TrumpMimi7 ago

Prayers for safety for our President and family

ReginaldPluntfarb ago

Do people think that sniper laser dots are real? Like in movies?

Fugedaboutit ago Look very closely. You will see a laser follow the focal point of the lens as it moves from the tree to the stage. Best seen when the white dot reflection appears. Look behind it. Source is a camera as it mimics lens direction and movement. Hard to see on red areas bot ity there.

ChiefMAGA ago

No, the red lights I believe are BS. Now, they are trying to get Potus at each turn of course.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

From the tweets on his schedule, it looks like it was intentional.

We left them behind, get your tiny violins

Don't you just love him?

stature ago

Thank you for posting that -"tiny violins" - yep - love Trump

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Sure made me smile!

indy0704 ago

Reflection from tree ornaments. The stuff you see on this site. Amazing.

spiffyaintit ago

You're an idiot.

indy0704 ago

Yes, deep state operatives outsmart USSS and place a dot on the President and don't fire. A message that "we control you and don't you forget it"? But then he walks out from behind the glass exposing himself and the FLOTUS? You have specific training? Please share.

spiffyaintit ago

Yes I have training in lighting for film, as well as 20 years of photo editing so I've spent enough time "up close and personal" with light sources and can spot the types they are a mile away. The tree ornament lights would not shine through to the side of the glass we're seeing.... because the Trumps and the podium were in the way.

Could some of the red dots be lights from a camera? Yes, but the ones pointed out as lasers are NOT followed by flashes of light from the flash being triggered. So, you know..... it's not the camera either.

Also, refraction in the glass is another way to tell what the light source is. The red lights, and how they moved around on the POTUS, are indicative of a laser source. Was it a gun? Was he a target? I can't tell you that. But I know a laser light source when I see one.

G45Colt ago

If I was in the SS, there would be Valentine 1's all over the place.

Blacksmith21 ago

The correct term is "laser sight". Here's what is bugging me. The polycarbonate protects them on the stage. The visual sight lines may extend for a mile - too many buildings to cover. Once POTUS and VIPs step off the stage, that sight line drops and they can be protected more closely.

The shape of the red dot "looks", like it is being projected from a distance - like a roof top or office window which may have a sight line.

The stage faced south. The red dot was well formed, meaning it was not from an oblique (off-access) angle. Once a laser hits the many layers within the level 10 oxy-glass, it will refract and dazzle - in other words, not look like a well-formed beam as in the video.

Given the size, about 1.5" [laser is imaging on the glass, I think, not on POTUS who is about 10' behind the glass] - I'd say the point of origin was about 150'-200' from the glass - (0.5" beamspread @ 50').

That makes me think it was either 1) someone with a laser pointer or 2) Deep State control over a LEO with a laser sight on his weapon and up close or 3) the video is faked.

I do not think this was a laser from far away. It was too steady. Even building shake on a laser at that distance will make a laser bounce significantly.

AAngel ago

Wow. This is where I find the smart and interesting people. Thanks Blacksmith. Ever read Wheel Of Time? That really is a fascinating analysis. I look forward to more.

Witsend ago

The light looks like a reflection in the poly-carb. Probably from a camera. Unless a message was being sent no fucking assassin is going to toss a laser dot on a President in front of a crowd. The scope needed to see the dot would be plenty efficient to forgo the dot. That being said, there is definitely indication that there may have been a thwarted attempt on Potus's life. I just don't think the dot entered into it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Way too much optics, physics and trig to get into here. The red eye reduction and IR aiming from a SLR doesn't produce a beam anywhere near that tight of a pattern.

Don't forget the DS has compromised SS previously:

Witsend ago

I'm talking tv camera and they do indeed have a "rolling" light that would produce a reflection very much like that. Go shine a laser through that type of poly, or any glass really. What you get is two points of light. A reflection on the glass and the focal point on the other side. Were the picture taken from inside the sheild you would have very valid points, however this is not the case and trig doesn't enter into it. Fairly moot, I know, but I'll dig my heels in on this one. Thanks for the knowledge about the SS I was in the dark on both counts.

Blacksmith21 ago

Feel free to dig your heels in, but broadcast-grade cameras do not have any form of laser focusing or laser light on them. Anyone getting on the press riser is almost 100% with a professional media organization and with professional gear. Here is a link to Sony's Broadcast Solutions. Please show me what you are speaking of:

Some SLR cameras have a red eye reduction light and older ones have used near-IR light for focusing, but not so much these days:

ALON Level 10 oxy-glass is 1.6" thick. That's a lot of glass to make the assumption that the beam stays intact enough to create a second focal plane.

To be honest, I have no idea what happens when you hit that specific type of glass with a laser. I do know that lasers break up off axis through glass. And they diffuse and refract off angle as well. The thicker the glass, the greater the refraction and diffusion. ALON glass is 80% optically pure, which means there is still 20% optical disruption in the form of chromatic distortion and spherical aberration.

Anything is possible. My point is that given the size/shape of beam, it had to be close, and it was most likely within 15 degrees on axis (trig). I do not think it was from a broadcast camera or DLSR.

I love shit like this. Thanks for the input!

Witsend ago

Not a laser a light

Blacksmith21 ago

Not an eggplant, either.

bamex ago

Why are you convinced it was a "rifle scope light"? Which goes to show you know nothing about firearms to begin with. You keep saying 'scope light', laughable. Ever heard of a laser? or a laser pointer? Nevermind your just stupid.

