high-valyrian ago

As a mod, I'm happy that the logs are public so that folks who cry censorship actually can be told to source their claims. As some of us try to figure out the platform, know that we'll eventually get a system down.

NoisyCricket ago

Out of curiosity, given that there are public logs, have you guys considered granting mod rights to the /v/GreatAwakening mods? Or at least others who have been here a while who are highly regarded?

BTW, why the decision to sandbox the community and lock it out of /v/all, plus the ccp split? Why don't you consider that harmful?

Explanations and (continued) engagement would go a long way toward building good faith with the larger community here.

high-valyrian ago

  • The settings issue was a mistake on my part due to not being able to use Voat, and now many are gleefully weaponizing. Let them glow.

  • We have never had any contact with that team, don't know who they are, and none of them have contacted us. I've had several users from there reach out to me before this banning negatively regarding that Voat community, plus notables on qresearch about their veracity. AFAIK, Voat is not a permanent home for most of us as the server space is limited, there's too much drama for me atm, and frankly the insistence of "it's cool to be able to say bad words like nigger and kike" environment is bad optics for a movement we've been told to Handle With Care imho. Anyone who is supporting the "niggers and kikes" and "nothing is removed or banned" from Voat obviously is not a part of the Q movement and immediately outs themselves. Thanks for the questions.


NoisyCricket ago

Food for thought on the culture clash. Imagine going to 8chan and demanding they change their culture... Deserved shit storm?

You don't go into someone else's house and demand they change to suit you...

NoisyCricket ago

P.P.S. In fact, please check my comment history. Hopefully you'll find it helpful toward understanding the culture.

NoisyCricket ago

Let them glow.

Only because you failed to communicate. Don't blame others for what you compounded.

Look, this whole transition was smooth until Neon decided to fuck everything up. The amount of deserved anger toward that imbecile can not be under stated. He is an idiot and he fucked up big time! We know at least some of the mods coming over are compromised. We also know what when you claim you didn't know what's here that's lame because you can check. And they have a better track record than your entire old sub on Reddit. You repeatedly claim that you couldn't know if the mods here are good or not but that is dishonest. Which further fuels the bullshit! The entire transition is shady as fuck. Needlessly so. And purposely driven to prevent a smooth transition. Obviously that is going to raise a lot of questions. It was basically the perfect way to fuck everything up.

Pretending that people should not be suspicious makes it even more shady as fuck. So shady it's well into the WTF territory for anyone with a brain. I sincerely believe that if you're honest you will acknowledge everything I've stated. Because nothing I've stated is untrue.

Now then, I am not saying YOU are "compromised." Because I have no clue or any way of knowing. I didn't even know you made the "mistake."

If you are legit, you need to stop pussyfooting around, rally shit together, and clean up your fucking mess. Stop making excuses because this is 100% your mess and Neon Revolts complete fuck up. The result is you guys have been very harmful to the entire Qanon movement. That really sucks. And let me stress, YOU GUYS! Own it!

Put your big boy pants on, sticky a post (I haven't checked) explaining you and Neon's fuckup, explain what you're doing to fix it, step up and own it, and try to get everyone moving forward. COMMUNICATE! Even after doing so, you're going to have to understand you fucked up. So did Neon Revolt. Needlessly so. So expect some shit for a while (not from me).

If you check my comments you can see where I've already stated I'm simply going to sub to both and see what happens. But you are wearing different shoes. Lace them up and get this shit fix.

Now then, you guys also need to address the culture clash. Encouraging the pro-Marxist bullshit which created the entire shithole of Reddit is why you are creating so much anger here. Again, own it. It is entirely your creation. Again, you guys are fucking up. The culture here is specifically designed to keep everyone safe.You guys are bring in a very sickly and destructive culture. A culture so sick it endangers the entire site. Doesn't matter if you want to admit it or not, that's reality and that's what is causing all the backlash. YOU GUYS ARE THE CAUSE. Regardless if you want to own it or not.

Again, I strongly urge you guys to step up, be adults, integrate into the culture, everything will die down before too long, and you can simply moderate based on off topic posts.

I sincerely hope you guys can fix what you've broken. I sincerely hope you guys will step up and own it. I sincerely hope you are good people. I sincerely hope you guys have it within yourselves to do what right for the movement rather than what's right for you. Because right now, they are two very different things.

P.S. Kick Neon Revolt in the nuts when you get the time. What a fucking idiot. As almost all of this was entirely preventable.

gabara ago

Daily reminder that Paul Simon is a piece of shit.