ES-Trader ago

I don't understand why my replies get +30 (for example) on numerous one and I only have ONE (1) single up-vote credited . . . so I cannot post. I cannot send a message to a mod asking about it "because I don't have enough points."

It does appear we are being controlled. Not long for this place then . . .

Vibratron ago

I was removed from CBTS, twice.....once for using the word "Zionist", once for using a word for word quote of Q....(I was one of the leading content providers for CBTS) ......then I was removed once from r/greatawakening.......... basically for questioning the Moderators about the Q post 1485 that referenced the "mods being controlled" ........... a "moderator" is someone who takes away "FREEDOM OF SPEECH"

Vibratron ago

This (as it is currently) is a pathetic, controlled platform for Patriots to defend our Republic..........

Type-o-Negative ago

Well well well, would you look at this:

MadWorld ago


DropGun removed 1.2 days ago on 9/14/2018 3:52:06 PM

"Rule Violation in v/theawakening: Stay ON TOPIC"

Announcement: We are undoing all bans. by PenSHITLORD in theawakening

[–]BillsPriaprism 14 points (+14|-0) 1.3 days ago

v/greatawakening is where you need to be ppl.

Nice work (((@DropGun))), telling people the proper subverse to go is considered off topic lols... Is it because you want to control the (((narratives))) and keep the new users in the herd?

It has being more than 48 hours, clearly the mods chose to keep the ccp restriction in place, making this a private subverse.

Goathole ago

He forgot to mention the Vote Farms he initiated and the bans our mods handed out. The voat farms are a tos violation, the bans were a serious faux pas. The behavior of some of our subs were not of the kind anyone would welcome.

sexylarrytate ago

thanks for telling me.

Cav1stSGT ago

They will do anything to stop the Truth from being outed.

dunklederf ago

you're dividing the movement ;_;

Minxy_84 ago

This could also be seen as putting it back together bc why bring the rebbit bullshit here and be separate from the existing Q community? Oh bc maybe someone already here is comped? Time will flush them out too.

bb22 ago

Reddit has been purging users and subs for months/years before this and you're only complaining now? Everything about Reddit is cancer.

Type-o-Negative ago

They cant stand it they dont have control. Also check on the right side under ABOUT and one can see which mod is censoring, deleting comments, and/or banning people. It gives subscribers transparency on who is doingwhat instead of blaming someone else like they did on reddit. The more you know.

bb22 ago

I moderated on two relativity small forums and even there mods let it go to their heads and start power tripping and talking shit about their members for no particular reason. In a group of tens of thousands of people I can only imagine what kind of pearls you guys have to deal with.

rpn68 ago

Exactly. Be careful who you follow.


just go to 8ch, they let you post freely. Voat is compromised anyway and probably won't survive.

bb22 ago

Yeah they don't say niggerfaggot on 8chan right?

Type-o-Negative ago

Project much faggot?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

>here for 3 days

>"voat is totally compromised, goys!"

I see you, rabbi.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Shills have been saying that for years, but we're still here faggot.

kneo24 ago

They purged their mods because one of them is apparently compromised. One of the guys who is now demodded claimed that someone kept changing the settings. At least that's my take on the purge.

FreeHillbilly ago

Dead horse. Move on.

kneo24 ago

If the horse was dead, it wouldn't keep moving.

Goathole ago

Poke it with a stick!