Delotes7 ago

Its so cool that fellow #Qanon / MAGA friends can connect and re-organize so quickly! Their desperation is getting to insane heights. Cutting out all Qanon reddit boards at the same time? What are they so afraid of? All for a LARP? They will NOT divide us, they will not discourage us or sow doubt. We will only get stronger, more organized and more motivated! Fight fight fight. #WWG1WGA

high-valyrian ago

All for a LARP. We will never move, leave, or give up. We've been silenced, harassed, death threatened, and more.

DCLbeacher444 ago

Thank you Praying Medic for directing me to Voat for Q news. They cannot silence the truth. MAGA and KAG Patriots!



this whole 'transition' could've been an absolute disaster.

the strategy/organization displayed is admirable beyond words.

THE LINE WAS HELD. The enemy is back to the drawing board for now...


MIDefender ago

ThankQ back.

Speed_Bernicia ago

Just tried uploading a post for a link to which I found here but it'll not let me submit anything! WWG1WGA!

QuietButNotBlind ago

NeonRevolt sent me. I was on reddit under a different name. Thanks for making room here for newbies.

OhReally73 ago

checking in! SerialBrain2 helped...WWG1WGA

Luellaloveheart ago

Thank you

rickki6 ago

Morning patriots !!!!

TheymadeusSTRONGER ago

I read an article yesterday where one of the other subreddits admitted sending people to r/greatawakening to post things that reddit could use as a basis to ban it. I also read something that referred to there being a half million people on the sub. I thought that had to be a mistake, but after Q's post maybe not - wow!!

merica_fk_yeah ago

consider it a badge of honor to have been banned. plebbit is like swimming in raw sewage...

PC17 ago

The Donald had a post about the ban, but promptly banned all informative comments LOL

VioletStorms ago

Reddit's reasons of.....what was the excuse?....."inciting violence" or some such nonsense made me laugh. Because I have to say - finding a respectful, caring community ANYWHERE on the web is difficult these days, but that's exactly what I found in r/greatawakening, r/The_GreatAwakening and r/draintheswamp. Consideration and loving your country became dirty words to the leftist Reddit powers that be.

jazzguy ago

qmap jumped to 92,000 people.

pairadocs ago

Thanks for setting up things so quick. Glad to be here.

Cosmos05 ago

This site is a little tricky, but I’ll get the hang of it! Upvoats please?

StraightCashComey ago

Shame! Shame! Shame!

realnstuff ago

They are stupid, just think about it. They reported the ban in several of the biggest Media Outlets and they are still saying it's a LARP.

Redkestrel1111 ago

GA refugee - Neon sent me. Glad to find everyone and to see familiar names! WWG1WGA - Q said to stay together!!

QnutAnon ago

I have officially had it with that crap plebbit

We have got them cornered



gadget820 ago

over the target

Patriot8 ago

I’m deciding what to say in the comment section of “delete my reddit account”. I think we DO need to delete to be sure they feel the sting of shutting out over half the population. If you don’t, you will still be included in their subscriber count.

jasoncmd ago

The are after the The_Donald next according to the Strawpoll. that Neon twittered

The is no longer available

Was hoping somone could warn them on Plebbit they are going to be targetted.

Strawpoll website saying cannot be reached now

unbecoming2007 ago

Hook me up Patriots. CBTS and now GA refugee. I don't want $. I want your vote. Thnx.

high-valyrian ago

Done, anon. Godspeed.

Lifefriend ago

I am checking in. Good to meet you all

WanderingTaurus ago

Do they not have to provide proof of their claims or can they state whatever the hell they wish? Was this a first time claim? They claimed the WHOLE board was such rather than ban supposed people actually inciting violence? And I did not see any violence on the board or any racism and trying to tie Q to racism as the asshats at the banout sub have been trying to claim as such.

high-valyrian ago

We did ask them to provide links to the offending post, comment, or user. We also asked for evidence that we had been previously warned. Neither request was responded to.

Some new arrivals or trolls would come and make comments alluding to violence. Most were newbies who weren't aware of the rules. In that context, you would assume that Reddit would remove and warn. Instead, they're happy to accept the rhetoric of the far and violent leftists controlling subreddits like TMOR and TheBanout; their actions clearly show that Q content was specifically targeted. All for a LARP?

WanderingTaurus ago

These people are such liars!

