Thorbert ago

Corsi is out for Corsi! Press coverage sells books.

ElfieJo ago

On QMap under players, he is not a Patriot. Corsi Traitor/Pawn Jerome Corsi is an American author, political commentator, and conspiracy theorist affiliated with Alex Jones / Infowars. Q has shown that Corsi is Fake MAGA -- a bad dude pretending to be good who tried and failed to infiltrate the QAnon movement.

Colin_Kelley ago

I believe Corsi and Jones are a MOSSAD "get out front and say weird things to discredit the cause" psyops program. They definitely attacked Q. When Corsi went ballistic on Q he showed an nasty, arrogant side. He is not a nice person.

Animal_Chin ago

I agree.

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

How dare a writer sell books. What a fucking asshole.

WelcometotheReal ago

Alas, he is a fraud. He's been Q cointel with Alex Jones from early on.

Anon1751 ago

Very interesting thoughts in your comments guys...certainly gives us something to think about.

derram ago :

Corsi: Basis for collusion is complete nonsense - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Food4theGorg ago

Once a "paytriot" always a "paytriot". This guy has made his living writing book after book. He even denied believing 9/11 was an inside job on Hannity when he has stated this belief on video after video. He is only out to make a buck using political gossip as his schtick.

pizzaequalspedo ago

But a "paytriot" like you say, would take the plea deal to avoid prison. Instead he's basically telling Mueller to F-off and not helping Mueller make the case that he and Stone colluded with Assange, and as a result risks dying in prison.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Did Q play Mueller by shading Corsi as a black hat?

Christosgnosis ago

Hmm, the whole drama of Q vs. Alex Jones/J. Corsi as theater to fool the Deep State for sake of a yet deeper op?

Blacksmith21 ago

That's an interesting notion.