrated event Is more cover, This an Soros move for unrest an collapse he is selling short his MO pulling puppet strings Here in Philly he controls DA an PD Com. They will not arrest anyone and are releasing criminals, yes PDCom was in portlan Antifa. We are at war and not with kungking flu. I will protect my space I hit first then ask what you want.

Wolf451 ago

How To Create A Worldwide Depression - By Tony Heller

COVID panic has already put millions of people out of work, and threatens to cause a global depression. Panic is a strategy for disaster.

pablo123 ago

What came first, the chicken or the egg?The answer is the chicken, as it is an actual, and the egg is but potential. Actual should always take precedence over potential.We have known this for over a thousand years. In my life this is actually devastating to me on a financial level, and has caused me great harm.That I could be harmed by a cold, is just a potential I am told I MUST fear. If not for the potential of The Storm being the reason for all of this I would be enraged ATM. I will gamble the actual pain I feel though, for the potential that this will birth the great awakening, so cast the dice, and damn us all if we be fools.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, exactly what the DS needs at this time. time people stop falling for the DS BS. the precautions mentioned are the same ones you take for any flu and even the common cold. but then we know who controls the Fake news MSM.

CalAnon805 ago

DAMN Lakota! You are quick with the links to keep us in track! Have friends with kids in Germany who were saying they wish they were there for all the crazy! They live in San Jose. Implying POTUS not handling well for USA.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, shows us why the Fake News MSM needs to go down with their Masters.

CalAnon805 ago

TRUE!! There are legitimate journalists who will come out of the woodwork when the vacancies are available!

LakotaPride ago

we will see ,Patriot.

waldo1899 ago

1st we had Mueller mucking things we have Fed head Powell screwing up....fact..Mueller is Powell's next door neighbor on Gibson Island MD...........& don't forget Rod Rosenstein,,,his sister ,Dr. Nancy Messonnier ,the panic warrior

LakotaPride ago

Exactly Patriot, and it appears we have WHO and the CDC being exposed as part of the DS. who are pushing to collapse a Global economic crash, just like 1929.