TraditionalCode0 ago

Quite the interdasting graphic on the card.

The cloud and tornado seem to represent a 'Q', and the landscape looks like Obama's logo.

Was this intentional.

Like the symbolic analogy being spot on as well.

Can you throw down a 45 for us?

Dao-it ago


TraditionalCode0 ago

Nope to which?

Intentional or you can't throw down a 45?

I can go find it myself, but I was just curious.

TraditionalCode0 ago


Q anons are to Q, the vehicle to produce the optic (public awareness) necessary before the battle is 'allowed' to happen.

The crowd of commons is not the elite fighting force, it is for whom the force fights.

Aside from trolls and shills, Q is hindered by ignorance or sophomoric understanding of their own host.

"Symbols will be their downfall". This does not mean symbols themselves will be anyone's downfall, but only when understood to the extent that their manipulations as control will no longer have power. We must raise our own awareness.....create a Great Awakening not only of the evil that exists, but of our SELVES and what that is.

All symbols can be seen as having both negative and positive attributes/effects.

We must learn and choose WISELY, both as individuals and as a group.

Be as wise as serpents, yet (blameless) as a dove.

The Q team knows their enemy and the methods.

Think mirror................of the mirror.

Unfortunately, it's mostly DIViders who DIVinate, not the DIVine.

The flock are not able to be left unattended.

Until then, we required shepards who don't rule "shearly" for the sake of power.

Organized religions have all failed their respective flock.

So gird your loins and prepare for battle (reaping the whirlwind).

There will be no Nirvana to come from this..............yet.

So Q it is until then.

The number 17 is responsible for, Insight, responsibility, self-discipline, strength, compassion, spiritual consciousness, and wisdom, a desire for peace and love for all of humanity.

Dao-it ago

Agreed. I (myself) am attempting to point to interesting coincidences/synchronicities/signs without becoming anybody's prophet/profit.

TraditionalCode0 ago

I was already familiar with the I Ching, but didn't think to check until your posting of the 44.

I liked the graphic and wanted to know where you got that particular interpretation.

I was only slightly disappointed when you wouldn't provide that, but I looked and found.

Thanks for changing your mind in accord.

I understand how pushback works with attempts to enlighten so all is good.

Thanks again.

Dao-it ago

You're very welcome, and thank you as well.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Please send any other good connects you make. I enjoy them.

We need more like you.

Dao-it ago

Tarot #17: the Star

Jotaro Kujo's stand: Star Platinum

The esoterica is real, deep, and really deeply weeaboo..

TraditionalCode0 ago

Are you familiar with the phrase "Tsaddi/Tzaddi is not the Star" and it's significance to Aleister Crowley?

Turning Divine Inspiration on it's head.

Dao-it ago

Nope. A contextual link would be appreciated.

Dao-it ago


TraditionalCode0 ago

Alrighty then.

And I upvoted you.

Dao-it ago


MisterScratch ago

Hexagram 44, Gou has a single Yang or female line in bottom spot surmounted by five male Yin lines which bespeaks cyprianism or prostitution.

The Oracle of the Tao, the Single Coin Method - The Oracle can arrange the fall of a coin and communicates to man at its discretion .. cast one coin only in six two throw sequences totaling twelve throws in all of a single coin - Tails is Yin masculine and positive, Heads is Yang feminine and negative, the first throw determines the gender of the oracle a double call is a moving line.

Dao-it ago

Yep. A useful chaos/doubt generator.

For whores.

Dao-it ago

Dao-it ago

channelling<< Asuka energy, atm. @ me.