Synesthesiac ago

Put his ass in a cell with the 28 girl's pissed off dads!!

JackANorey ago

Sorry for my ignorance. What age is grade 2? Like 7-8?

Don't waste taxpayers money on people like this. Open & closed case. Take all his property, all his savings, any assets. Auction it all, pay the kids and burn this fucker with hot coals on live TV

dmt3rdi ago

Shaping up to be the mother of all harvests.

MindyBluestar17 ago

The mf who abused me as a child in the 60s died 2 days ago from a vicious type of neurological disease. It's why I have fn ptsd l today at 57. Fker was an Eagle Scout and a Mason. His Mason father messed with him too. Evil bastards.

In God's hands now...

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Wow! Sick, evil monsters Choose to serve satan and his vile ways. I am sorry for the horrors he put you through. Never goes away and Exactly while these wicked predators are seduced by satan into harming when their victims are children. Many refuse to repent and turn from their evil ways so he is likely where the worm never dies and the torment Never ends.

MindyBluestar17 ago

If I were in charge it would be bad, real bad for him. My role is not to judge or to sentence; but to continue to truly trust and commit it all to God and Christ as the authors of Truth and the Sovereignty of God is infallible and right.

Thank you. Tougher every day.

veteran88 ago

Get the rope

MrDarkWater ago

Why the fuck are they interviewing a 6th grade girls about this?

Fucking hell, people have no sense

Massfree ago

And I would research your local principals and above . Check connections to catholic Church even when young, Jesuit schools , not always catholic .webs of sickness.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago


Massfree ago

Amen !

420ninja ago

kill it today!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

What Guardians of Children have to say to the demon kind child predators and pedo normalization crowd. . .

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If you don't Repent, you can go to Hell, Hell, Hell!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you to Great #GuardianOfChildren Jane (who shared this on the platform many of ya all hate) for sharing this article about this predator teacher who even promised a child he would marry her! What kind of twisted sickness is being allowed in these cabal run schools? Check out who owns the curriculum. I had my daughters bring home their text books and it does nothing but push a certain agenda! No wonder these people are given a Free Pass so often!

This twisted pedophile teacher had children clamoring over trying to impress him as he groomed them and had them sit on his lap in suggestive ways while he literally felt them up. Is this what we should tolerate in our schools? Schools we all pay taxes on as they demand more and more money, yet you should the poorer schools. . .money is Not allocated fairly. I know, I and family member have been in them and witnessed the disparity. The school system is yet another Elitist institution no matter what the "powers that be" and administrators lead you to believe and that goes for so called "Christian Admins!" Not saying all, but Plenty!

Are you sick of hearing about some of the teachers in your schools who have preyed upon children for Years?

This is Beyond Sick. Progressive leftists out there still Refusing to acknowledge how rampant this is and pretending it isn't a major epidemic when it IS! Thank you to people like Brandon Straka and his supporters who have Spoken out Directly Against this agenda. I question all who continue to aide and abet rather than acknowledge just because they want to stand in defiance of our President. Is that worth the well being of children. . . your leftists hate means More to you than these children? I can't wrap my brain around that, just like I can't wrap my brain around people who prefer to use innocent children to further their Sick debauchery in order to satisfy themselves! Truly the party of me, me, me and all out Selfishness! Down with this 2 party system where some have cloak and cover while mucking about in bold criminal behavior!

This teacher was blatantly Grooming these children and I'm just waiting for all the demon AI's and paid trolls to come out in defense as I've heard the do so many times before for over 2 years now. Makes me sick to my stomach! I have Nothing in common with those who support this and I know all of those signing up to be on the front lines to bring this evil Down agree!

Thank you to all who Fight daily on the side of Good who are Directly opposed to this and Don't give the agenda of the left a Free Pass while attempting to normalize pedophilia by putting kids in adult situations or taking them to events Not meant for kids in an effort to desensitize them to nudity and sexuality. A blatant pedophile agenda that some are all out Refusing to acknowledge because they so badly wish to Push and Bully their lack of morals onto everyone including innocent children. Children who Can't protect themselves and rely on adults to guide and protect them.

Signing up to be on the Front Lines to Tear this sickness down in order to protect these children! Evil thinks it will win, but It Won't! They have all enjoyed watching their agenda be pushed under an administration that was Intent on pushing it. Even had the infant lover over to the White House and the MK ultra programming theme Alice and Wonderland KNOWN to be used by a large pedo ring for a Halloween pary And a certain actor's agency in Hollywood connected to Hanx. Isaac Kappy knew what these people were up to. Did some filming in New Mexico also! We know about your director friend Hanx and where those shoes come from! We also know about Heather and we know about Epstein's "farming operation" and AI investments. You may Think you took down Kappy, but I assure you sick, evil child predators. . .you Won't win this Battle!

We See your lies and perversion and we raise you One God Almighty who is sending His Army to stop your wickedness and preying upon the innocent!

Isaiah 11:4

But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

2 Thessalonians 2:8

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:”

Psalm 37:38

But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off.

Psalm 7:9

Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.

God has a message for you and you should choose to listen rather than rebelling as the father you serve now. Repent and start talking to your Creator!

Psalm 52:1-5

Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.

2 The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.

3 Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.

4 Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.

5 God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah.

We see you lurking about and trying to stifle truth. It Won't work! Plenty of platforms still out there you cannot tear down!