0fsgivin ago

You people need professional help... Jesus.

lbeni540 ago


0fsgivin ago

zzzzzzz? you charging up your dream powers again?

lbeni540 ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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handymessmama ago

Love it. Thanks for sharing. WWG1WGA

BornaPatriot ago

This just gave me chills...Thank you

QNirmanakaya ago

Q did say to watch California.

Would it not be absolutely awesome for CA to turn red.

Saufsoldat ago

And now you guys are talking about your fucking dreams and daytime delusions.

Because obviously some cosmic force is interested in your pretend politics.

lbeni540 ago


TrumpMimi7 ago

I believe in signs.. I understand

Becky2972 ago

I love it when I spot a bald eagle...never saw them as a kid, spotted at least 5 this year..happy they are coming back!

Patriot56 ago

Thanks for sharing. It would be GREAT if California turned red, and I believe it will happen too. Most Americans are just sick and tired of the garbage that the left always presents. Why do they eve have a say still?

General_Anxiety ago

Cool story!! I hope that it's a true foretelling of our near future! CaCaaaaawww!!!!

jeepwheeler ago

Know what they say dreams do come true.Pray to God.VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE

joeythew ago

Bet it was eating a rabbit. If it was eating a donkey now THAT would have been a real good sign.

1cd1233 ago

I love dreams, especially yours! Been in Cali. way too long. I have personally seen this place turn to s____! Praying for red wave. Bald Eagle eating worms & bugs, sounds symbolic. Thanks for sharing Patriot! WWG1WGA

Letter-17 ago

I was driving home from work the other night and was listening to the radio when a song came on called "Heal Our Land." The lyrics really started speaking to me and it became a prayer in the moment, thinking about all that has gone on over the last 30 years. Right as it ended all of a sudden I got this feeling of total peace and heard this voice in my head say "All will be well." I had a hard time driving after that because I was teary-eyed the rest of the way home. Thank you God for hearing our prayers and healing our land.

MetalThatMatters ago

Thank you for sharing this!

Womb_Raider ago

@puttitout Do you see the activity in this thread? This is fucking vote manipulation you absentee landlord.

PuttItOut ago

Why don't you cap it, log it, and archive it so I don't have to play a childish guessing game?

If you want to be serious, I'll listen. If not, keep insulting me and posting unactionable speculation.

Womb_Raider ago

You mean to tell me if I can identify suspicious trends, you'll actually look into the situation?

And beyond that... you don't see any suspicious activity in the comments in this thread? Surely you do

PuttItOut ago

No, I really don't see any suspicious activity when I glanced over the comments, but I can surely be missing what you're talking about.

I know you think it's all golf and social parties for me, but I need help with things like this (so it doesn't interrupt my golf and social event time*). I hate that Voat is vulnerable to manipulation, and I'm working on systems to protect the Voat's integrity. Goats often see things I don't, so let's work together because we have a common goal and leave the attacks against each other for another time, or at least separate the insults from legitimate concerns over serious matters.

PM me and I will look into it.

*this was a joke, or an attempt at one.

satisfyinghump ago

You should send a message to Trump about the American Freedom Eagle you came across.

I dont know why but I have this feeling that President Trump would speak to you about that story being a sign of good things to come, like a regular 'American Joe' at the bar or park...

savedbygrace2 ago

Jack Hibbs saturday night , leads the great awakening in CA....listen here to video....awesome https://www.facebook.com/PastorJackCCCH/videos/259198808062906/

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Had a dream in 2008 about a girl named America. She was in grave danger.

MeJustMe ago

Good facts - too long! Agree?

Womb_Raider ago

What is this “I feel it” bullshit? Can we stick to facts and leave the emotional rhetoric behind? We don’t need fortune tellers.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

This is a Q sub. If you take away their right to speculate on mystical nonsense, what do they have left?

1cd1233 ago

So are you saying GOD is not involved in our lives, country, world?

Womb_Raider ago

I'm sticking to verifiable facts, and if this movement wants to be taken seriously by non-believers, it should as well.

1cd1233 ago

You can't stop it or change it. Try you may.

Womb_Raider ago

Stop or change what?

1cd1233 ago

People mentioning GOD

Womb_Raider ago

OP never mentioned God. Are you a shill?

1cd1233 ago

Sorry, maybe I misunderstood. So you meant?

MrDarkWater ago

I saw a bald eagle a few weeks ago. It flew over a bunch of ducks, ruining their day and then it snatched one out if the air, mid-flight and ate it.

Butch68 ago

That's good enough for me.