"[–]Sister_Pia [score hidden] 6 hours ago

  • As many users have become aware, there's a certain subreddit trying to stir shit and incite drama sitewide by having a "hit list" of subs they want to see removed, and claiming credit for any such bans of specific subs on that list which happen to come up. This sub is a massive troll-job, and people are taking the bait. The mod team has been presented evidence from very reliable KiA-friendly sources demonstrating that fact.

    "Oh but they got /r/milliondollarextreme banned!" No, no they did not. MDE had it's final warning from the admins nearly a week before the sub claiming credit was even created.

    "Oh but they already have other subs on their list that have been banned!" Not exactly. If you check their secondary target list, you'll find /r/NIGGER_TRANNY_COCK which they are claiming credit for - that was banned back in July and was made available to reddit request for new ownership, and that sub was only nuked because it had no moderators.

    "They killed /r/GreatAwakening though!" Nope, that sub kept pushing the line with posting dox and the mods failing to remove it in a timely manner. This sub was also added to their list after it was banned, not before, meaning they are trying to claim credit to look like they had anything to do with it. Try again.

They're trolling you & trying to rile you up into breaking rules so they do have a genuine reason to report you & get you banned. Don't take the bait.*"

There was no damn doxxing going on at GA

JotsandTitters ago

Personal opinion on the so-called advocating for violence reason, would be, v(If true) I believe it either came from an embedded shill/leftist, or someone who seriously stepped over a line.

Q and #QArmy are never to advocate or provoke violence. Stand up & defend yourself but don't go looking for it.

Lifefriend ago

I'm here also. i was squirted in the gap

Bork_ ago

Badges of honor, right? B-)

Distrbdfreak ago


indeknow ago


EDC3 ago

Did anyone else have their account banned from Reddit Tuesday? Got a 3 day ban, wasn't from the GA mods. Reddit itself banned me for violent content?! Can't think of what I may have said, but they do realize they have a sub Reddit devoted to videos of people dieing and being tortured right? Geez

Mateo2099 ago

I use to lurk on here when Pizzagate broke. I guess I'll get used to the new digs. Screw Reddit.

Bzmentor ago

LEFT'S LATEST PLAN- Only THEY have the right to talk

EDTQ ago

Deleted account, app en bookmarks. Bye bye Reddit.

allonthesameteam ago

I'm calling them Reditch now.

beartruck ago

Q sent me

LiL_Bit ago

Oh JUst SHRED-DIT bye bye

Hiya Goonies

allonthesameteam ago

Go back to Reditch and invite folks from your comment and msg lists. Msg to copy and paste below

If interested, some moved here.

SEdwardNash ago

Q always promotes non-violence and only thr spreading of truth. If anything proves the validity of Q it was the shutting down of every Qanon related reddit thread. #MAGA.

MisterSpock ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if r/conspiracy gets the hammer as well. Free speech on Reddit is now dead.

SparkleMotion ago

They are just awakening more people to the cause and showing how much of a threat we are. WWG1WGA

Whig317 ago

Now I've not done the research on all the weather controlling phenomenon by the cabal... but has anyone else wondered if this hurricane (though entirely real) is a very deadly version of a FF? I mean really, they're talking about this being worse than the one in Texas and that was BAD...

CosmicV1001 ago

The subscribers/active numbers on the page where phenomenal for a sub group.

Baby_Kaboomer ago

Hey, thanks High-valyrian! New day, new site. Time to get to work. Can we post memes over here?

high-valyrian ago

Fire away :)

I believe you need to upload to first, and copy and paste to share as a link.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

TD: "Muthafuggin' Q is just a fuggin' LARP" Reddit: "It's such a larp taht we're going to ban it Haha not like there's any substance haha"

I'm calling that Reddit gets BTFO in a few days by the Feds.

Kneadedtherapy ago

Neon revolt and Q sent me!

QBringsJustice ago


WezeBWoke ago

Please help me get my 10 upvotes Thank You WWG1WGA!

SentientRussianBot ago

Former rebbit user TheStorm2018 checking in. WWG1WGA literally.

Whig317 ago

Hey, glad I finally found you all again. Over the target a bit were we to have to pack up our popcorn and move over here?

VincitOmniaVeritas ago

Well, Reddit is run by cannibals and lorded over by pedovores. Good riddance, I'd say. This place smells a little less musty.

K19ves54 ago

Reddit is now history on all my devices.

