BeenT_DoneT ago

Brown gave her state jobs and she gave him blow jobs.She is a prostitute giving BJ's for cash.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, I guess this how Democrats think they can get ahead.

Jimmycog ago

Willie was given what he wanted Kamala Harris was given what she paid for, moving on up.

LakotaPride ago

What is even funnier, how does the Women's movement continue supporting the Democrats. and how do the Democrats now claim women they are champions for women.

1NationUnderGod ago

Apparently she does have a nick name floating around Sacramento. If she is running for President, let’s see if it all comes to surface.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot I suspect we will hear that name soon. she stated she was running for President.

brentvsmaxivms ago

Kameltoe works well on her back

LakotaPride ago

appears her campaign will be in damage control mode, ad we have not even discussed the Kavanaugh hearing. LOL

codfilet ago

Face it-laws ONLY apply to White men these days-all others get a pass. This fucking negro can say "so what?", and nothing happens-no consequences for him, or for his fuck toy.

LakotaPride ago

we need to get this changed Patriot.

EnsignPossible ago

Blacks don't understand government responsibility or ethics. They simply see privilege and power it appears to me.

LakotaPride ago

I question how they can support a party, that has kept them down.

EnsignPossible ago

I don't see how any party would be concerned with their whiney delusional concerns at all. They are not true. Easily observed in history and reality. It is not humane or just to victimize the good in favor of the evil.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot this is now all coming out now and being exposed.

EnsignPossible ago

I sure hope you are right. I don't see anything but an increasing assault on the good in favor of the evil.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, Look at Covington, they went full blast, and got steamrolled by the truth. this pattern will continue, now people are giving them a earful, and it is not stopping anymore, just watch the momentum swing continue. Covington damaged, Fake News MSM and Hollyweird and Democrats who joined in.

EnsignPossible ago

It's the time of choosing sides. NO way the good will win with compromise with this crowd (evil). It's simple and sophisticated. A dish for everyone.

LakotaPride ago

ask yourself this Patriot, how many times can you compromise before it is a full surrender. we will not compromise.

EnsignPossible ago

Too many. Too many assumptions of goodness. Working my own little corner the best I could. Others were not doing the same. The THING is, when the good rise up, the evil, who have behaved dishonorably, will be cut down, without mercy, again. It's a two mode thing. Being good needs to think evil isn't threatening, we are patient, but when provoked. Katie bar the door.

LakotaPride ago

The people have had enough, it is showing now. they are no longer silent. and that is good.

EnsignPossible ago

I surely hope so. There's always the chance that evil prevails because...just because.

LakotaPride ago

evil loses in the end

EnsignPossible ago

Yeah I know. But ONLY because of me being there.

Zammyanci ago

So what! OH WOW. You stupid idiot... you were her stepping stone and she used you. You Willie Brown we're nothing but a smuck to her. She played you like a fiddle. Ask us, so what, when she muds you up for your kind gifts at the tax payers expense. This will not end well for you. Idiot.

codfilet ago

I'm sure he was well aware of being used, but that's a benefit of wealth and power for men-the ability to fuck women waaaay out of your league otherwise.....

Zammyanci ago

Always has been huh. Trying to change that mindset is going to take an act of God.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot this is going to take them both down, and we have not even mentioned the Kavanuagh mess they created.

Zammyanci ago

Then she just needs to bow out now. But she won't. Negative publicity is now considered good publicity. Maybe that was their plan all along. Change the publicity standards. And by George I think they got it.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot lets see how much embarrassment she can handle before dropping out, like who would follow Bernie Sanders after he sold out his followers.

Zammyanci ago

Bernie was bought out. Dig deeper ;)

LakotaPride ago

I did Patriot, house and car seem to come up, I suspected that back then, because who has time to go house and car shopping, when running for office .

Zammyanci ago

I know it's crazy. His followers are young, and stupid by choice. Most, probably still living with parents. Most, are enabled, most are the children of co-dependants. Which have been sheltered and protected by parents that need to be needed because of their own codependency. And have paid the way for their children. Otherwise, the kids will leave if not. It's actually a socialist environment if you think about it. They figure Mom's money is Dad's money and Mom and Dad's money is their money. It is what it is.

LakotaPride ago

well stated Patriot , they liked the free ride on Mom and Dad, and felt no need to get motivated and become productive. and they want it to be this way forever.

NosebergShekelman ago

yuck can you imagine how many gallons of nigger cum she swallowed??

6chthomps ago

Willy ”monkey “ Brown

Seer1965 ago

Here is some further research on darling Kamala Harris

LakotaPride ago

this is explosive Patriot, please make a thread about it.

LakotaPride ago

Thank you Patriot, I will be looking at this .

Slimpickens1 ago

This will never get cleaned up within our current system!

LakotaPride ago

we need to vote the bums out of office, Patriot.

Slimpickens1 ago

With so much voter fraud it will be next to impossible

LakotaPride ago

they were on it this time patriot, they have it all, and they will be cleaning up the voter registration and arrests will be coming.

Spud4ever ago

As I stated elsewhere , I guess Willie's willy leads Willie into places most willies would fear to tread .

LakotaPride ago

Appears the democrats have a patent on the Willies, Williy Briown and Slick willy, their willys appear to lead the way for them.

Spud4ever ago

That there is funny , don't care who ya are.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, sometimes the truth is way funnier then the created joke.

Spud4ever ago

Yeah , but it is nice when everything magically comes together on that rare occasion, isn't it?

LakotaPride ago

Magic wont do it, hard work and persistence will Patriot.

T2Anon ago

Hey Willie why don't you break out those orgy pics....

LakotaPride ago

Patriot , why do I have a suspicion that may happen, but not by him. hopefully Willy was smiling for NSA, while they lifted his pics from his smartphone LOL

T2Anon ago

Good point. Some one other than ol Willie has them.

LakotaPride ago

remember Q drop with pics from Singapore, some of the pics Q provided was from WH others from the phones of BH and they had no idea they pics were lifted. their own technology is being used against them.

whohat ago

Criminals have never played by any rules other than Every thing goes to accomplish the crime.

LakotaPride ago

That's why they are criminals Patriot, and that's why we have prisons.

whohat ago

You got that right...

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, Covington was the DS and puppets Dien Bien Phu.

nhbctpti ago

I just want to see the video of her being spit roasted at the orgies she and WB used to attend.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, I suspect as this comes out, there will be more exposure coming, I do not believe this ends with this story.

LakotaPride ago

I suspect more exposure is coming Patriot. El Chapo already claiming at his trial be bribed the Democrats.

nhbctpti ago

When that video gets released, I will crack a beer and watch her Pres run go.. poof!!

Rainhumane3317 ago

This is what you call "normalizing" the occurrence.... Just like "normalizing" the dismemberment of a full term baby... No big deal, nothing to get worked up over.... These people have normalized so much, the public has become numb(SLEEPING SHEEP).... Pedophilia is on the list next to "normalize"... And if you speak against their ideals, YOU are the one who is wrong.... Well, count me WOKE & WRONG....!!!

LakotaPride ago

it is all coming out now Patriot, just watch and see.

Slimpickens1 ago

This is never going to get fixed under our current system. Declare National Emergency. Inact Marshall Law. Suspend Consitution. Reset.

SpitsMonsters ago

Oh shit, Slick Willy.

hollywood2020 ago

they don't even try to hide it

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Quid Quo Pro in plain site.

Covfefe2018 ago

That should be our sentiment when we are displaying them from the gallows in the public square

LakotaPride ago

there it is Patriots, they do not care.