Manolis_Gledsodakis ago

The plane crashed, killing the passengers. It did not explode into a million pieces, as it would if struck by a missile. Missiles are not designed simply to poke a hole in the target. They destroy it - utterly!

The crash occurred because the plane had a fire inside. Why did it catch fire? (Clue: it wasn't because of a Samsung smartphone battery failure.)

Sun-Q ago

All interesting theories, but

1) Timing - Who would fly out during a sensitive time like this, this smells pre planned

2) A rookie is on watch for a possible WWIII event, makes a trigger mistake, not likely

My Top 3 options

1) Pro Salami Militia making a statement to those who aided trump

2) DS play to make Trump look bad, backfired

3) DS escaping, Pro Salami got wind, (hey u developed this plan and are bailing on us)

Each would explain video/s of the event - Planned!

Open Question - Was any one on the plane in 1,2 - A decoy or a FF for DS to exploit

iontheball ago

It's beginning to look like a cover (faked deaths) for a number of nuclear scientists that "allegedly" were on board the plane.

FuhQ ago

Of COURSE it was deliberate--at the time, they were freaked out, they had no idea what kind of plane it was. So some kid fired on a passenger plane. Let's not turn this into a fucking conspiracy as well.

Madrigalian ago

See, this is what I find interesting. Why have the names been so difficult to get ahold of? Now. There's this. 6 of the passengers were Nuclear Scientist, leaving Iran headed to Ukrain, home of the Uranium 1 scandal... this is deeper than we are being lead to believe.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Looks like the "I was shooting at a possible cruise missile." narrative is collapsing.

Looking a lot more like the deliberate murder of these specific civilians.

The plane was flying away from Iran, was it not?

A cruise missile would be flying toward Iran.

Leonidas4Q ago

My favorite explanation:

lisa page's gums • an hour ago

alternate theory: iran shot at all 19 airliners, but only managed to hit one!

Madrigalian ago

I have yet to see a list of names on the flight. Anybody?

Madrigalian ago


i_am_texas_charlie ago

I came across a more detailed one recently, but not sure where. If I find it, I will pass it along, too. No problem.

Zanbato ago

there is no reason to shoot it down on purpose. This is just their shitty military with an epic fail killing their own people.

Madrigalian ago

You really think they shot it down by accident, and the fact that it was returning, taking off and bugging out in the middle of a live fire conflict, to Ukraine, of all places, was just a coincidence? Really?

Zanbato ago

there were other civilian planes during that time that didn't get shot down.

Cherub98 ago

I don’t know how any planes were coming or going. The airspace was closed. Any pilot that would take off during this time, had to have been desperate or had a gun held to his head.

Zanbato ago

The airspace was closed.


Madrigalian ago


dingdong44 ago

Hitting a flying plane is very difficult. This was no accident.


It's not really. The Russian Tor system, backed with their S300s, could easily take down w slow flying plane on its takeoff climb. Since it was less than 10k, FAA regulations would mandate it being less than 250 knots. But who knows what those sand people do... Regardless, a shoulder fired Manpad could take down a commercial airliner taking off.

TurquoiseLover ago

You have to wonder why the plane was leaving so quickly. Who had the uranium?

whohat ago

possible or DS clowns escaping if the country is really starting to work with Potus as NK is

whohat ago

Evidence does appear to indicate that Iran may have shot down the Ukrainian jetliner on purpose. This was not accident.