WhiteRonin ago

Bahaha ! @tallest_skil who never accepted my offer of talking lawyer to lawyer is now on YouTube!

Watch out for @tallest_skil is a card carting member of the ADL and a wannabe JIDF pretend agent.

Watch this! I’m gonna be called a race traitor and will be reported to his ADL office because I post Nazi pictures to SBBH. Yep! I’m a Rommel fan!

Hey! Tallest! That reverse circumsion process might not work! Save your micro penis for the art students!

Tallest_Skil ago

No, I’m not on YouTube or anything else that you said. Reported for libel and admitting to being a race traitor.

WhiteRonin ago

Watch the video asshole. You are in it!

Trigger happy dumb fuck as usual! Lol

Tallest_Skil ago

No, I’m not on YouTube or anything else that you said. Reported for libel and admitting to being a race traitor. ˚

WhiteRonin ago

Watch the fucking video asshole!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Fuck the hell off.

WhiteRonin ago

I ain’t scared of your ADL and you can have your lawyer contact mine. I dare you! Like I said, I’m gonna win and you’ll end up paying my mortgage! I have enough evidence that you will be buried!

As for the topic: if you can’t watch 30seconds of the video the OP posted you should really go back to Poal and Phuks! Or did they call you out too!?!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that white ronin is a self-admitted race traitor.

WhiteRonin ago

Called it!

Lol, your butt hurts so bad I can hear your groans!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel.

WhiteRonin ago

Just call my lawyer dick wad!

JackHoff ago

Yeah, he dead. He long gone dead. You all fuckin LIE!

amarQ144 ago

...if true...

DJB ago


cstrafe ago

And with Lazerhawk?! I'm on board.

Biloxigyu ago

? wtf was that?

TigerOfTheValley ago

The Truth. I know that might be a new concept given the CIA have hijacked the minds of the public for 60+ years.

JackHoff ago

F@ghot $h!££! €@t $h!t

SamuelHyde ago

євѕ4215 т ι м є

MayDayHeyHey ago

A e s t h e t i c Choices

1223344556677888 ago

@realaaronswartz We have your back.

dundundunnnnn ago


8887766554433221 ago

@realaaronswartz We Fear NO ONE