Trousersnake1488 ago

Jews are parasites. Ask any Jew you know, if Israel and America went to war? Who would they fight for??? You know the answer...

420ninja ago

im jewish born and raised in america. usaf ret. will fight and die for america if need be
fuck off troll, kill yourself

SearchVoatBot ago

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Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol you're the Jewish black guy, right. Why did you delete our conversation the other day??

420ninja ago

all to piss you off.. and it works every time. USA USA USA..

and just posted how muslims and nazis are connected aside from them both loving gay you

Trousersnake1488 ago

Stupid half breed kike. Youre kind is a plague against all people of the world, constantly subverting and lying.

Answer my question you affirmative action hiree

420ninja ago

look at that link its awesome!!!

spoiler alert its one of you hamas buddies being blown up from yesterday .. good times good times!!

coats has already been outed. its not breaking news its all over twitter and DC..
coats was the traitor who penned the op ed in nyt..

you satanists are losing every day!! 😂 GOD bless america, praise jesus..

p.s. your rent is late. it was due gonna have to charge you double

Trousersnake1488 ago

If there is one thing the Jews do that I don't mind, it's their love of killing Muslims when it benefits them. Mozzletoff, half-breed. I'll keep the oven warm for you.

I wonder what group will come to your rescue when the boomers are gone. How many young people, on the right and left, thinks postitively of Jewish "supremacy"? I wonder.. as many years as I've spent killing Muslims in the middle east, I've come to at cope with their invasion as a type of chemotherapy to root out the cancerous Jew. If we live, great, if not, it's better than let the Jew cancer rot us from the inside out.

Tell me, was your mother the self hating Jezebel jew slut who was into bestiality or was your father the pleasure seeking hooknosed who likes big butt nigger sheboons? I am curious.

Either way, the ovens of those world or the next awaits you. God be with you, affirmative action hiree

DuHast ago

Coats is just 1 of MANY that "need to go".

numina18 ago

Well, I guess they know this and will eventually act accordingly.

LIghtStrat ago

With no swamp draining arrests and no news about tribunals coming out, and considering we are only a year away from primaries starting - if Pence is out then Trump will have to select someone currently not under investigation, someone articulate and strong - and I'm thinking Trump might pick a woman. Nikki Haley? Sara Sanders? The speculation on this will certainly be fun.

verboten ago

He should pick Candace Owens - patriot, no swamp connections, no scandals, very articulate. This would destroy the dems forever.

420ninja ago

potus doesnt need a vp

man_with_titties ago

Nikki Haley would be no different from Pence. He already jettisoned her.

Fighting26 ago

Well after that comment from Coats, I would say he is gone now!! So happy to see him go tooooo!!!!

angelCole ago

I'm assuming since POTUS has kept him on he has known the whole time and is using him for a very specific purpose. Maybe to roll up more deep staters.

Enst_Hardwasre ago


Slimpickens1 ago

I like that

Christosgnosis ago

shit keeps piling up on Pence as being Swamp rat

Enst_Hardwasre ago

It seems as if Coats and Pence must go!

420ninja ago

1) note the new trump canpagne signs "TRUMP 2020".... i think pence is already done 2) it appears pence has completed the job , keep the traitor close, and dont let him leave until enough intell is gathered 3) i agree with you, pence was dirty but flipped which is why he was given the VP position (for protection).

derram ago :

2019-03-26 | Pence convinced Coats to stay in Trump administration: report | TheHill

'Pence has also frequently dissuaded Trump from firing Coats, whom the president calls “Mr. '

'Trump denied the same week that he was considering firing Coats, telling reporters he hadn’t “even thought about it.”The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday from The Hill. '

'In February, Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy, a Trump confidant, told CNN there was “general disappointment” with Coats in the White House after he testified in January that North Korea was not likely to abandon its nuclear weapons program. '

'NBC reported that Coats’s frustration has largely derived from a sense that Trump does not take intelligence advisers seriously on issues including North Korea and Russian interference in the 2016 election. '

'Rogers,” according to NBC."I am focused on doing my job, and it is frustrating to repeatedly be asked to respond to anonymous sources and unsubstantiated, often false rumors that undercut the critical work of the Intelligence Community and its relationship with the President,” Coats said in a statement to the network. '

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