248-808 ago

Is this the "ACTION" that was twittered? Sick F*@ks!!!!

MotoshiBoy ago

Things are getting real in the whole foods parking lot.

bamadeplorable420 ago


AAngel ago

Amen too.

fancypants211 ago


1cd1233 ago

God's Angels will not be defeated! Down with Brennan. WWG1WGA.

fancypants211 ago

i have been calling on warring angels to protect potus and his family. they will try and fail every time!

Aintgunnahappen ago

Check out Amanda Green on YouTube “President Trump will pick up a stone against enemy plots” prophecy on 11/20 about an attempt on 45s life.

fancypants211 ago

amanda grace?

Merchant-Mariner ago

Can't believe I forgot how much I hate Brennan. There's so many POS deep state members I tend to forget. Hope the tribunals are live streamed.

PeggyGilmour ago

He was the one who came to my mind after his recent threat to the president.

KYanon ago

I wish they would put him away!! I think something is happening. I just have a feeling. All the good sources I pluck from have gone silent? Potus tweet was bold and flushed them out. Every night planeFag on 8 chan follows military planes and posts them for us. some go to gitmo. Every day their are 3-4 we watch. Last night there were 83 military planes flying from coast to coast in the south!!

fancypants211 ago

wow. thats alot of activity!

daynaH ago

Joe M @StormIsUponUs -- tweeted out the link, got over 500 likes/hits. Tweet stayed active very brief. Not sure what happened but it's no longer active as if it was purposely removed.... Tried searching for it

ChiefMAGA ago

I watched the videos. Didn't see the red dots.