RedPillMAGA ago

Totally agree that this is DEFINITELY the right hotel (Hyatt Chongquing in China) - great job! Q confirmed it on 11/30. No doubts on this subject anymore. The question now is what went on there and who was involved?

A couple thoughts I wanted to share re: Snowden. My understanding is that Snowden is/was a clown whose mission was to infiltrate the NSA to expose and discredit them because they were becoming a threat to the clowns' stranglehold on ultimate power/control. He may have been in bed with China from the beginning or that came into the mix over time, but since that's where he fled and that's who is sheltering him, I'd say it's likely he's still working for the bad guys.

Q's posts re: Snowden with comments like "thanks @Snowden" come across as trolling him in my mind, not actually thanking him for something Snowden contributed to HELP /ourguys/. If Snowden were actually helping Q or the good guys, why on earth would Q blow Snowden's cover and put his life at risk that way? I'm still in the camp of "Snowden is a black hat." Just my $.02 on that.

AngelofDeath ago

If you look through this thread, or the one of the same submission on another forum, you will find another brought up Snowden. Perhaps you're right. However, I think Q has now suggested that there are 8 specific people linked to the events at the hotel. I suggest it has to do with the sell out of the Server access, or FeinSTAIN sellout and other involved. So … TREASON of 8 people at this particular hotel. He also LINKED the hotel to TRUMP TWEETS, one of which included the image from the retweet with Obama and many others behind bars for TREASON.

RedPillMAGA ago

Oh, sweet! DiFi is DEFINITELY front and center re: Chyyyyyna, as well as Killery with her real-time 'blind CC' auto-send to them from her private server, Snowden who's been hiding out there all this time, and Eric Schmidt at the Goog - so I think we already know of 4 players out of the 8. We're half-way there and the Anons will probably figure out the other half by the end of the day. =-) Doncha love having the REAL news ahead of the masses? If you ever peek at a news channel, they're talking about things we knew weeks or months ago - it's kinda funny.

eft32gr ago

I have no idea what's going on

PGLiterati ago

So I am thinking HRC is in the box. Maybe something went down here--a business transaction, God knows what, yet--Snowden, and Q has the goods. This is interesting, and a reminder: and these two bits are interesting:1) "Top secret documents provided by US whistleblower Edward Snowden said to reveal the existence of a US server for spying activities in Chongqing could be used as evidence to bury the city’s disgraced former Communist Party chief Bo Xilai," and 2) "Documents provided by Snowden have unveiled XKeyscore, a confidential NSA program that allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals.": So then again, as a side thought, we could be part of an NSA social experiment as well.

SueRitz5 ago

Excellent find! Great dig!

nlasca ago

"many sentences" = many will be sentenced

IDGAF12312 ago


AngelofDeath ago

Perhaps so. Near the bottom of the thread we'd been discussing that possibility.

Tallest_Skil ago

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?

All of them, yes.

Awakenednotbroke ago

Meant to post my question on this thread.

Is Q inferring that the Chinese were behind last night's assassination attempt on the POTUS at the National Tree Lighting ceremony?

Pol-itical-crap ago

Isn't Edward Snowden still in China? In post 869, Mar 7, 2018 Q said:

Shall we play a game?

Find @Snowden


Happy Hunting!


In post 845, Mar 5, 2018 he said:


Welcome to China.

Border crossing -3.

Spartans in Darkness.


Q made it clear that the NSA was still hunting him down. Is it not possible that the post was directed at Snowden?

AngelofDeath ago

Q has said we have more than we know … so I would not doubt that it may relate to what you've pointed to. BUT, combined I think he is pointing at the fact the EO kicks in in 2019 and the TRUMP RETWEET of the image with so many behind bars just the other day, and then relate it to the TREASON WITH CHINA that may have started at the Hyatt Regency in China, and was manifest in the form of a SERVER, or several of them, that was given to China, AND MANY of the Hussein administration was involved with.

Pol-itical-crap ago

We shall see.

PGLiterati ago

So it looks like the picture was taken from outside--looking at the reflection on the floor.

SuperArchitect ago

Yes, and the stainless band above the entry door is blocking the rather high (large) orange wood vertical wall.

wildman81 ago

What's got me twisted about the photo and China. Why the tree? China isn't Christian friendly and burns bibles.

SuperArchitect ago

Not Christian but the Hyatt probably allowed to do this for their international guests.

AngelofDeath ago

??? The holiday is a celebration of the birth of the SUN on winter Solstice, and the green tree symbol of everlasting life … standard practice for millenia …

Jer 10:2  Thus saith Yahweh, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 

Jer 10:3  For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 

Jer 10:4  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Paganism. Global solar cult practice.

wildman81 ago

I tried reading the archive you added but too blurry. Do you know when the celebration is ?

AngelofDeath ago

During the protestant reformation many areas made it against the law to celebrate Christmas. Including in the U.S. …

I haven't celebrated it for over 35 years.

AngelofDeath ago

There is a magnifying button in the lower right of the screen on that site.

