FishBoat ago

Right on. Great post.

Colin_Kelley ago

Stock up on popcorn. Fasten your seat belts. Good 3D Chess game on display. A lot is going to happen in the near future -- before the end of the year. Many "October Surprises" -- both sides. My money is on Trump. Then comes the election in early November, where we will clean their clocks. Then "shoes" are going to start dropping -- right after the election. "Now comes the pain." After the election, the departing RINOs and all the Democrats will try to impeach Trump -- before the new Congress is sworn in. It will be their last and only hope. It ain't going to happen. There may be riots. There may be martial law. Many Indictments will be unsealed. Trials will begin -- including military tribunals. All in November and December. Many in Congress who would have participated in the impeachment process will be under arrest and relocated to Gitmo. We are in for a pretty exciting show coming to a theatre near you. "Enjoy the show."

WeGoAll ago


TruthWarriorCA ago

Over the target, patriots. Drop the payload of red pills in 3...2...1...

Korsavius ago

Reddit? More like Blewit, amirite?

2ndLife4Ulla44 ago

Great post... Thanks for the reminder...

Q_Continuum ago

I guess the memes were too much for them to handle and the rats started to scurry

Teresa7779876 ago

Great post

Grumpyoldvet ago

It is classic projection to call us Fascists. Their tactics are purely out of the handbook.

grandpa_9 ago

In war, lines of communications are prime targets.

Metavinci1 ago

This was a desperate move that exposed them to more than they wanted. They are digging their own grave as they grow not desperate

numberonepal ago

I can't believe they allowed a Q related post to stand.

AlwaysDeplorable ago

They just haven't found it yet.

aux67 ago

I find it hard to believe there action were are that obvious... they really are that stupid!

aux67 ago

Bloody iOS spell check is s driving me insane... 😂

old-dawg77 ago

I'm thinking there's a whole bunch of folks that have been standing on the sidelines watching that are going to be running for the playing field as more CRAP on the left/global/progressive goons comes out.

Qodles ago

Cornered animals are the most dangerous. Be alert.

Cheetah1964 ago

It's good that this great post is reproduced here, since it won't last long on NoNameIt.

BestowFlower1Crown ago

"Yes, I was pissed off yesterday when the cowards and shills who have infiltrated Reddit like a cancer and the satanists and cannibals who run Reddit conspired together to take down all the "Q"-related subs yesterday.

And yes, it was frustrating to see the influx of TuMOR-types to this sub yesterday, attacking GA and Q with the evil glee that fuels low-level demons and toadies.'

But let's face it: If you know "The Art of War," this is all signs of a losing team.

At your weakest, appear strong--if they were strong, they wouldn't have to censor. If they were strong, they wouldn't have their team of MSM parrots attacking a subreddit in some of the nation's largest publications.

Control communications. The #1 thing an occupying force does when it takes over a nation is commandeer the media. The bad guys have controlled media for a loooong time, but they're losing their hold by the day. When you have to shut down a subreddit with less than 100K subscribers (though I bet it was more and the liars who run Reddit were throttling it, but whatever), you are showing your hand and it's a weak one.

Chessboard moves and countermoves--Does anybody actually think the Q team wasn't anticipating this? Of course they were. It will be fun to see what happens next and watch the cancers, shills and MSM parrots sputter and protest like the impotent limp dicks they are.

The ugly shadow monster is being forced to rear its many heads. The Deep State works best when it's just that: Deep. Operating below the public radar, in darkness. Between that treasonous NYT Op-Ed, the obviously controlled MSM talking points on pretty much everything, the social media clampdown and now Reddit's censorship roll, the Deep State is being forced to emerge from the shadows. They don't like it, which is why they're being so gross and pissy about it.

So take a step back. Look at all that's been accomplished in the past year--even the past week! Did you see all the key corporate resignations? Another half dozen--Leslie Moonves at CBS, but also "60 Minutes" top executive producer and sex freak Jeff Fagler; Jack Ma of Alibaba; Tim Armstrong of Oath/HuffPo/AOL (back in the day).

Bad guys are losing, and losing badly. Their fuse is running short. Their impotent anger, like a baby's temper tantrum, in their failure to achieve universal evil and sexual abuse, is what we need to be concerned about: They hate everything, including themselves, and will do whatever they can to ruin as much as they can before they are ultimately defeated.

But ultimately defeated they will be. Because they're already defeated. They are losers, inherently. Losers, losers, losers.

Have a great day! God loves you!"

edit: added quotes, text from OP link above.

Rebelghirl ago

agreed. i wasn't angry though. just disappointed. but i'm glad everyone was able to regroup here.

Submariner_SS ago

I know I'm preaching to the choir but I'll ask anyway. How do we know when we are over the target? CATCHING FLACK! Proof we are winning and they know it. "PANICKED they are!"

tantruminterruptus ago

Agree, and very well stated. They lost control of the narrative and now they're reduced to platform-wide sweeps to censor conservative thought.

Qcalanthevalentine ago

Excellent post.

derram ago

Eallen1775 ago

john kerry on Fox news! he must be worried!

Anon850 ago

Selling his book of lies!

Grumpyoldvet ago

But yet he was openly admitting to Logan Act violations. Odd, I would have thought keeping a low profile would be the best course of action.

Submariner_SS ago

At this point they are desperate. I was shocked to even see JK show his face on FOX. "With PANIC comes MISTAKES." Q WWG1WGA

Q_Continuum ago

He’s a traitor who’s too stupid to realize what he’s doing.

Mubaduba ago

Or the powers that be sent him out as bait. Everything is moves and counter moves. I just don't see (yet) what they would get out of this.

tantruminterruptus ago

Exactly what I've been thinking. He makes no attempt to hide the fact he's been trying to strike deals with other nations (one that has sworn to destroy us) and yet doesn't seem to think he'll be taken to task on it. I can't wait to see justice served on this douchebag! War hero my ass! More like Ketchup-Cuck.

Akzed ago

He and his cohort don't know how to behave in the real world - the one we're currently transitioning to.