FatherDadDude ago

Hello. I'm from BiblicalQ. Tried to start a new reddit sub /biblicQ and was immediately shut down within 2 hours. We're over target Patriots. Prepare for the worst. Internet blackout, cash blackout....prepare for the worst hope for the best.

Let me close with a prayer. Father, you created us in your image. Save us from the Evil implanted on earth, please. We are at your mercy dear Lord, show us what we each need to do in our own ways to wake up everyone that chooses to see the light. Amen.

high-valyrian ago

Hey there, glad you found us. Yes, by estimation nearly 20 or more subs were banned, all Q or POTUS related, some were private, some didn't even have content or subscribers but were merely placeholders / test subs.

Many prayers & Godspeed anon. Let us know if you get a BiblicalQ subverse set up, so we can direct our Christian folks who may be interested.

FatherDadDude ago

You are formally invited! /v/BiblicalQ is open for business. Let's get the prayers going.

TNLunatick ago

Thanks for the welcome. Good to see some familiar faces.

high-valyrian ago

Hey, neighbor. Welcome :)

TNLunatick ago

Go Vols!

Quietwolfkingcrow ago

This was a bad be for reedit and the MSM. It exposes the truth even more. People are curious, especially when they're forbidden.

Tallest_Skil ago

So why can’t you self-absorbed faggots just use the board we ALREADY HAVE ON THIS WEBSITE for your content?

Greydle ago

Where we some, we go some?

Tallest_Skil ago

At least one of you is funny. It’s a shame that you waste your time with a proven hoax, though.

Greydle ago

Hoax or not, it is fun.

Tallest_Skil ago


Fun, huh.

Greydle ago


17patriot ago

Refugee here having a hard time posting... An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission. After the bot test its driving me nuts. Patriots please help!

high-valyrian ago

Upvoated you.

SerialBrain2_SB2 ago

Hi, I have created a new account to see if my CCP is now going to move...

CaptJacks ago

Goodbye Plebbit

Scullynz ago

NeonRevolt sent me too. Have no idea how these things work so I'll see if I can figure it out as I go along. Was lurking on Reddit but the ban is so wrong that I'm adding my voice here! Lurking no longer!

17patriot ago

How do I post here? I keep getting a ccp error

Handsoffmygats ago

2170 incoming

17patriot ago

Refugee here. Let's get back to business WWG1WGA!

spacemonkeymojo ago

Awesome, thanks for helping to get everything going!

Isaiah4031 ago

Q sent me!

Jasperrock ago

WWG1WGA - Sorry about the server issues, but I have great confidence you will accommodate the growing numbers of woke!

mynewaccountagain ago

What the fuck is wrong with you faggy reddit assholes? These rules are in place for a reason. Fucking kikes.

Phantom42 ago

Holy shit, you said it.


mynewaccountagain ago

And, deleted like a pussy.

Voopin__Voopin ago

What did it say

Mumbleberry ago

Begging for CCP

Agrianian_Javelineer ago


mynewaccountagain ago

Begging for CCP

mihernan ago

Please make sure to sticky the way to provide support. Will do so as soon as you can figure out a way.

witch_doctor1 ago

pizzagatefag checking in....sorry your sub got cancelled. This is pretty much exactly what happened to us. The times on T_D from May 2016 up until r:/pizzagate was banned were, I hate reddit and T_D. I got a time out on T_D for questioning the mods over ghosting Las Vegas shooting threads. T_D is comped too. Ya'll had a really badass sub going and I really hope you succeed in re-creating that here.

high-valyrian ago

Hi pgfag, I actually had created my girlwonder account here to browse that subverse xD I was also on r/pizzagate... T_D is indeed comp'd as far as I can tell. We have a great group of Patriots and are happy to be free of Reddit rules & restrictions... cheers, & thankQ for chiming in.

BlueyTheCat ago

Hi Patriots. We will win no matter what they do.

AL_Gunslinger ago

Yay! Found y’all.

Sure seems like they have declared war!

ReMs-71 ago

I made it here, Been a voat member since March though I never used it. I new this day would come. I made it to GA after they shutdown CBTS. I really began to doubt they would shutdown GA because I never really experienced hatred there, and the mods seemed to keep it squelched. I guess that it's because the evil cabal doesn't like us.