Crpowell821 ago

During the buildup to the 2016 elections I felt the urge to really get on my knees and pray about that election. I didn't know about Q then. I felt Trump was better for this country than anyone else I had seen. Don't know how to describe it, but I just knew it had to be him or no one. I have eight grandchildren and I knew they had absolutely no future with hrc as president. I knew that the US I grew up in would be no more. I went to the spare bedroom in our home and got on my knees and I prayed as if my life and the lives of my grandchildren depended on this election because truthfully, they did. I did this every single day for months. I knew what Trump was up against and I felt only God could get him in. I thank Him every day and I don't believe He would have given us Trump if He hadn't planned on giving Trump victory after victory. We are witnessing the absolute total power of Almighty God at work in this land. As corrupt as it has been, He has chosen mercy for us. He gave us Trump and I love our president with my entire being. If he asked me to go to the front lines and fight, I would be right there. I believe your dream will come true. What a hammer that would be to the democrats! I can already feel the joy, excitement and pride in what we have accomplished together with the help of God and Q. This is only the beginning. Pray Patriots. Be vigilant. God will give us the strength to do what we never thought we could. We are taking back our country and damn those who have tried to destroy it. We are going to show them what Patriot Proud, Patriot Strong means and what we can do. This is only the beginning. We have nowhere to go but up now. Praise God.

1cd1233 ago

Not thinking you don't know this Patriot, but for others, 2 Chronicles 7:14 at work. GOD Bless Patriots, WWG1WGA.

lbeni540 ago

Amen Patriot!

mike4thekite ago

California started going red in the 60's...and will turn communism when she breaks away....eagle is courage,truth and integrity

Qcalanthevalentine ago

Thank you for that. I also woke with a strange feeling. I am fasting today and praying. Also scrubbing my house and cleaning cabinets and drawers. My dog is behaving very strange. She won’t leave my side and when we walked this morning she didn’t go running in the fields to sniff. She stayed next to me. Not sure why.

Adminstrater ago

SECOND: this morning on my way to taking the kids to school, while at the light in traffic

I really thought I was going to read that you got "RED" lights all the way to school, and that was a sign. lol

The bald eagle is one of those things that just makes you think god is talking to you, mostly because you just happened to be looking for that right moment. Those are good moments, because usually they are aligned with doing good for yourself and those around you.

Cleanhobo ago

i would not be suprised if every state turns red with the voater manipulation off.

Awake2Truth ago

The collective unconsciousness is revealing itself loud and clear. Thank God for signs that give us hope.

Minxy_84 ago

I had the thought CA could go red while reading some polling result analysis this morning. I'll claim your dream as confirmation. Let it be so. Amen.

RCArmy ago

THAT'S AMAZING!! I had a Weird Sign at 3am, too! I didn't know if I should share it, but now I've got to! My hubby and I are currently traveling to Florida to help my Dad out with his condo (repairs). DON'T WORRY, WE VOTED ALREADY! I had just posted about my observations regarding the Q drop about Movie posters and Pedos (the #4, 5, 6 and the "now playing"), when my hubby came back to the truck with our hotel room keys. He handed me one and I asked what room #...It was "223"! I cracked up laughing and said, "Your Kidding?!" Thanks for sharing yours!! 2 people at about the same time has to be Real Signs!!

lbeni540 ago

That’s amazing!! It’s no coincidence! I feel it. We are for big changes. Thank you for sharing

Paladin_Diver ago

"I had a dream last night that California turned RED."

That may be my fault. I've been having that dream for 20 years and may be projecting. Cheers.

lbeni540 ago

Wow just wow

Neighboranon ago

I don't know who you are, but I believe you are a sister we are connected that way. That being said, I agree that was a beautiful sign from God. The huge majestic eagle was eating away all of the corruption one bite at a time. One Q drop at a time. WWG1WGA

lbeni540 ago

I am male haha but I understand you completely. I am so proud of people waking up and finding themselves. Tomorrow will be a great day. God always wins.

Thank you! WWG1WGA

Fighting26 ago

That is very cool!! I would say that was a sign from God, Letting you know he knows YOU are a TRUE PATRIOT!! Goose Bumps Indeed!! Enjoy your day!!

lbeni540 ago

Thank you friend! WWG1WGA

Fighting26 ago

You are very welcome!!! :-)

AnonUSAlltheway ago

Awesome, Patriot! MAGA 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA God Bless!

lbeni540 ago

Thank you all!! WWG1WGA

goatboy ago

Your would be owners use your superstitions to control you goyim.

lbeni540 ago


Elfchiro ago


WeGoAll ago

I have had the thought of CA going Red, just pops in my head, I am in FL and the thought of Gillum scares me, but I know God has got this either way, I am going all in with my husband and telling him Red Tsunami. He's Republican but hasn't bought into Q. I don't talk Q to him anymore but I have studied all the early voting numbers, and in FL Republicans are over 123,000 over Dems. Their goal was -60K pre election. Going into 2016 Pres election, Republicans were down I think -90K on Election Day and still won, VOTE AND PRAY!

ccjunque ago

Don’t discount the number of voters like me who voted straight red (registered independent) and my hubby who will never again vote Dem but won’t change party affiliation “so they won’t know how many votes they need to steal.”

