Duke_Nucleon ago

BS. I've received no such bill. It's a "manner of speaking", you say? How about: US borrows 133k per refugee? Hmmm. That begins to sound like US is buying humans, so many USD/head, almost like slavery or human trafficking. What a mess.

LakotaPride ago

only BS is from you, unless you are not paying any Federal and State taxes. and what part of Human trafficking did you fail to comprehend that is being done by the Globalists and their puppets. when they raise your taxes or take tax money from you, that is your bill.

aileron_ron ago

And that's what open border people want.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, basically many of them want to turn this Nation into the same crap holes they came from.

lOstinthewOOds ago

STFU and pay you're taxes.

BeeBop71 ago

What angers people is when politicians just quip that it isn't state funds being used so we should stfu.

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LakotaPride ago

I agree Patriot, just like we and our employers pay into soc sec and they try to tell you that is a entitlement, BS our money we paid into as did our employers.

B166-ER ago

There's something to be said about a country that outright refuses to help its own yet spends that much money on strangers from foreign lands. There's plenty of people in America that are already US citizens who could use that money but the same people telling you it should got to foreigners are the same people who will tell you there's no money for homeless vets or the education system.

DanaNordic ago

Most of those funds go towards legal services. Lots of lawyers making bank off these illegal aliens.

mac1221 ago

Great point. It is so frustrating to have this insanity shoved at us. Any person with half a functional brain understands this makes no sense. I am all for helping those less fortunate, but we are paying for our own destruction. We import charity cases that more than likely will never be able to be self sufficient while we have so much need among our own. I agree with you - this is insane.

LakotaPride ago

Exactly Patriot, and this is what I am hearing is happening in the EU also, same exact plan

veteran88 ago

Send them all back along with everyone who brought them here.

mac1221 ago

I really wish we could Patriot. The next best thing is to not allow anymore importation of permanent government dependants.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot yes we all can, when the Globalists are gone , time to correct what was wrong.

veteran88 ago

of course we can

step 1 realize fascism is really good for the founding population.

step 2 elect a hyperauthoritarian fascist

step 3 bye bye traitors

LakotaPride ago

Exactly patriot, just the Globalists and their puppets need to go before Military Tribunals.

MAGAAyaBish ago


LakotaPride ago

Patriot, that works for me

Jellybumps ago

Math doesn't make sense.

Most don't make that much a year.

I think it's a money laundering racket from way back.

Stuff doesn't jive.

mac1221 ago

What is even more shameful is the fact that many so called religious organizations are feeding at the piggy trough of government resettlement handouts. You are right - it is one more way to launder money and destroy us at the same time.

LakotaPride ago

Exactly patriot, what part of you can not serve two Masters did they not understand ? Like Bobble head Sharpton. Does he think his little race card is going to Intimidate the Creator, then he is even dumber then I thought.

mac1221 ago

Much dumber than that me thinks.

LakotaPride ago

ROFL Patriot, me thinks you are correct. LOL

Jellybumps ago

Great points.

mac1221 ago

I was actually disgusted and shocked when reading about the ugly truth of religious organizations and the amount of money they receive to help settle people in our communities who do not want to be Americans. The vast majority are not interested in assimilating and will be burdens on the communities where they live due to their low skill level and often lack of education even in their home countries. Resettlement is just one more way the people are being fleeced.

POdPatriot ago

Yes, the one in my state heavily involves churches.

mac1221 ago

Well meaning and compassionate people are having their generosity weaponized against them and being used as pawns in the globalization game of thrones.

Jellybumps ago

The mere word "Religious" actually irritates me, and I'm a Believing Christian, obviously, non denomination.

Religion is a man made tradition.

I have a relationship with My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Religion is a money making racket, imo.

( Boy, I'm sure I'm going to get slammed for saying it, but, those who know will understand).

mac1221 ago

I understand completely. Organized religion irritates me as well. That is why I said "so called religious organizations." Unfortunately, I personally know of well meaning Christians that have been sucked into this lie about helping the "refugees." They are the foot soldiers and doing what they believe is the right thing to do, while the organizational structure above them is getting paid. Who knows where the money really goes? These institutions should not be getting paid by the government. If they want to step up and help, then do so. Keep tax payer money out of it. In fact, no charity should be getting any tax payer money - at that point they are no longer a charity.

Jellybumps ago

Couldn't agree more.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, the Globalists are laughing at all the tax money they rake in.

Jellybumps ago

Yes, they really are, and it really matters.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot remember this, those that laugh last , laugh best. our turn is coming up.

Gorillion ago

“No plausible model, not even the National Academies’ best-case scenario, comes close to suggesting that refugees who enter as adults will be net fiscal contributors,”

Making the proper "optics" argument that less money is better spent helping them in their own homelands.

Obviously we know what the real agenda is, but stuff like this helps corner the globo-rat (lol, Borat...).

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, appears their real agenda is to destroy the economy and then take over.

con77 ago

importing shitskins that hate us

sane ago

Exactly. The only one creating tax base to fund welfare are WHITE PEOPLE IN PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS, and the (((media))) is constantly relentlessly whipping up hatred against the evil racist entitled White people.

Its all basically a plan to destroy every White Nation with socialist brown skinned invaders.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot if you dig deeper, appears it is the Globalists that are making this money with these Illegal invasions.

MissingEgo1 ago

I wonder about the shift of outsourcing from China to India. India suddenly has all kinds of ventures that seem beyond their capability. Not to mention Isreal stating their support for them. Is the zog shifting things to India? This started before corona reared it's head.

LakotaPride ago

Great question Patriot, this virus should wake us up, that, we need the meds and all to be manufactured here, and not outsourced as being one example. India being better then China is not the answer. China from what I read manufactures 90% of our meds, we should bring it back home.

MissingEgo1 ago

Not American but I take great interest in America. If America falls, most, if not all, of the West falls. Simple as that. I live in one of the most idiotically run counties in the world which redpilled me quite a bit.

I was dumbstruck when I learned just how much meds China manufactures. Most of the world's problems comes down to the pursuit of cheap labor. Cheap labour was my countries downfall.

LakotaPride ago

Thank you for joining in Anon, these globalists made the world their playground, and the poor people get to pay the bill, it is a world wide problem with a easy solution, time to make arrests and charge them with crimes against humanity.

hollywood2020 ago

part of the war the govt is waging against us, water down the IQ of the masses, then make them just as poor as the filth coming in for your job

Computergeek01 ago

If you have a job that one of these dregs is qualified for then you've failed at life. Take up a trade, electricians and plumbers are booked a month or more out in advance these days.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, I think trade schools pay off, because there is a ho9gh demand and they are making better pay. President Trump is right about that fact

NoMoreScreenNames ago

"...For your job"....No, these creatures will be supported by the taxpayers via welfare. Look up jizya . They have little interest in gainful employment, and less capacity.

LakotaPride ago

Exactly Patriot, here we see the old slave Master mentality, the biggest threat is a educated slave.

Lamp_shade ago

Thanks zog emperor trumpstein.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

The half white, homosexual muslim that opened the borders name was Barry Hussein Soetoro and he loves Somalian people. He literally brought hundreds of thousands in and put them all in one place in Minnesota. Then he told incestual Omar to run for a seat. Sickening shitskins.

Lamp_shade ago

And the kike boomer who has kept them open for the last four years is named donald trumpstein.

LakotaPride ago

Time to hold the Democrats and RINOs for this fraud being done upon the tax payers.