Nomobrat ago

A usual laser pointer would produce a much more tremulous spot. The movement of that red spot looked like coming from a heavy device or like stabilized with a tripod.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You don't hunt do you?

Never mind, you've probably never had venison and never seen deer cross roads at night.

Maybe try doing a different search rather than on google!

bamex ago

Haha. Your really funny. Im so far out in the country. And work at a deer ranch dumbass.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I'm not here to discuss your issues, I grew up around a lot of hunters.

Nice deer ranch. . .

bamex ago

so your not a hunter yourself? dickweed

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Do you hunt on your "deer ranch?"

If I need to hunt, I hunt.

Not always hunting deer though. Some animals don't need a shot to kill them. . .you just wring their necks.

I don't need to tell you though, I'm sure you've wrung your share of Things.

bamex ago

just give up. your not on my level. chickens and rabbits, 4h and shit. Its not my ranch asshole, I work for a living. Was in critter control before, Ive killed a bunch of shit.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Very reputable, the killing and all of the. know.

Now this doesn't bother me nor make me squirmy, especially if you're taking down snakes, I used to just jump over them when I ran rather than mess with them, so hat's off to you!

I will assume you're not a snowflake, because most if not all wouldn't tolerate killing an animal. . .just babies.

It's commendable you work for a living, so do I.

Since I'm "not on your level," and I wouldn't dare try to be, here's a tip.

When you do your next essay for your teacher, please say. . .

You're not on my level, not your not on my level.

What you are wanting to say is. . .You are not on my level. So basically you're is the contraction for you are because we all like to take those short cuts where we put the apostrophe where one letter (the a) would be and though the only true short cut is one tiny space. ..we all adore it!

I'm not judging you, as I have done the same thing plenty of times, knowing what I'm thinking but accidentally putting your which only shows ownership and doesn't convey **your intended meaning of "you are a _____

fill in the blank of whatever name you want to call me or whatever *you're better at than others, so they too can be aware of your superiority.

See what I did there? Your turn. It's good practice and maybe you're better at it than me after all!

P.S. I never have time to edit my articles, so you can find All sorts of grammatical errors And probably many of my incorrect use of the word your vs you're.

bamex ago

So you had to rely on grammar to make you feel better, i dont give a fuck if its your or you're. Im what you would probably call a redneck. So fuck you, and I am better than you and at hunting and killing better than you. Shit I have broke the neck of 32 pigeons on a rooftop in a trap while other people like you were watching horrified from the next building. And you will never be on my level, give it up.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I have No Doubt you're better than me at hunting. I don't have a problem with that!

I wouldn't be horrified, I would think you were a hero, no joke. Over population of these birds causes a lot of trouble.

As I said before, I wasn't trying to be on your level.

I'd put a redneck up against any entitled college graduate in a fight, most aren't scrappers and wouldn't know which end of a box is up let alone try to think outside of one.

Not their fault, they've all been programmed and the curriculum is controlled.

Not saying "all" college graduates just the snooty ones who had mommy and daddy fund them rather than working through.

I don't think I'm better than anyone at grammar at all, as I said before, I make my own share of mistakes, was just giving you a tip and thought you might be younger.

Sounds like you've done quite a bit, so you're probably not as young as I thought and don't need my advice.

I meant no disrespect.

bamex ago

No disrespect taken, but I still dont give a shit between your and you"re. heh

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I can't blame you. I use your for you're all the time because I know what I'm thinking.

I know if I don't catch it before one of my rather arrogant friends, they'll ride me about it for days.

Of course, these arrogant friends are always the entitled college ones who immediately think they're better than me because they are "progressive."

Most shun me now, but some stick around waiting to catch me make a mistake just so they can mock me. So be it!

Merchant-Mariner ago


BBestace ago

Ever heard of Lazarus, or laser surGery? Rifles are so passé.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This is Free to read and No Account Needed for reading or skimming.

You will find inside,

  • Some stills from the rifle scope light, but you can see the video at bottom of page that starts around 1:40:03 and the scope light stops around 1:30:28.

  • Included are tweets by the ABC7 News reporter who also sent out a tweet about a murder attempt north of Q street.

  • In addition see tweets concerning POTUS' schedule that led up to event.

  • Also a tweet where the ABC7 reporter tries to justify his odd tweet and why he deleted it. Deleted too late for those watching not to archive it!

That reporter's excuse doesn't hold water as far as I'm concerned!

What are your thoughts?

common-citizen ago

My thoughts? If it was me I'd snatch that reporter out of his bed at 5am, slam a hood over his head and go from there. He'd probably fall down some stairs at the least until I was satisfied with the story he has to spin.Until an example is made out of someone this kind of thing is only going to become a new game .

Besides that I love your articles, thanQ.

Nomobrat ago

Here ist the video link with starting position parameter.

Your Article is really great work! Good to see that there are many security layers. The red spot was relatively big. Maybe very far away?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Excellent on a link with the right parameters! Thank you!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Someone, I think Blacksmith pointed out it wasn't fractured really as one would think if it went through the glass.

I didn't check on whether someone could get through from high up, but I would think if they provided a cover, they would provide one on top also.

Hopefully something was learned from the shooters they had in various places high up from the JFK shooting.

Nomobrat ago

Fortunately Trump respects the warnings of his guards. I hope he will stay cautious. JFK had been warned, too, but ignored that.