Qmajor ago

Really do not follow SB2 myself - Mark taylor mentioned him in this vid 9/16/2019 It's Hammer Time!


BrokenWolf ago

I like this guy, but he makes my brain itch. He loses me at carry the zero and divide by potato to find the square root of a strippers thong.

2funny ago


jjmichaels ago

exactly. also good one.

Welorf ago

SB2 is a fraud.

mrGaudi ago

Yes, SB2 is retarded.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=FKKGoAK_vnw :

SerialBrain2: The reason Trump said: “I’m the Chosen One”. - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=NufnT-vV11Q :

Amazing Trump Prayers - FLOTUS amazed us all with the Lord's Prayer - YouTube

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