I went to the GA subverse first before I knew about this one, many of our refugees are over there. I assume after a while we will all congregate in one place.

high-valyrian ago

The mods really doubled down on enforcing Reddit's site-wide rules after receiving a warning from the admins about a week ago, so that we would not be divided. We truly tried our best. In hindsight, though, I now see that nothing could have saved us - this was coming, one way or another, all along. My honest belief is that anons will continue to, and should, discuss Q on multiple platforms, subverses, boards, forums, groups - this is healthy, and keeps many avenues open, in the case something like this happens. Where we go one, we go all. ThankQ for joining us, btw.

Basterd ago

This was the straw that pushed me to VOAT. Let's see how fast I can drain my remaining reddit Karma by triggering Lefty shills on their home turf, while simultaneously red-pilling lurkers.

high-valyrian ago

That's a fantastic idea.. thank you, lol.

LizzyTiz ago

A Reddit response today: Your comment was removed because it isn't the phrase 'I fully support banout 2018' Feel free to make a new comment showing your support of this great cause.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Contact the moderators if you have ?'s

murphy208 ago

I didn't get on Reddit until 2 weeks ago. I really hope this works out.

WhiteRabbit1776 ago

Total bs on reddit's part. All for a larp huh?

Q62 ago

I just deactivated my reddit account. In the box where they asked why, I said "Q WINS BITCHES!"

MAGAmae ago

I'm not getting up votes so what am I doing wrong

Greydle ago

I have been updating every post on every thread, my finger hurts, but I'm not stopping.

CelticCoyote ago

Just upvoted everyone below this. We need to points so we can get back to work. WWG1WGA

Lupinstorm ago

I didn't realize how uncomfortable I would be without a nice home like this. Twitter is like warring chaos, Facebook is DARPA information gathering, and Reddit just shit the bed. Nice to have Voat and Gab (for now that is...), tho even if we lose them too, we will not back down.

high-valyrian ago

We are creating an 8chan board that is secondary to qresearch for those who prefer general discussion, banter, and a lighter atmosphere.

mumpsimus ago

Thank you. Lets show them that they are messing with the wrong people. They cant take our voices away no matter how hard they try. WWG1WGA MAGA!

Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

I'm done with Reddit for the 2nd and last time. Last time I went back was for TheGreatAwakening only. I'm making a full on switch and to commemorate I've come up with an entirely new username I have never used before.

Darstradamus ago

Wish I could give an extra upvote for the new handle. Kek

Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

Can't wait to change it to Hillary_is_a_dead_faggot

Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

Turns out there is a 20 character limit so I had to reserve HillaryIsADeadFaggot instead.

mumpsimus ago

Same here :)

hausensause ago

It's only a conspiracy theory until it's a conspiracy FACT. They can't shut down everything on the net. How would they make their money and data mine?

Doodle_and_me ago

Not sure how they can call it a conspiracy theory when we have Strzok's own words planning it out.

hml13 ago

Hello Patriots, WWG1WGA

DevilRat ago

Reddit refugee here as well.

MiMiWoke ago

Yep, we sure have been. Shhhhhhhh,,,,,I'm watching the movie. WWG1WGA

Quietwolfkingcrow ago

Nice to see everyone over here! Hope the rest can join.

SGM11Z ago

Hope their server can handle all of us!

ythehorses ago

Once I realized this was real, and this was permanent (and pre-meditated, NOT an accident), I deleted my Reddit account. And when their form asked why, I said it was for deleting Great Awakening, and I would detest Reddit for the rest of my life for that! Everyone should delete their Reddit accounts, so they lose 70,000 subscribers.

rabklim ago

I deleted my account as well. I only went to Reddit to lurk in this group anyway. On the form I gave my reason for deletion "you engage in censorship".

Sonshine ago

Just deactivated my Reddit account. I'm sure it means nothing to them, but it was fun to type in the reason for leaving...

WickedBaker ago

All this for a LARP? Simply amazing...

krameralso ago

So glad this was created so quickly! I couldn’t believe what a sense of loss I felt (not to mention the anger) at not being able to “be” with like minded patriots. We must be getting so close. Thank you Patriots for getting us back up here!

StormVet6 ago

There I was, discussing how to make my post better with one of our admins, and they pulled the plug in the middle of it. What a day!

data57 ago

I finally made it in here! New voat gag here. I'm just learning to navigate.

rabklim ago

Praying Medic and neonrevolt sent me :)

JLynne4444 ago

Praying Medic and NeonRevolt sent me also. :)

Hecticmon ago

Just jumped on here. Reddit is toast. I am reporting for duty!

