Peck181818 ago

Blumenthal is done!!!

UnderDogTamer ago

In Vietnam they used to tell the new guys that if you got "Da-Nang Dick" that you couldn't go home. They would send you to a leper colony.

12814 ago

Trump is the best POTUS in History

for those of you who like to sit back and watch a great and brand new video... here is the Official Trump @War: Full Movie.

don't forget to get your popcorn ;)

12814 ago

for those of you who are looking for videos, ebooks and pdfs etc.

check this thread:

AncientFrogGod ago

This is Eddie Murphy doing a Richard Blumenthal impression:

LarpingAnon ago

Blumenthal burned by Trump's napalm remarks

quidproquo ago

where is the LAW when a candidate LIES then years later (revealed) that they MUST step down! NEED IT NOW!!!

Stonenchizel ago

Blumenthal is just another Democrat that Lied to get elected but this dude did it for 12 whole years while claiming to be a Vietnam Vet & a Hero on top of it while probably actually dodging the draft....

Bobby_Lee_Jackson ago

It's a damn shame Trump couldn't be on that judiciary committee to call the dems out on their garbage. I wish more conservatives were as outspoken. The left never holds back and it makes the right look weak when they don't respond.

thebearfromstartrack ago

That should be grounds for expulsion from the senate. Is it?

quantum23 ago

Trump speaks like the rest of us and says it like it is. How can Blumenthal pass judgement on anyone after being such a loser and liar? Trump is very personable and funny. I couldn't catch my breath when Pres. Trump imitated Feinstein. He made my day!

Stonenchizel ago

Good because of all the Democrats that questioned Kavanaugh, Blumenthal was one that reminded me as a fucking rat that was half dead & now he's hanging on by a thread from what looks like Aids..... That's the reason I can't stand him, plus he's a Clintonite for many years & he must protect the queen bee dem at all cost!

hildberht ago

Still time for him to make good. Go drop in Afghanistan or Syria and let him live up to his stories.

BelleDJour ago

typical Dim O'crap

BelleDJour ago

How could this liar keep his seat on the Senate? Dems have no moral compass.

LadyBarber ago


TrulyISayToThee ago

You answered your own question. Dems care about nothing other than maintaining a stranglehold on power. And he's a JEW. Which means it's totally ok to lie, cheat, steal, whatever, because the rest of us are just "goy".

Fraunk ago

cryin' schummer... riverboat kerry .... china-stein ... lyin blumenthal.. fucking jew varsity fabrication\schmear but we're tellin da truth.. wa wa... remember that song ruby and the romantics...'our day will come?..

cynicaloldfart ago

remember that song ruby and the romantics...'our day will come?

Yes, I do, but was lost in memory. Thanks for reminding me. Great song.

Fraunk ago

thank you! if you can remember these songs then i'm in the right section. the doc sent me over to the geriatrics group..

cynicaloldfart ago

If by geriatrics you mean someone that actually lived the roots of RocknRoll, and how significant it is to the music that came after, I can tell you about that.

BelleDJour ago

...and then we'll have everything...whoooo whooo, we'll share the joy......

OIAO ago

There are a lot of us Veterans who would like to visit the wood shed with him.................... Just to discuss Stolen Valor!

To those of my Brothers/Sisters of Vietnam era service, WELCOME HOME!

LakotaPride ago

lot if us Veterans want him charged

BelleDJour ago

Husband would love to kick his ass.

QrioCT ago

Good, and he ought to be. Lying about your service in the military is the most despicable thing you can do. It insults people who really did serve.

These people are evil.

derram ago :

Trump roasts Senator Blumenthal for lying about serving in Vietnam - YouTube

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