karamazov57 ago

I’m so angry about this it makes my blood boil. When are we going to quit paying taxes???

Majorwood111 ago

You'er not alone Patriot, it makes all our blood boil! Remember Q's post these people will not be able to walk down the street.

karamazov57 ago

Thanks Patriot Majorwood111, I’m so glad I found this place and know that others are just as angry. It helps but I need to do something and can’t figure out what that may be yet. I am ready.

angelCole ago

I believe we'll get our money back and more. I'm pissed about that too.

Majorwood111 ago

I do to Patriot they know where to get it from EO on Dec.21,2017

lOstinthewOOds ago

More like billions and just wait until we get to the Clinton Foundation and all those other countries...

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, this is now on record during these Impeachment hearings, where are the Democrats and the fake news MSM demanding a investigation ? MIA as always.

Majorwood111 ago

That's right Patriot crickets from the MSM because as we know they'er complicit in the Treason.

LakotaPride ago

Exactly Patriot, and this is why the Treasonous and or Seditionist MSM Fake News will be going down with the rest of them.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

They capture more than a hundred thousand children per year for jewish occult sacrifices where they sexually torture and eat infants.

And this is what you think will do it.

quantum1234 ago

Burisma didn't only steal money from the Ukranian people....they stole money from the US taxpayer! We gave Ukraine a billion dollars...kickbacks...

qfollower911 ago

And not just Ukraine. Many countries receive Foreign Aid which is just a kick-back scheme to our politicians at taxpayer expense. It's well past time to stop the fleecing of America.

Free4ever ago

What’s pissing me off is WE ARE PAYING TAXES ON OUR RETIREMENT INCOME. On income we already paid taxes on!

$100-$300 a MONTH out of our budget every month for INCOME TAXES of just under $50K gross income.


TheBone ago

That's one of those things that pisses me off immensely. Double and triple taxed every damn step of the way. It tempts me to just tell them "fuck you" and wait for the battle to commence. They had no right to tax my wages earned in the first damn place and used some retarded judge's "tradition" decision as valid reasoning for it. Fuck'm. Would be a damn shame for some low I.Q. cops to have to die for facilitating their damn extortions but no one forced the cops to be stoooopid. I've already made my mark on my family and have very little left to do so I'm not afraid of death but are they? If it should ever happen there will be a LOT of attention preset up and drawn to it to paint that picture for the rest. It is damn tempting just to expose the truth regardless of my death. They know most of us won't do shit because of our families but some of us old dudes are just about past that point of concern and no longer give a rat's ass about the consequences. The ridiculous amount of time this whole Q operation is taking is pushing many to that point and I swear it seems as if that's what they are hoping for but I still have to wonder why they would hope for that. I can think of several reasons but know not which is the desired outcome.

Majorwood111 ago


Free4ever ago

This was only Biden. They’ve all been doing it in how many other countries?

Ever wonder why all this money keeps gong to these countries as “foreign aid”?

As Steve Brannon said: Biden is the grenade that will set up the explosion of all there corrupt machines and Hunter Biden os the pin.

pby1000 ago

Could this explain the panic after Trump won the election?

Majorwood111 ago

Bingo...You are over Target Patriot PANIC!

OobieDoob ago

What the US does is the same all over the world. Supporting coups to make sure every country has IMF Debt and a Central Bank tied to the BIS. In the meantime, all the pigfuckers like the Biden losers put their whole arm up in the Cookie Jar.


Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

It's always been about the money. It has never been about quid pro quo, or bribery, or anything that they have accused the president of. It has always been about the money. The democrats don't want anyone to find out where it went. Ukraine was hemorrhaging money, including the foreign aid money. Corruption was so rife that even though the investigations have continued for years they have found none of it. and found no one who is culpable for the theft. At this very moment Congress is engaged in the act of obstructing justice by attempting to impeach this president for continuing an investigation into where the American taxpayers money went. They are attempting to convict a president of the united state by the virtue of testimony of a ghost! If this continues, we will find ourselves eventually the victims of tyranny in the land of the free.

Majorwood111 ago

We all ready are victims of these enemy's within the Communist party the left.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

So true.

TurquoiseLover ago

Now you wouldn't know any of that from the FAKE impeachment would you.

SubhumanDeplorable ago

The swamp is big & corrupt and nobody but Trump and the American people seem to give a shit. The problem is we have zero power to do anything about it. Our fucking tax dollars are wasted and DOJ is corrrupt.

Majorwood111 ago

Not true we do have the power to do something about I guess you haven't read POTUS's EO from Dec.2017. Yes the DOJ is corrupt but its changing it takes time.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It's pretty easy to see, that at this point, if true justice isn't enacted against these corrupt traitors, that the American public is going to take matters into their own hands, and this nation will see a spate of political assassinations again.

Doesn't take a genius to see and realize that.

Nonymous608 ago

We gave them a billion fucking dollars and they laundered 16 million back to the Biden's... How the fuck do you figure they took it from the Ukrainian people exactly??? We gave them a fucking billion dollars...16mil is pocket change.

Majorwood111 ago

They took s lot more than 16 mil.

qfollower911 ago

Yet, it's still OUR money; decades of fleecing us; think about how much better all of our lives would be without the crooks running (ruining) our country.

Birdbrain ago

Some of the reports are saying 7.4 billion came back. I believe the aid totaled around $3.6 given in two payments. If the return number is correct they had to be siphoning off the Ukrainian people through the oil and gas companies.

