StormVet6 ago

Guys, don't do mass upvoating. Those of us who recently got here found out the hard way that it is not a good idea. The folks that have been here a long time see that as an attack on them (because it did happen in in past waves) and will counterattack by downvoating.

hangry ago

Fucking newfag redditors. These Q Cunts are not goats.

boredTech ago

[–] omnipresenthuman [M] 5 points (+5|-0) 2.5 hours ago

Patriots up vote all patriots all the time. Before you leave, go through and up vote all patriots. The more you vote, the sooner we can get back to business. It would be very easy for me to wipe out every post that is not Q related, Off topic, etc. Remember free speech does not mean you are going to like it all the time. It comes with the good and it comes with people who abuse that right. Rise above

Stop with that nigger shit already.