TrueSeeker777 ago

'If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.'

ViperCarbz ago

Well boys, we solved it!1!

Chasmaniac ago

You have got to be shitting me...

That laughable fake as fuck mp4 video is the proof? I don't know if this is a troll or some just idiot level fuckery.

mslibertyrider ago

Search Operation Gladio---it's all about the machinations by the Deep State to produce False Flags, made legal in 2012 by Obama. They will continue until we give up our guns...

Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but I thought POTUS looked defeated today, and especially after he announced using Red Laws in our states...which is the first step to take away our 2nd Amendment. I have been told, he could issue an EO to stop Operation Gladio. The Deep State is pushing him hard.

DevilsAdvocat3r ago

Source on the 2012 action?

Operation Gladio was put in place after WWII.

Was outed in Italy and all western powers fessed up.

US (Bush Sr.) said "no comment"

It's been referred to as political terrorism but was supposed to be used as anti-socialism/anti-communism/ and fight back against russian propoganda. The wikipedia page was an interesting read about but not seeing the obama reference.

mslibertyrider ago

Yes, it has been pretty much buried with that reference. In fact, hard to get any articles now about NDAA 2012 , repeal of Smith Mundt Act signed by Obama. Several Anons over the past year, brought me up to speed about False Flags, because I knew nothing about them. After reading the legislative language of the bill, it became apparent to me, that the only way to stop this horrific stuff is by EO or by a grass roots legislative effort which I have organized in the past. The problem we would have, is the extreme 'political climate' but the American Public needs to know they are being hit by propaganda warfare and innocent people are being killed. If they knew this was a legalized action of the Department of Defense, I think you would see the Earth move. In addition to the legalization of the FF, and propagandizing of media as a way to 'nullify the 2nd Amendment', they also approved and legalized sodomy and I believe it cannot be made a crime with children on military bases. This is reprehensible, but POTUS TRUMP and the Q Team are working hard to stop this...we have to do our part, and make our country aware.

Wolf451 ago

I think he may be referring to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

DevilsAdvocat3r ago

Could be... I thought Smith-Mundt was bad since it allowed propoganda in the US. What the other post referenced was bad as well becuase it was super secret and does have elements of political terrorism. If that is used against americans, we need to stay frosty.

Nofilterdude ago

This is a troll right?

sleepingbagpudding ago

some plastic thot faced presenter in a small market is an intelligence asset. jfc. why cant i get the cool jobs.

jack-in-the-crack ago

If this is true, someone there deserves prison time

penny2712 ago

give us a clue

gonadsofsteel ago

More details please... how about a timeline, and some evidence.

dieusor ago

Is this post meant to discredit voat?

HenryCabotLodge ago

And you all still believe these shooting just happen by themselves.?

notacannibal ago

So...somebody played back the Fox segment with a fraudulent timestamp and now Voat is going apeshit?

...or bullshit upvoats by bullshit accounts?

Ravyn4179 ago

She is the one who says that it hasn’t happened yet.