Nonymous608 ago

That's beyond corrupt... That's treasonous.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I don't give a fuck about fake money. I want these people hanged, and everything they've done to destroy America reversed. Send Non-whites home.

Anonymous171717 ago

Think about aid to Haiti, too. Who benefited from that? The Clintons. Aid to Ukraine? Biden's, Kerry's son and a couple others. Trade with China? Funs put into a Biden fund. This whole thing is a worldwide money laundering operation of US Taxpayer money designed to benefit the DS and Democrat politicians, individually. They are terrified they've been caught.

SubhumanDeplorable ago

They aren't terrified, the whole fucking govt is in on it. Trump isn't govt. He is as helpless as we are.

Roughpatch ago

And some of these people make new tax laws to get more.

Fetalpig ago

US aid...has always been a money laundering operation.

Msmwatcher ago

The Ukrainian ppl make about $300/month. Cokehead Biden was getting about 90k/month from the Ukrainian govt. kek! Get out the pitch forks.

arbennett ago

don't count on the brainwashed waking up, as in the song "I look at all the brain dead sheeple"

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yeah I don’t think there is anything that will wake them up. The hardcore Dems will just claim it’s fake news and a Trump set up.

Then you have to adjust for the fact that there are 150m people who only get their news from celebrity twitter accounts and the late night comedy shows

cuvir ago

Yeah, not just Joe, but ALL of his family members who received it.

wasupwitdis ago

this sink hole keeps getting bigger. Its all starting to come out . Now the Ukrainian parliament is pushing for investigations also... The rats are all scurrying around trying to cover their asses. Its to damn late. The more that comes out the better this gets... I agree with you Wood ..WE THE PEOPLE WANT OUR MONEY BACK...............WWG1WGA

QCrumbCatcher ago

Related -

Q post 3552


US taxpayers are paying for it all.

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.

Slush funds everywhere.

Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep.

Feel sick yet?


RussianGoyBot ago

Been sick

QCrumbCatcher ago


TheSpeaker2 ago

Sadly, patriot, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Foreign aid IS just such a racket - everywhere. Look at all the third world dictators driving nice cars while their people remain destitute. Look at Haiti, Latin America where the CIA operated, Asia, etc....

The Great Awakening is, in part, exposing foreign aid. This is just the beginning.

Tekedo ago

... it literally just clicked that we send tons of aid money to Israel as part of this same racket. I wonder where that money gets filtered, that country's infastructure looks like fucking Pakistan.

Birdbrain ago

The aid to Israel is slightly different it gets spread across more politicians through AIPAC.

calcy454 ago

this type of scheme has probably been going on since the first time we gave aid $ to a country.

Msmwatcher ago

How did we not see all of this decades ago?

QualityShitposter ago

Anyone who looked too close got disappeared.

Birdbrain ago

^^ And the mainstream media covered up the theft and the disappearances.

Barfin ago

haiti is another recent example after they had a hurricane and wasted billions

popsikle ago

not forgetting, is there anything to the mine her brother has his hands in?

OregonAngel2 ago

The brother's position in a gold mine in Haiti could be a way to launder the gold which disappeared from Khadaffi/Libya. He was working to have a gold backed currency, the Gold Dinar. It seems to be a mystery where the gold went. A gold mine in Haiti would be very convenient. "Oh, that gold we just sold into the international gold market? We just dug it up!"

popsikle ago

i was curious of Mo's gold too and often wonder what sort of clearance/diversion would take to 'move' gold from fort knox. those satanists are playing a dangerous game.

Barfin ago

he allegedy died in june, cause of death not mentioned. pretty cold to arkancide your own brother

Roughpatch ago

Oh but Hillary made out after hurricane in Haiti. The money never made it to the Haitians.

Barfin ago

she made money but also child traficing

Roughpatch ago

And organ trafficking...she's a witch!

CHeritageP ago

Which is why I'm against foreign aid if it isn't physical.

Your people dying of a famine? I'll fly a military transport plane full of food over and hand it out to the people.

Dying of a plague? I'll send over some doctors and nurses and some hospital ships.

Fuck wiring a giant check over.

369693936 ago

Ukraine is where we find the end to unravel the whole ball of yarn


Six_Cents ago

Everything about the democrats is a money laundering scheme. Unions, Planed Parenthood and everything else that the crooks on the left demand the US taxpayer's money fund.

Helenahandbasket ago

The Epstein bs is waking some people I know to phony official narratives. And they acknowledge media bias . They still can’t accept media collaboration. DS is still too much for them to wrap their heads around. As for impeachment, they’re just not listening. Not enough attention span. They know it’s on tv but they don’t know the actors, don’t even recognize the name Schiff.

crocJT ago

Soros involved, too. Facilitator for the coup to get the right player in as head of the Ukraine.

I guess they are trying a coup in US to stop us finding out how badly they have been bilking we the citizens whose money they are stealing. Shiffty's stupid inquiry is blowing the lid off of everything....it's a big old boomerang and it is coming back hard to decapitate the players. That's why this is being allowed to happen. They could have already been arrested for the attempted coup and treason, but they are exposing themselves every time they question someone. "Never stop and enemy when he is destroying himself."

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Majorwood111 ago

Exactly Patriot good comment so I just want to thank the speaker, A Shitt and all the. STUPID Dems. for bring to the for front.

crocJT ago

Bet you never thought you'd be thanking that bug-eyed pedo POS.

Majorwood111 ago

Lol good one ya right 👍

Barfin ago

maybe he is secretly based and fucking up on purpose