I want to say it's due to communism but that only exacerbated an already existing situation.
South Koreans never had communism and they mistreat animals. Japs are better but only marginally. The only far-east Asians with some sympathy for animals are Taiwanese but even then I'm not sure how many of them, proportionally speaking.
I still wonder if it's a cultural or a genetic thing. That post now makes me believe it's more genetic than anything.
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VoutGuy ago
Halal/Kosher BTFO?!
urp ago
What about CHINESE and KOREAN dog vivisection for "flavor" ?
WATCH this infamous voat post !!
12 QUICK chinese lack of empathy video examples out of hundreds (12 animal torture videos of average Chinese doing what Asians do)
On USA soil most all animal abuse is by non-whites, especially blacks. But Chinese in china win the prize.
NarrativeControl ago
I want to say it's due to communism but that only exacerbated an already existing situation.
South Koreans never had communism and they mistreat animals. Japs are better but only marginally. The only far-east Asians with some sympathy for animals are Taiwanese but even then I'm not sure how many of them, proportionally speaking.
I still wonder if it's a cultural or a genetic thing. That post now makes me believe it's more genetic than anything.
369693936 ago
Yikes, that's some crazy shit right there.