SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone's talking about this!

'Cannabis Oil Cures Girl Of Cancer in 6 Days! Deleted At V/TheAwakening becuase Neon Doesnt like cures for Cancer.' was posted in v/Awakening by @IDeliverPizza and permalinks this submission.

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(Ref #133)

hangry ago

The Great God Q touched her forehead with cannibis oil!!

TapasTree ago

This sub has quickly gone to shit

hangry ago

That's because it is populated with fucktards from reddit.

RealAaronSwartz ago

How many doctors will be tried as criminals? Baphomet flies at midnight Q

hangry ago

Zero, Qcultkike.

Stukov ago

What does this have to do with Q and why are there 3 stories about generally the same thing here?

haggl ago

Q actually speaks of cures and pharma, #694 What if cures already exist?

man_with_titties ago

The triumvirate of Guns Oil and Drugs - in G.O.D. we trust. You can't take down one side of the triangle without taking down the whole triangle and the eye inside it.

nednederlander ago

This should not be here.

RealAaronSwartz ago

It's a Q post @stukov

How many doctors will be tried as criminals? Baphomet flies at midnight Q

Stukov ago

I'm still not seeing the connection to what you are saying is a Q post?

Soulshaper ago

It works for sure!!! Also we need to reverse the Electro-smog effects caused by out technologies. Patented and it works too.

94Slacker ago


TigerOfTheValley ago

Truly, please share far and wide! So many people are being killed by chemo - think nazi level war crimes against humanity