slightly_amused ago

Thank you, thank you!!! This is a great post you Anons are awesome and daring, we appreciate you ALL

PGLiterati ago

Thank for posting this and thank you also for your work. I've spent most of my life reading books largely by myself. I did a lot of research and had a lot of indignation and fortunately this lead me to Q around December. I had never heard of the Chans before Q but I started lurking there. I wasn't offended, just scared to post. But, what a revelation. People were out there working on the same shit that I was. Inspiring. The best thing is an end to this isolation and to finally be on the winning side--and all the Patriots and the awakening--like nothing I ever expected to see. What a revelation. I am truly thankful. Deeply thankful.

kayemsur ago

So nice to have you on board Anon, another way to is to join the Twitter social media..there are many Q followers as well as many Patriots spreading the word. A week away for voting day and every bit we do helps.

savedbygrace2 ago

I slowly have shared pieces of information to my spouse,however, to date I am the only one following. Told I am too gullible.

TwitterBannedIt ago

Gullible for not trusting. That's a riot.

jmac352 ago

I would say "Me Too", but that has already been used.

LakotaPride ago

Truth has always been the enemy of Evil, it not only exposes evil but destroys evil. there is more then one meaning when ot is said, the truth will set you free, free from a guilty conscience or free from evil tyrants.

Qluelessnomore ago

This is awesome! It should be plastered on all social media. Good job Patriot!

MuhBeans ago

What a relief! Clear thinking. Thanks for putting it all into perspective. Sometimes there is just too much mud out there in its various forms.

dp007since09 ago

Hats off to the chans and autists and all the patriots. I feel privileged to be able to participate in any way I can for our country , for our world! WWG1WGA

gr8tinfo ago

Very well said! Q is brilliant. As President Trump has stated over and over America is full of everyday patriotic citizens who love their country and are willing to protect their freedoms. We were being disenfranchised from our own country. President Trump and Q are bringing all those "deploribles" into the fight. Our fight has always been to bring the Truth out into the open. To Share what we learn from Q to our families, neiborhoods churches etc..

Gendeb2 ago

So true!

Blacksmith21 ago

Wonderful truth.

smokratez ago

under the control of bad actors through blackmail or bribery.

Bad actors? Just call em what they are. Jews.

dp007since09 ago

enough with the Jew crap. I have had it today. go and fuck yourself your hate speech is that of a moronic imbecile.


The term "hate speech" has no true definition and I wish folks would stop using it. It's Orwellian.

smokratez ago

Jews are not the chosen people. They control everything and are behind white genocide. You faggot.

dp007since09 ago

I never claimed they are the chosen, you faggot I am just tired of your diatribe. Go peddle it where it is appreciated , mother faggot fucker.

smokratez ago

You will learn the truth whether you want to or not.

Madie49 ago

Each anon who has contributed has strengthened the confidence of the others as well as lurkers, as well as this 'Auntie', that there is hope and that hope resides in investigation by one's self - and no more EVER relying on the MSM (to include FOX) for reality. There is so much information on the net that even low level understanding folk (myself) can find, let alone the deep stuff you anons find by moving in the programs of the forever world, which all results knowing/learning the actual truth. The true facts can be revealed, that sunshine is or will be the end game. Thank you from the bottom of MY heart and no doubt many many others.

jsmithhomegrown3 ago

I can't thank them enough. Many prayers sent out for all the Anons and Autists.

mslibertyrider ago

WOW ! A fabulous portrait of what the Q movement is all about, truth and freedom. Thank you Anons ! Thank you Patriots !

Chance45 ago

Good post. Anon Mission Statement. This needs to be posted once or twice a month on this board.