Mordecaim ago

They are losing and in a panic.

OhBlackBarryObamalam ago


ZombiePhish ago

The harder they push, the more we resolve to fight back!

mcmanitee ago

my sub has yet to be taken down. anyone care to poke the bear with me?

ElectDV ago

I was wondering how long it was going to take Reddit to show it's true colors. Wonder how much they were paid. I'm mad as hell over it but not sure what can be done at this point. I'm new to all this Reddit, Voat stuff. Really do not even know where or how to begin. What I do have to say is THEY WILL NOT WIN.

Odius1 ago

I'm sure Mike Rothchild payed out the ass for it.

OhBlackBarryObamalam ago

Hope everyone stocked up on Perpkern!! WWG1WGA

reinfree ago

Happy I found you..through Neon

CommonCents1 ago

couple this with the disgusting google video leak today...and WOW, the war is on!!!!

summerwind_US ago

So glad to finally get this to work, and be registered. Good to see familiar names, and mods, already. Thank you for doing this! Not a frequent poster, but have been reading every day since July 4.

raccoon_eyes ago

It's good to see some familiar names in here! Need some upvoats, please!

Drewbertski ago

Well....President Trump better make his move soon. The plan is obvious from the globalist scum. Shut down any and all dissent against their "blue wave"

YouWho ago

Yay! Finally found yall!

MagnusVeritas ago


rickki6 ago

Yay glad I’m here patriots. WWG1WGA!

MagnusVeritas ago

Greetings, patriot!

rickki6 ago

HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wingedmo26 ago

I was creeped out to see it just disappear like that on R. Does anyone know what was sited as the cause of the ban?

TNLunatick ago

Who knows. They banned BiblicalQ too, which was completely tame.

MagnusVeritas ago

Inciting violence.

Right before the ban, there was a post relating to the indicting of New Mexico compound terrorists. Comment were very angry and emotive. Could easily be conflated as an inciting of violence.

That being said, Reddit planned the banning long before the post I've referenced. I'm merely pointing out how easily they could justify their position.

Buster_Cervix ago AJ model to censor being implemented confirmed by Q

badsrman ago

Can a PATRIOT get some POPCORN around here?

Dozers101 ago

I was a lurker on Reddit. I’m gonna get involved here. Boooooo Reddit.

Doodle_and_me ago


DomGrady ago

Me too

Webzagar ago

Hopefully many others will find their way here quickly as I have. Gotta be over the target. I really feel like a change is coming. The Enemy is getting more and more desperate. WWG1WGA

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

We will recover. We will win. Nice to see you all. I hope everyone that was on Plebbit finds our new home. WWG1WGA! MAGA! Wow what a following we had over there. I was like.. are you serious!? Banned!

standstrong4christ ago

Reddit refugee here! That was crazy...shouldn't have been shocking but still shocking to experience

Raeyah ago

Patriot checking in, sent by NeonRevolt.

Bork_ ago

CBTS banned at 30K, GA banned at 70K, we can only go up from here 😎

Doodle_and_me ago

Seriously. No such thing as bad publicity, eh?

elenimou777 ago

You can read what they say about why Great Awakienings were banned.. which I know is a complete lie..

solanojones95 ago

Make no mistake. GA did NOTHING wrong. Neither the mods nor the contributors.

This was a deliberate, coordinated move by Reddit admins to remove all Q discussion groups from their platform.

They merely used the gaseous terms of service rubric as a club to hit us over the head with.

I hope VOAT gets its server issues worked out, because this is a special community to a lot of us, and deserves a place to congregate!

Thanks for putting the VOAT group together!

OhReally73 ago

They even took down r/biblicalQ and all they did was pray...unreal.

awaymay45 ago

Could have been all the talk about hangings and firing squads directed at the opposition.

solanojones95 ago

Belonging to...? Militias? Vigilantes?

How about the Constitutional government of the USA? Nowhere did I ever see any call for vigilantism on that sub. Last I checked calling for actual justice, and for the nation's laws to be faithfully executed (including those against treason) is neither against any rules nor against the law.

WeAllReadButDontPost ago

Been waiting for you guys to move here welcome.

Sophista ago

Thank you, this will be exciting! Thanks voat for giving us a new home :)

Bleubird66 ago

Alexis Kerry Ohanian is an American Internet entrepreneur and investor, who is co-founder and executive chairman of the social news website Reddit. What a cowinky-dink, he's married to Serena Williams.

