Welcome, one and all, ex-Reddit refugees and patriots! Congratulations on surviving your stormy ocean passage over on the USS Soros! Once y'all have your seasickness and nausea under control (and believe me, us mods were right there with you, horking over the railings), it's time to get this sub (vub?) ROLLING, again.
Here are some mod notes and a few important reminders:
First, this sub's mod team is committed to modding just as we were on Reddit. THIS IS NOT THE CHANS. This is Q's house, so act like it. Our mission? Welcome and be patient with the normies, always be informed (Dig! Dig Dig!), and be locked and loaded and ready to red-pill other patriots who might sometimes just be waking up. This mod team is on point and more than a few permanent bans have already been meted out to the most egregious offenders.
Second, follow the rules. Support the cause. Don't be a dick. No racism. Low-effort, low-information comments and posts will be removed on sight. The ban hammer is most definitely out and, after all the bullshit of the past 24 hours, I'm sure you can understand when I say that the hammer will be mighty twitchy for the next couple weeks. Be excellent to each other. Or you will be done.
Third, and most importantly, make sure you only use the Cross Century II black/gold rollerball pen when signing all executive orders, witnessing or notarizing any secret indictments, dismantling the cabal's human trafficking and other fascist activities, and taking down the #FakeNews enemies of the people. It's a $300 pen on eBay, but, you're worth it. YOU ARE HERE TO MAKE HISTORY. STAND TALL, PATRIOTS!
Please use the report button. Your mods have your back. See something, say something!
HOOAH!!! This is military planning at its finest.
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Padre3210 ago
That was quick. Well done! What other Q-threads, is any are here? Swamp?
HateTheCabal ago
I found my way to v/TheAwakening via Neon Revolt. I think v/GreatAwakening is an old Voat sub that's been here awhile. Neon says this sub (v/TheAwakening) is the one that has our Reddit mods.
NoisyCricket ago
Which raises the question as to why we would blindly want the old Reddit mods given that even Q has acknowledged some of them are compromised?
The good news is that we can at least watch what the mods are doing here. Unlike on Reddit.
edit: formatting