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Blacksmith21 ago

"It was transferred to him back in 1998 by Libet Johnson, the late heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, who passed away in 2017."

Didn't we just see J&J pedo diapers from the section of the J&J website describing how to massage a baby (Lidl Kidz)?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I tried to write you on here, and when I submitted they struck it and said there was an issue.

I realize a lot of funky things have been going on with voat lately.

Yes, I know, my responsibility as should always write outside to preserve then bring in, which is one of the Main reasons I put a great deal of my research in steemit, becaue if I don't it can disappear. Lots of harassment over that, but you are well aware and many endorsed those who harassed and attacked over steemit, though it IS non censoring and is Free to skim or read and no account is required. The demonic sort Love to attack anyone spreading truth as you likely already know.

I preface what I am about to share with that as I went back even though I had put numerous schreenshots from current research into imgur to send directly over here so the squealers couldn't claim false, distracting accusations about steemit. . .I don't have time to repeat all that and what I said. It was meant to be lost because then I went and dug up my old notes from the vid that youtube not only gave me a strike against, but they removed it. No time to dig it up and did tried to link it to D-tube, but I don't think those vids stay there long.

Anyhow, learned my lesson and put all my research in this article which one again is Free, no account required. As I do deep dives and connect and none of us have a lot of time on our hands, you will just want to skim this and will get the overall picture from a skim as I know you've been at this for some time and are disCerning.

I thought this part of the article from which you comment was Very Telling for these defilers. I will be putting out more info related at some point hopefully before it's not possible.

Johnson's name remained on the deed however, and she listed both herself and Epstein as living at the same address on Madison Avenue.

It is still listed as being owned by the late heiress' trust.

Lionel, Libet and William 2003

Then came Lionel, who, as one Libet friend put it, “fit the bill.”

? Lionel Bissoon, a Trinidad-born “celebrity weight-loss guru,” as the tabloids called him, first got to know Libet in his Upper West Side office. Lionel’s office is brightly lit and surprisingly spartan for someone who caters to the wealthy and famous in New York, West Palm Beach, and, for a time, Beverly Hills. Behind a neat desk, a wall of diplomas chart Lionel’s medical path from Des Moines School of Osteopathic Medicine to residency at Mount Sinai.

Libet came to Lionel as a patient. “The moment I saw her, I felt this attraction,” Lionel says. “I’ve dated a lot of beautiful women. There was something chemical.”

Doesn't he mean Lure of Money?

Libet felt something, too. She began inviting Lionel to her apartment in the Trump International Hotel & Tower on Central Park West, where she’d amassed a 20,000-square-foot triplex—valued at one point at $62.3 million. For a time, she’d talked of installing a basketball court and a pool.

There were friendly and then increasingly intimate visits. On one, Lionel recalls that Libet greeted him in her underwear. She told him she wanted Lionel to examine a dimple on her thigh.

Lionel says that early on, he somehow failed to appreciate the extent of Libet’s wealth. (laughable at best) Then one day she invited him to travel on her plane. He assumed she was joking.

“Yeah, right,” he responded.

“No, really,” she said, telling him point-blank, as he recalls, “I’m heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune.”

For Lionel, Libet’s life had its seductions— *Oh I'll Bet it Did!

The first time Lionel flew over the Millbrook property, he peered down at what he thought was a village. “Those are my barns,” Libet told him. She gave him a gold Frank Muller watch; she shuttled him off to MTV founder Bob Pittman’s party in Mexico—“There were like 60 private planes at this little airport,” recalls Lionel.

If Lionel was titillated by Libet’s world—“It was like a dream,” he says—he didn’t exactly fit in. He didn’t seem to have the vocabulary to fully comprehend it. “In the library, all the books are like really old,” he says. “All the spines are like embroidered.”

For her part, Libet was initially enthralled by Lionel’s endless and exciting stories. He told her how he’d been adopted by the Little Shell Pembina band, a small group claiming to be a tribe of Native Americans, and how he’d adopted a lion cub and fed her from a bottle. He said he believed in reincarnation.


Once he invited an Indian priest to Millbrook, who revealed that Libet had cared for Lionel in a past life.

All of this is still in the article BTW, I just don't indent everything.

“He talked about how he wanted to do this thing with his guru where they bury you up to your neck and you go through these spiritual trials,” says Annabel Johnson-Teal, Libet’s 21-year-old daughter, who later came to hate Lionel. “I’m sorry, that is entertaining stuff.”

