apple-bag ago

Smith-Mundt Modernization act, this shit is all fuckery

Zammyanci ago

Nattylitecoin ago

The reply for Newsweek (or something similar) I got on Twitter was that 100s of hateful messages were being submitted and the family asked for it to be taken down....FWIW

DevilsAdvocat3r ago

Call it all a coincidence and hope to God people buy it,

Kinda like calling a missle a helicopter.

Publius1778 ago

Honestly the pictures of the Dayton shooter and the deceased Connor D. Betts do not look identical and their parents have different names.

I have no doubt that this was a False Flag operation but I'm weary that some of this might be disinformation to gum up the truth movement.

errihu ago

Deceased Connor Betts was described in his obituary as a 6'3" teddybear of a football player who was an active mechanic who frequently did farm work and operated heavy machinery. The obituary photo shows a young man who has not been fed a consistent diet of soy - there was some T in that boy when he hit puberty.

The Connor Betts who killed people is most definitely not 6'3", has never worked a day in his life, and would probably ree if you threw a pigskin at him. He has distinctive signs of a diet heavy in soy. So how did Connor Betts lose 50 lbs of muscle mass and several inches upon his miraculous resurrection by the deep state?

TurquoiseLover ago

You really think the creeps don't steal DEAD people's names? You're very naive.

Podingo7 ago

Think that's bad, I'm still alive and been transformed into a Latino woman with same SS# as a big stretch, since I am twice the age of the woman, and a white male....

Publius1778 ago

I do but the point is these are not the same people.

You are a shill, stay away. Anyone spending this much time attacking over peanuts has the wrong goals and motivations.

Get lost.

SerialBullshit2 ago

No CCP. I'm such an asshole, but still:

TurquoiseLover ago

I thought crensch and qdini said this was ALL FAKE. You mean it's NOT?

Zammyanci ago

I posted the obit on the day of shootings, I deleted post because of the immediate negative response.

I wasn't certain if it was really him. And I thought I might cause the family to be harassed and cause them more heartbreak and pain so I deleted post.

But, I read it and looked for the sisters name and couldn't find it. It just said he had many family members pretty much, aunt's, uncle's etc...

The main reason I posted it was because the resemblance of his picture was very close to the shooter's.

Again, I was immediately hit with excuses of why it wasn't him, and stuff like, it's not uncommon for people to look a like etc...

I just figured it will come out if true.

Now I'm wondering if I was attacked because of other reasons.

Oh, and by the way, I'd normally wouldn't back down on my posts, so SHILL'S think again if you think I will lay down for another. Infact, you've just encouraged me to double down from here out.

The TRUTH needs to be exposed and by whatever means necessary. So, sometimes, it will appear to be click bait.

But Patriots keep in mind 90% of the time I believe, the intent for exposure of the TRUTH is the primary reasons for the post's. And 100% are on my post's, I know because they are mine.

Crensch ago

I thought crensch and qdini said this was ALL FAKE.

Link where I said this or apologize for being a lying faggot.

Jimmycrackerson ago

I don't like this. How do they keep getting away with this blatant shit over and over again?

Alderwolf ago

Which is why the story suddenly became kryptonite in MSM and why all the shills attack anyone mentioning it.

TurquoiseLover ago

You mean we have two members who are SHILLS out here? Oh my.

Alderwolf ago

Heh..I wasn't talking about them but they have been making themselves known. I was speaking from experience from other sites where I'm instantly and viciously attacked when I bring that up to rebuttal all the BS they are tying to spread. I've actually received several death threats literally in the past couple of days. It's fun to calmly troll trolls 😁

Fateswebb ago

THIS PHOTO IS REAL then its confirmed that the obituary WAS of the Dayton shooter, which means we are being lied to A LOT about this shooter. and also exposes the fact that the FBI or whoever is perpetrating this hoax wants a civil war, since they're saying the dude was a violent leftist extremist.. and the dude in El Paso which was definitely a Patsy was a anti-illegal immigration "activist" just what the ffff is going on here? please tell me this is fake..... to validate that this photo is real go here and you can see it for yourself. while the page requires a fee to get the whole page, you can go here and see the top of the guys picture.

Slimpickens1 ago

Couldn't hear the Fox report very well on my phone. Anyone hear it?

spaceman84 ago

She said there was a shooter in Horizon at 3pm, but it was only 2:35, then said oh that hasn't happened yet

mrsray ago

also, on top of obituary, it was reported on before it even happened

Fateswebb ago

this wasn't the same incident, this was in Texas, and the OP is about Dayton.

mrsray ago

thank you for pointing that out, my bad

Seer1965 ago

Quite the twist of a post on POAL... Will be interesting to learn the facts...

ScottMAGA ago

What is poal? It looks like another reddit/voat clone.

Seer1965 ago

It is. Might be a back up for VOAT

Zammyanci ago

It's similar. But imo, people are very bitter, at least those that I have read on there.