Odius1 ago

Nothing spells winning like Pet Protective Services.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

This will be a useless law until some shitskin crosses state lines while filming/streaming himself raping a goat, and torturing a chicken to death for a kosher dinner. The key here is the video evidence. Why the fuck did they not simply make it a felony to video record animal abuse for sharing? Otherwise you have to abuse the animal on federal property to invoke the law.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

So to invoke this law one would have to cross state lines amidst anally raping a goat while halal slaughtering a chicken for a kosher dinner?

SuckaFree ago

Needs to be a federal felony to do the same to kids and the elderly

iyskreem ago

Yeah and how about a law banning circumcision? No? Alright then

Enst_Hardwasre ago

Let’s protect the children first.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Bad cases of animal cruelty are a sign of a future Jeffrey Dahmer type psychopath and help should be sought ASAP.

Federalizing the crime might help make that happen.

Witsend ago

And yet a cop is cleared in shooting a dog if it moves or barks.

smokratez ago

Feeding grains to cows is animal cruelty. Could this be the thing that saves Americans from their forced diet?

Qmajor ago


President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony for the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act


whohat ago

thanks for the update

Zammyanci ago

As it should be.

I hate extending the reach of government.

But, this is one I would have advocated for myself.

BTW, anyone notice how much attention VP Pence was getting from the hero dog, Konan? Just a question... not a loaded one. He only had eyes for VP Pence.

DickCaveat ago

Not a loaded reply:

Who can prove Conan's identity?

I thought, maybe he's a sniffer.

Then I watched the video long enough for POTUS to say that this exact kind of dog is a sniffer breed. They can be trained to sniff anything.

Zammyanci ago


I wonder what it was 🤔😏

whohat ago

yes a Potus didn't look to happy

Zammyanci ago

I know, it was pretty strange all the way around.

whohat ago


Wwg1wga1972 ago

Just what to gubbermint needs... an easier way to frame your ass.

Calling you out on this one potus

ALIENS2222 ago

Neighbor doesn't like your brand of dog food... BOOM... HERE COMES THE SWAT TEAM (who shoots your dog) breaks your daughters arm and molests yor wife

Wwg1wga1972 ago


Sleuth222 ago


Charilko ago

Oh I bet those fur-fags are going to be upset! You know which ones I’m talking about - degenerates like that fucker Kero the Wolf.

ALIENS2222 ago

Either this will be used against kosher/halal demonic sacrifice or it will be used against every white farmer with some pigs and chickens...

avenger1 ago

This is great news!

telleveryoneyouknow ago

He also said he’d bring back the death penalty for pedos. Muslims and Jews may have their herds thinned out a bit

blueskywins ago

YES. good.

369693936 ago

So now we're protecting every other mammal except for the descendants of the White People who settled, founded, built and died to create and protect the USA?

ALIENS2222 ago

And reptiles and insects... and fish. and plants... and and.

maaaxheadroom ago

Good. I have no problems with this.

drhitler ago

Niggers have to many protections

Smallest_Skil ago

will this ban the horrific halal and kosher bullshit by those fucking sadistic jews and moslems.

Sheetz ago

So this going to keep some undesirables from voting?

Geo_synchronous ago

Dang. Bill Clinton wont be allowed to ass bang his dog anymore.

User890020 ago

I thought it was a side of beef?

Geo_synchronous ago

Beef, Women, Dogs, Boys, Tree stumps. It doesn't matter. Bill would hit it.

ButtersThatsMe ago

He should also sign into law anyone who has an abortion is a federal crime against humanity.

Phantom42 ago

Blacks are limited in population because of that, man. I'd be careful.

Anymore I just feign ignorance/apathy on the subject. On one hand, I don't like babies getting killed. On the other, the babies getting killed would grow up to kill White babies/Whites in general.

User890020 ago


Zanbato ago

but fuck vegans am i rite

DickCaveat ago

I was just thinking....derp, POTUS goin for the vegan voter base /s

HbMcNutt ago

Why the fuck do we need more federal laws?

ALIENS2222 ago

The broad interpretation of the commerce clause is why!

Odius1 ago

Cause we don't have enough aleeady.

Almighty1776 ago

Animals bad more at 10

LostandFound ago

Yes finally some protection for us goyim cattle! moooo

rejectedfromreddit ago

"Muslims are really right about animal cruelty"

tokui ago

Now, the stage is set.

Kosher & Halal animal torture next.

DamnLiquor ago

Are the demons drinking animal blood too? Is the the reason?

User890020 ago

They are, most don't even hide

VoutGuy ago

Halal/Kosher BTFO?!

sbt2160p ago

Trump would never, ever, ever, do anything against jewish interests. Sadly.

QualityShitposter ago

What happens when muzzies can't fuck goats?

Pcpoet09 ago

that's when they turn to children.

QShakaLaBoom ago

They do that already metaphorically speaking.

urp ago

What about CHINESE and KOREAN dog vivisection for "flavor" ?

WATCH this infamous voat post !!

12 QUICK chinese lack of empathy video examples out of hundreds (12 animal torture videos of average Chinese doing what Asians do)


On USA soil most all animal abuse is by non-whites, especially blacks. But Chinese in china win the prize.

NarrativeControl ago

I want to say it's due to communism but that only exacerbated an already existing situation.

South Koreans never had communism and they mistreat animals. Japs are better but only marginally. The only far-east Asians with some sympathy for animals are Taiwanese but even then I'm not sure how many of them, proportionally speaking.

I still wonder if it's a cultural or a genetic thing. That post now makes me believe it's more genetic than anything.

369693936 ago

Yikes, that's some crazy shit right there.

Nonymous608 ago


whohat ago

Those convicted will face federal felony charges, fines and up to seven years in prison.

Any thing to do with up coming pedo trials?????????????

ALIENS2222 ago

Naw they will use it against some prepper who raises chickens and chops their heads off with an axe and eats them.

Nephesh ago

the heads or the chickens?

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Chicken head soup, it's delicious! (hint, don't eat the beaks.) No there's no feathers in it.