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K9midas ago this thing on? Lol. My first VOAT post. Screw Jack Dorsey.

USAFCAndylady ago

You need to upvote as many people as you can....some silly 10 CCP rule to actually create a thread. I still do not understand all of the new rules.

kneo24 ago

@PuttItOut These boomers are trying to farm upvotes.

SGM11Z ago

You seriously pinged putt on a day like this because newbies are trying to get 10 ccp????

What a fuckin loser. You were the one in school who raised their hand to remind the teacher she forgot to give us homework for the weekend.

kneo24 ago

You're just as bad as the rest of them. No one gets special treatment here. Everyone else has to earn their upvotes legitimately.

SGM11Z ago

Oh for fucks sake. Most of these people just want 10 CCP so they can comment and will spend the rest of their time in their safe little anonymous space. You can still blast anyone that ventures out to the rest of voat. Why you people care so much about this is beyond me.

kneo24 ago

Most of these people just want 10 CCP so they can comment

They don't need any CCP to comment. The 10 CCP is posting restrictions. It's honestly not hard to get that 10 CCP. It can be done in a few hours at the most. There's no need to game the system.

Why you people care so much about this is beyond me.

Most of those assholes lacked enough integrity to care about censorship on Reddit until their communities were shut down. Now where is your integrity?

SGM11Z ago

You need 10 ccp to comment more than 10 times a day. You're right, there is no need to game the system. Most of these people don't even know what that means. They're like freshmen on the first day of high school, and the seniors around here are running around stealing their lunch money. Make you feel like a big man, does it?

Most of those assholes lacked enough integrity to care about censorship on Reddit until their communities were shut down.

Most of these assholes were oblivious to censorship on redshit. They were in GA just for Q and didn't do any other redshit things. Maybe you are right about some of them, but most, like me, couldn't care less about redshit. Nobody wants a billion CCP. Nobody wants to have more points than you. Integrity has nothing to do with it. They just want to talk about Q, and to do that here, you need 10 CCP. Just 10. After that, if you see vote farming, bomb the shit out 'em. You'd have a legitimate beef. But brand new people who just want to post or comment? Seriously? Get a hobby.

kneo24 ago

You need 10 ccp to comment more than 10 times a day.

I'm sure the "omg I love Q" comments are a real boon to the discussion going on, right? Whatever just happened to lurking to get a feel for a place?

Most of these assholes were oblivious to censorship on redshit. They were in GA just for Q and didn't do any other redshit things.

Sounds like a failure of being easily led sheep then. Perhaps if the people who ran that community allowed some meta discussions to happen, the people would have been informed.

Admitting that you don't care about censorious platforms only further proves my point that you and the others lack integrity. If you were censored off of every platform, where would you go? You should care about problems that don't directly affect you yet, because they could affect you one day in the future. Being aware of your surroundings is always good.

Your whole comment reeks of, "not all muslims".

SGM11Z ago

I can see that you're locked in your mindset and uninterested in contrary information. My only point is that there are far more important things to care about than some anonymous Q follower getting 10 CCP so they can comment freely. It is so unimportant that it leads me to believe that what you truly fear is that all these new people will get 100's of CCP and be able to downvote you and others into oblivion effectively silencing you, as some of you are trying to do to them. If that's the case, then I get it. I would not want that either. I would not want the culture of voat to change. If I see that happening, I will be on your side, downvoting them too. But until it does, I'll be on the side of letting people speak their mind, whether I agree with them or not, even if they are stupid.

kneo24 ago

You're not saying anything new that hasn't been discussed ad nauseam before. I don't care about being downv voated. I do care about the culture here. The slippery slope is real. Surely you've seen it play out in the real world multiple times by now.

ModelB ago

Been upvoating everyone like crazy, finger numb.

AuthorUnknown ago

As one who has acquired only 102 less points than I need to function, I'm upvoting you, and everyone else in here that I possibly can!

Iron_Bear ago

Here's one for you

1NationUnderGod ago

Yea I’m trying to get used to new site too. It’s very different, but it will get easier. I’m just happy we have a new place to call home.

hml ago

I agree this is very different, it will take me a while to get used to this.

Slimpickens1 ago

What did you get Patriot?

QSentMeToo ago

I just started tonight after seeing Q post. I have no idea what I’m doing. Lol but it is easier. So that’s good. Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated. 😁

USAFCAndylady ago

Technology is wasted on I am of little use. But we have some GREAT PATRIQTS that will likely post some good tips. They did on reddit.

Calanon ago

Agree fully

QSentMeToo ago

Thank you kindly.