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MingDynasty ago

Fuck off concerfag, we dont give a fuck about this constant whining from you old goats. All this concernfagging wont change anything about how the mods operate this subverse. Perhaps if the oldgoats had been more welcoming, they would have come to your sub naturally. As of now, y'all have divide the movement, not the refugees just looking for a home.

MingDynasty ago

Do you have more context than just that? That seems like a pretty typical voat response, but i am new here, so i admit i could be wrong.

From what ive seen in my limited time here, i think thats a far tamer response than most of you goats deserve.

Mumbleberry ago

That particular user is part of a large shillbot ring that started up shortly after the Vegas shooting. I call them out on thier BS when I see, so they don't like me. The list needs some updating they,ve made a bunch of new accounts and even 2 new subs. All of them are flat earth/moon landing fake/etc idiots ans like to call people that disagree either DARPAbots or CIA/Mossad agents

SandHog ago

Interesting. Did it pop up in response to discussion of the shooting or was it just general ADL kikery?

MingDynasty ago

Makes sense. Thank you.

Mumbleberry ago

No prob, dude.