You should read the entire book … but make sure to read all footnotes

Today, it is celebrated on the 25th of December. However, what is being observed is the WINTER SOLSTICE, when the daylight of a day on Earth begins to grow longer … i.e. BIRTH of the SUN. Because of the precession of the equinox the actual event in the solar system is progressing on the roman calendar currently used. So … many years ago when the Catholic church started celebrating it and declared it 'christian' the winter solstice was occurring on December 25th. Today winter solstice is actually falling on the 23rd.

freedom50 ago

Assassination attempt? Followed the number at the bottom of the tweet and got this. Posting the link as pic won't copy. click on that and get the pic.

julzee2 ago

What do you mean "followed" the #? Googled it?

freedom50 ago

Sorry, number at the bottom of the Q drop not tweet.

BlessedToTeach ago

I think the "we know" comment by Q may be in reference to an assassination attempt on Trump. See details here:

notgtaxtoi ago

It's great to see Q trolling again!

wasupwitdis ago

Anons are the greatest..that didnt take long..Great job...I think Q is sending a message to anyone that was there, lurking in here or on the boards, that they know who was there and what they were doing.....Bend over bitches its coming long, hard and nonstop......WWG1WGA

4TheRepublic ago

The Hyatt in Chongqing from Hotels Combined at ...

hotelscombined. com/Hotel/Hyatt_Regency_Chongqing.htm ***

... Has a picture that shows this area clearly from a similar angle ... com/HI402819387.jpg ***

*** space added before 'com'...banned domain?

SuperArchitect ago

Very good catch.
Your picture is from the opposite angle and shows the entry doors at the back.

AngelofDeath ago

Thanks for the link. I took it upon myself to use it to make a laugh.

AngelofDeath ago

Excellent, thanks!

See Q 1120, 1118, 1067

Redpopcorn ago

The lamp stand in the hallway looks like a bullet. We know, who locked & loaded. Q is saying that they know who is behind this attempt. The China connection, think Bejing Senator, where is Chongqing in relation to "China's Silicone Valley"? Just a thought.

AngelofDeath ago

He's mentioned FeinSTAIN and her treason already … so I'm thinking he is telling someone ELSE that 'we know' they are treasonous as well.

ChiefMAGA ago

SO IF HE KNOWS, why don't they arrest these fuckers???????????

AngelofDeath ago


RedPillMAGA ago

The bigger question for me is this: Why did POTUS do an Executive Order on 3-1-18 that wouldn't kick in / go into effect for TEN FRIGGIN' MONTHS? Such a strategic genius should have put the policy into effect immediately to give him plenty of wiggle room to shift around timelines as needed. The "effective date" on the EO makes zero sense to me why he'd box himself into a corner and limit his own team's options by having the EO policy not even be available for so long - just giving the stupid 9th Circuit Courts more time to try and block it before it goes into effect.

AngelofDeath ago

I was told a months ago, the reason for the delay is a legal issue. In other words, there MUST be a delay for this type of update to the law.

Zammyanci ago

6X-382-NTP0038-3u2 ???

tonytunes ago

Remember the license plate in China? (Feinstein) and trafficking may be related? One more full month for January 2019 to be here I wonder if they will be making arrests over the holidays....quietly?

lepanto33 ago

the new Congress convenes Jan 3: the anniversary of JRR Tolkien's birth. As we get ready to storm the black gates of Mordor, let us ride with courage, Men of the West!

AAngel ago

Ah lepanto, you have restored my faith and courage with your reference. May the spirits of our ancestors and brave fallen heroes take over their Corsair ships.

AngelofDeath ago

I relate that movie to what the world is going through. Return of the KING! The scene of the sponge face bad guy in the battle is PROVEN TO BE A LIE!

GolfinGirl ago

Yes, chonquing china and reference to DF maybe? That’s what I originallly thought

AngelofDeath ago

But, since we already have been told all about FeinSTAIN, I am hoping he is talking about someone else.

tonytunes ago

Her husband maybe?

tonytunes ago

So is that Feinstein message?

AngelofDeath ago

Likely ... since it's already been mentioned. BUT, since that is old news, I suggest he is talking of someone else. Someone that Trump has mentioned in a tweet or comment in line with the timeline of likely the photo.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Hi Q! We know too!

KatMac ago

I agree, looks like Trump Tower. Anyone else?

AngelofDeath ago

No, Hyatt Regency in China. I edited submission with a link.

fmtsom ago

Maybe the picture is showing mirror??

AngelofDeath ago

Hyatt Regency in China

AngelofDeath ago


Hyatt Regency Chongqing, China

moblodite ago

Great catch.. How the, we read 6X-382-NTP0038-3u2, does this mean 6 people were involved??

nlasca ago

yes China, who else besides Feinstein ?

Qmajor ago

PGLiterati ago

How the hell did you do that??? Kudos and thank you.

boldaslove ago

You found it! Great score. Feinstein's digs, perhaps?

tonytunes ago

YESSSSS! I see the lamp! Great job anons. I am so grateful for you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

AngelofDeath ago

KarlKastner ago

What about the lamp? What is the significance for those of us driving down the road

Whosharted ago

I think the lamp just matches up in the 2 pictures... Chongqing is relevant though. It’s been brought up in a couple earlier drops in relation to Feinstein

boldaslove ago

The lamps in the Q post match the one in Hong Kong. Also, the lay out of the hall, the floor, ceiling, but the lamps are very distinct. Same place.

