DuHast ago

Ghislaine — “Well, what do you think Jeff ? Should we bury the bodies under a tennis court on the island or give them burial at sea where they will never leave a trace ? Jeff — “Do the Nazi thing. We must stay in character.”

Ponycam ago

The drone fly over posted yesterday was interesting. I too thought the tennis court area resembled a burial mound, like what one sees at ancient locations around England and Ireland. I also noticed the number 205 in the mosaic work beneath one of the temple windows. I wonder if that's the number of kids sacrificed. Another thing I find interesting is most of the egyptianesque scroll work is done in red. I wonder if it's blood.

Geo_synchronous ago

Why bury them on land where they can be found when there is an entire ocean right over there. Chum up some sharks and its feeding time.

Specific_Fox ago

I was thinking the same thing. I even read somewhere that they were taking boys out onto the ocean and tossing them overboard with an anchor. Problem is here, some body parts could wind up floating anyway, but who knows. This guy has links to Mossad. I'm sure they have ways of making people "disappear".

sonofjacob ago

Every single person that has been to that island needs to be taken out back and shot.

The absolute depravity of these fucking elite pedos/cannibals is absolutely inhuman. They are fucking animals.

nzmc ago

can those people be so stupid to dispose bodies on this same island ?

be_angry_and_s1n_not ago

They thought she’d never lose . . .

SavageCainite ago

/GreatAwakening is the compromised subverse

BadPenny ago

This submission is a lot of speculation and little fact. Typical of /GA.

AperionPatriot ago

The poster in particular tends to basically post threads of wild speculation, rumors etc as if they're truth in the most clickbait ey way possible. I wouldn't judge a whole sub based on their posts in particular.

BadPenny ago

The drama at /GA from the mods makes me stay away.

AperionPatriot ago

That's fair. I follow both subs myself but try to ignore most of the drama. I just want info and 2 subs worth of posts gives me more than one. QRV has a pretty bad noise to signal ratio though so I don't usually bother with it.

QTipping ago

QRV has a pretty bad noise to signal ratio though so I don't usually bother with it.

Even though it is the only one formally endorsed by Q.

Tjmarno ago

I saw this a while ago on one of these boards. When looking at the island on Apple Maps in satellite 2D it’s a tennis court. Switching to 3D view the tennis court disappears and it looks like a missile silo. Idk how to post the screenshots I took just now. Sorry! If you have an iPhone check it out in Apple Maps

smokratez ago

I think, like Hitler, they changed course once Q started pointing everyone to this island. Nazi's buried their dead in mass graves, but once they realized they were losing the war, they dug up the graves and burned the bodies.

There was no holocaust. No mass murder of jews during the world wars. Hitler wanted to deport them and made them shower with water and soap. That is the extent of his "crime" against the jews.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

This is what a glownigger posts

smokratez ago

Hi glownigger. Could you hang yourself please?

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Fuck mate I really don’t remember posting this.... not saying I didn’t but this doesn’t seem like something I would say even if I was trolling

smokratez ago

It's ok. It seemed out of place for you to say anyways.

jonnyquest ago

It wasn't just water and soap. They were also deloused. Many of them had lice -- it's very common during war. See "the greatest story never told" documentary if you haven't. Amazing watch.

smokratez ago

Yeah, zyklon was a delousing agent. Not a killer gas.

QTipping ago

Using a pedo jew's rape, torture and murder of young white girls to push the holohoax. Truly no shame.

Most of the guy's post was interesting. I think he just needs redpilling.

smokratez ago

just needs redpilling

I was a retard before I got redpilled too, so entirely possible.

chuckletrousers ago

I was a retard before I got redpilled

Mitch Hedburg would like a word with you

heidiwenger ago

Is it of their symbolic language to use red colored sunglasses? Such as savile did.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/mitchellvii/status/1150961461906280449 :

Bill Mitchell on Twitter: "I wish I could tell you guys half the inside stuff I know. Trust me, it isn't easy keeping my mouth shut. #TrustThePlan"

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