At first, Libet believed she and Lionel were kindred spirits. She’s a seeker, too. She talked about “opening my mind to things.” She supported an energy healer and traveled with Deepak Chopra. She was absorbed by Lionel’s accounts of his out-of-body travels; in Peru, a shaman guided Lionel on spiritual journeys under the influence of ayahuasca, a hallucinogen. On one journey, Lionel is certain he spoke to God. “I’ve been fortunate,” he says. (As thanks, he gave the Muller watch to his shaman.) Libet even threw a dinner party for Lionel’s guru—Sri Shiva, “my ray of light,” Lionel calls him. She thoughtfully procured the foods he liked, though in the end she was disappointed. After dinner, the guru told gossipy tales about rich patrons, dismissing them as idiots.


in another article,

At about the same time that Libet was falling for Lionel, Cambodia “wrapped itself around my heart,” as she put it in a video about her charity. Libet thinks of herself as an idealist. Cambodia allowed her to put her wherewithal where her idealism was, something she’d rarely done before.

Of course, since Libet’s grandfather Robert Wood Johnson Jr. built Johnson & Johnson into a pharmaceutical giant, every Johnson has had the wherewithal to do anything—or nothing. The special existential challenge for the Johnsons has been this: What does someone who doesn’t have to do anything do?

The rich girl’s dilemma, as Casey has said, is that “there’s nothing left to want.”

And she shopped for ever more rarefied goods—as if the usual purchases no longer did the trick. She bought a gorilla sculpted from amethyst and an elephant of aquamarine, gifts to herself that grew out of her “creative relationship” with sculptor Andreas von Zadora- Gerlof, whose work can sell for close to $1 million. And she jumped on her plane and flew to Wichita to inspect the Big Dog, a new custom-made motorcycle. She bought four.

Andreas von Zadora-Gerlof is recognised today as the world's foremost gem stone artist (otherwise known as glyptics) an ancient art with its roots in pre - Babylonian/Mesopotamian times.

Zadora's path to his present career proves the saying 'fact is often stranger than fiction.' A hunting accident at the age of 12 threatened to paralyse his right hand and therefore his father devised an ingenious form of physiotherapy by arranging to apprentice Zadora with a close friend and noted Haida totemic engraver and sculptor. .

So more occult influence?

I love how when it's fancy it's called jewellry! Give me a torch and some real heat and I'll have more appreciation for their craft over this occult mumbo jumbo any day!

Over the years von Zadora-Gerlof and his team have created bespoke art, unparalled jewellery, watches, objects de vertu, precious architectural installations as well as automatons and timespieces for a delighted carriage trade clientele worldwide.

Of Course it was,

The first American exhibition of the artist's work was presented at the Forbes Magazine Galleries in New York in November 1992 for the benefit of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and the New York Historical Society.

So Forbes, the same mag that tried to srub the info on Epstein's massive contributions (likely funneled to him through mossad and other plants) to Emotional Gaming software and AI. Wanted to put little Sophia dolls into every little girls bedroom Sicko. Now why did the get a pedo to do all their work for them?

The gaming software stuff and all these freak scientists he funded is in here. When I was researching they had taken out the forbes article, but found it on the wayback machine. Was showing a Guardian of children on fb yesterday and noticed it looks like goog put the forbes article back. Either way, you can read it here if you're not familiar.

Oh how they LOVE their death cult. Bunch of sick minions for their soul collector overlord.

In June 2007, Zadora was hosted at the Hamilton Gallery in London for a month long exhibit and sale of his sculpted gemstone skull collection entitled: "Memento Mori."

Then she discovered Cambodia, which she thought was the missing piece of the puzzle. The country is overrun with children, 9 percent of them orphans. For a small amount of money—$10 million is not much for a Johnson—Libet built Golden Children, a community for orphans on the banks of the Mekong River in Phnom Penh. She recruited, and paid, parents to raise the children and teachers to educate them.


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

So no room of course for the breakdown including old notes that got my report removed from yt and a strike.

Here it is, info, dig and links on the Liddle Kidz org front. This is really a rough draft as I am swamped, but you can get the idea even from a quick skim over of what is going on.

I grow weary of saying this, but if I don't distractors try to attack. Free to skim or read and No Account required,