Syndicalism ago

The lamps look like artillery shells. Boom? Stretch, I know. Was there another photo from before that is supposed to coincide?

Edit: I see there is another similar pic. Gotta see when that was from..

AngelofDeath ago

It relates to the photo in Q post.

StormVet6 ago

We posted about the same time. 😊😁👍🏻

StormVet6 ago

With the exception of the tree itself, it all looks good.

AngelofDeath ago

But now WHO is he talking about "WE KNOW" and the suggestion is that Trump has tweeted or spoken about the person in line with a timeline connected to … likely … the photo.

goatboy ago

Q knows the known knowns.

Q speculates about the known unknowns.

Q doesn't know shit about the unknown unknowns.

Fishdo169 ago

And a little bit of luck.... ;)

goatboy ago

Yes, a shitton of luck.

Slimpickens1 ago

What is that photo of?

AngelofDeath ago

Trying to find out, because it relates to "WE KNOW" … he's letting an 'evil doer' know they are being watched, and Trump has likely recently tweeted or spoken about the person involved.

Ltlgeneral64 ago

I'm thinking this may have something to do with the incident at the tree lighting ceremony.....

worldly ago

no that was a pool press issue

AngelofDeath ago

WHERE is that tree at? What building is it in? He says "WE KNOW". To me it suggests to someone watching the Q posts that is doing something wrong, which has something to do with that building where that tree is at that they are being watched and Q knows what they are up to. AND POTUS has tweeted or said something about this 'someone'.

boldaslove ago

We considered it might be the Standard Hotel in Hollywood. But couldn't find the exact pic on internet. Potus did tweet recently about little Adam.

StormVet6 ago

Looks like it’s in Trump Tower.

StormVet6 ago

Correction: Anon figured it out. Hyatt Regency - Chongqing, China. Pictures of the lobby match up.

AngelofDeath ago

Yep, I just edited the submission to put a link to their website

StormVet6 ago

That would lead us back to Feinstein, possibly?

AngelofDeath ago

Someone Trump has tweeted or spoken about lately, OR IN LINE WITH A TIMELINE likely on the photo.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Wonder what year Q's photo is from?

wildman81 ago

Q said a while back all photos are new

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Wasn't the photo of AF1 with the Apple logo reflection shown to be older or pulled from a video?

AngelofDeath ago

That's one thing I wondered. I was figuring 2015 - 2017 … but it apparently relates to Trump's tweet or statement we should be looking for.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

I don't see anything that would relate it to a tweet, outside of the 'when has the president made an untrue statement' sentence in Q's post. Is 'related to a tweet', just an assumtion?

If we knew what year the photo was from, it might help pinpoint who this is referring to. If the Hyatt has different trees every year, it should be possible to narrow down a year. Might there be metadata in the pic that would indicate the year?

AngelofDeath ago

I'm thinking the "many sentences" and the retweet Trump gave with the photo of Hillary and Hussein and basically the entire Hussein administration was behind bars. May be the link we are looking for. In other words … Trump tweets truth … the truth is they will all be in prison, and it may relate to the Treason with China.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Well, that's sound logic. I'm just hoping "sentences" refers not to strings of words, but strings of prison sentences for treason!

Jsmyogi ago

Everyone I know can’t wait for these looney tunes to be all behind bars. We wonder why the greatest loon Brennen is not in the pic. So were guessing they have something ‘special’ plannned for him.

adlver ago

Hopefully he will get the ultimate treason sentence. . . . Hanging is it?

HenryCabotLodge ago

Execution. Not Jail.

boldaslove ago

He seems like the most hardened criminal in the lot. T he rest are in various stages of mind-controll.

RedPillMAGA ago

I was kinda hoping that the ones who weren't in the Gitmo cell (like Brennan) will be going out a la No Name style. But then, that thought bummed me out MORE because Killery and Hussein are in the cell and those 2 are the at the very top of my wish list for the treason noose.

AngelofDeath ago

Globally televised I would hope.

Specific_Fox ago

It should be. They affected people globally. Perfect case for public execution, televised, pay per view even.

TySnake01 ago

Being on SS.. I would give up my meds to pay per view THAT ANYDAY!

Specific_Fox ago

I hear you, Patriot. I'm sure the DVD will be out in weeks if anyone should miss it. Historic.

AngelofDeath ago

Brennen?? hehe , look here

wasupwitdis ago

big asshole , big plug...makes sense..Hey if the plug fits.......

AngelofDeath ago

They gonna use him like their favorite goat!

Secret_1 ago

Excellent, sounds like the third and final movie is about to be released....

AngelofDeath ago

Third movie??? You sure???

Hummm … I'm thinking this may be the climax of the FIRST movie. I think the THIRD movie is not till the end of the second term and the climax … "We're Saving Israel For Last" Q.