Majorwood111 ago

She's celebrating that her allies Iran is attacking our troops.

waldo1899 ago

she was partying because she had been briefed by the Iranians on the coming attack

solo7 ago

Nancy doesn't want Trump to stop Iran's violence!

Yep, gotcha Nancy, drown your pain at the party.


Nancy Pelosi Verified account@SpeakerPelosi

Closely monitoring the situation following bombings targeting U.S. troops in Iraq. We must ensure the safety of our servicemembers, including ending needless provocations from the Administration and demanding that Iran cease its violence. America & world cannot afford war.

4:31 PM - 7 Jan 2020

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, there she shows her leadership abilities. none at all.

Bir_Yaqub ago

She is getting bombed in solidarity with American troops. That's real empathy!

Soon she will be taking cover under the table.

Cherub98 ago

But..... she’s monitoring the situation closely!!!!!