Oylslique ago

I'm in Florida panhandle. For the past couple weeks, I've been feeling an 'assuradness' the DeSantis & Scott will win. My prayers have not been 'please let us win', but thanking God for his Hand in this win...as if it's already happened. STILL...with that being said...ALL MUST VOTE!!!

godsstudent ago

Yes, we must do our part for God and Country. Pretty amazing that he answered our prayers, just like the Bible said he would! Hoping and praying that this great awakening brings God back to forefront in our Country! GOD Bless America! MAGA

Paladin_Diver ago

I really hope you're right. FLA is my next stop if CA takes the next step off the deep end.

(Nothing against the other states in between, but as my name says, I am a diver and need ocean)

GolfinGirl ago

VOTE AND PRAY! Right, so good to hear someone else whose hubby is not into Q. A bad subject in our home, He’s says “soap opera” and I say it is the most fascinating thing that has happened in our lifetime. Why we are winning! They will come around after midterms! WWG1WGA

WeGoAll ago

I had to endure an almost 45 minute lecture about how I am teetering on crazy. Will not talk much about it anymore him , my biggest weapon I am sure is prayer.

undine2006 ago

I have exactly the same responses from my daughter. So wanted her to be in on the greatest thing to happen in our lifetime, will have to wait for the truth to unfold and bear her ridicule with patience. We are in good company: saints and prophets of old suffered the same fate. We will be vindicated. Trust the plan, stay strong and keep praying. God is good.

godsstudent ago

God is GREAT! Yes, truth will come out! Prayers have been answered! God Bless! Keep the faith and keep praying! MAGA

WeGoAll ago

Truly! If I actually told him everything I have read and BELIEVE, he would be horrified that he married a crazy woman. Except I know this will all come out and then he may come to me with questions. I follow Mark Taylor closely and believe Trump is anointed. Could never say that out loud to him though!

Minxy_84 ago

Have you told him about JFKjr? If you do don't say you believe it.

NewsJunQie ago

Every night I have a dream that Hillary & Obama & their friends get arrested & locked up. I know it'll happen. A Red CA would be FANTASTIC. Eagles are beautiful, amazing creatures made by God. We see God in his creation. Tell your kids how awesome God is. WWG1WGA

wasupwitdis ago

Trying to tell you sumpin.......?? The Eagle squats tomorrow......VOTE RED WWG1WGA

Zammyanci ago

Thanks be to God for it! First! Expect more of us to dream. It's in the Word... LOL... look for it, you'll find it. Excited for you Patriot! And All Patriots! God's blessings are upon us.


Habakkuk212 ago

The LORD moves with an unseen hand. His hand is moving.

godsstudent ago

He has "The Whole World In His Hands"! Amen God Bless! MAGA

Ramon710 ago

There are no coincidences.

The Great Awakening is not just a sudden realization of the corruption in our society; it is an expansion of Consciousness and a spiritual evolution.

Many here make fun of the spiritual and consciousness aspect of the Great Awakening, but it is as real as the air we breathe. We cannot see the air, but without it we die and we can see its effect on our surroundings.

fullthrottle1949 ago

Amen Brother, the Red Pill is time released...wait till the full effect kicks in, then the greatest awakening revival begins. Be safe, be prepared, many will need help.

Paladin_Diver ago

"Many here make fun of the spiritual and consciousness aspect of the Great Awakening"

They can make fun all they want, but God found me again this year and the only reason that happened was the Great Awakening.

GolfinGirl ago

Divine Intervention! God is answering our prayers and is having mercy on our nation and cleansing the evil!!!

godsstudent ago

Amen! So glad that everyone is seeing Gods intervention! MAGA God Bless!

fellowwhiteperson ago

I've often meditated as a way to help fall asleep. Lately these meditations have become more... Spiritual. I'm not a religious person but I've become filled with this strange sensation when I meditate. I don't know if I've gotten better at focusing my meditation, been eating healthier, or if there is some greater consciousness forming. I will say it feels very confusing.

godsstudent ago

So awesome...God is reaching out to you! Listen, for he has plans for you! God Bless!! MAGA

lbeni540 ago

This is true friend. It’s all part of the evolution of humanity spiritually and the connection to God/all that is.

StormVet6 ago


1cd1233 ago

Ditto that WOW!

lbeni540 ago

I know!! I felt compelled to share this here.

1cd1233 ago

Forgot to mention I too got goose bumps while reading then you mentioned then I laughed...…..

lbeni540 ago

Thank you! WWG1WGA

GhostSkin ago

You're not psychic, maybe a little crazy though. Its ok.