Theboatfloats ago

I'm here

My last post on Flynn got censored right before the take down. I watched it all in real time...

FREE SPEECH IS DEAD & thats the plan by the left-- 1st & 2nd amendment No More

LastoftheBoomers ago

Yea I was there too. Poof insta sensor strikes again.

ZombiePhish ago


cnp4500 ago

Thanks for the information. They can ban us from where ever. But they can't ban Trump from letting loose on the DS.

We obviously have them scared. So take a deep breath. Relax, and know we've got 'em right where we want 'em. Today has been a good day. It shows the fear level of the Left to pull a high school stunt like they did.

rabernet ago

Happy to be here - I was LIVID when I saw they banned it. Facebook also banned Brandon Stroka today (creator of #WalkAway). They are trying to silence all voices against the left.

Doodle_and_me ago

And google tries to deny that the company was actively trying to bring the latino vote for hillary.

MagnusVeritas ago

We'll experience some member attrition however the true loss is our collective research.

SnapAwake ago

So they own our comments? I dont see any of my old shit from the subs. That's fucked up! Legal??

MagnusVeritas ago

It's what happens when you rely on a third-party to host your information. It's entirely legal.

Our key concern should be deducing how to back-up VOAT sub-verses so as to not repeat history.

Fudrucker ago

They see the midterms looming and are getting desparate. The EO signed today really put a nail in their coffin.

7Younglivelyforever7 ago

Too much conversation about 9/11 was deemed as hate and harrassment. Qanons insulted the black hats one time too many.

Ceirwyn ago

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet." - Matthew 10:14

Bye Reddit

ProjectWeepingAngel ago

The more they attack, the stronger our (my) resolve.

ForGodAndCountry ago

All this for a conspiracy huh?

haywood_jablomey ago

On board


TY - Never give up!

immaduck ago

Made the migration, and happy to be here.

R3VO1utionary ago

Looking forward to Q linking to this sub... wonder how long it'll put kill VOAT's servers lol

Darstradamus ago

Ducks tend to do well with migration, fortunately.

MagnusVeritas ago

Welcome. Quack.

RonaldSwansong ago

Q Drop-Specific Posts Link to 8ch Boards for Test

*Back to 9/8/18 Posts

crockwave ago

Recommend right clicking on links and selecting Open in New Tab

jwa71064 ago

Whew! Finally made my way here! I feel like I finally found my way back home! This ban is straight up communism! Unreal!!

SnapAwake ago

Same here. I had a panic attack. Then began searching "THere must be a replacement board somewhere, Lord!" :)

MisterSpock ago

They are red pilling Reddit for us...morons the lot of them! 😂

MagnusVeritas ago

It's pretty surreal, alright.

crockwave ago

It's only communism when the government does the censoring. Businesses making bad business decisions suffer the consequences through the free market system

WanderingTaurus ago

If they are in cahoots with members within our government, they are really not a part of the free market system. They each have their hands in the others pockets for favors.

anhro23 ago

These social media sites got black site funding from groups like the CIA (think Amazon Bezos contract). It is exactly like communism.

duckyboy ago

It appears that they were totally funded with US intel dollars...communism indeed!

EarnYourVote ago

I am a big free market proponent, but if you watched Tucker Carlson's story on Google and how they are manipulating elections, that is no longer about free commerce - that is political collusion and all of these big companies are in league. That must be investigated and if not outright banned, then it should be fully declared. There has to be some sort of campaign violation - inkind contributions for example - that is violated when certain political voices are squelched and others promoted.

Davelon495 ago

I agree with you mate. We all know/should know about the population reduction targets of the DS elite to bring ww pop down to 500million. Just how do these businesses think they are going to out-compete the others when your target buyers literally disappear?

impendingpeace ago

Interesting. I get your point, but at this point it’s becoming more and more difficult to separate government from these “businesses”

ApoliticalProle ago

Precisely. How much under the table funding do these tech companies receive in exchange to be propaganda outlets? How much of that funding is tax payer money?

high-valyrian ago

Welcome! Pull up a chair :)

jwa71064 ago

Thank you!!

UK2USA_patriot ago

NeonRevolt sent me. Sorry to see reddit OUT itself as a hater of free speech - but so heartening that fellow patriots refusing to be bullied by the deep state fascists! Glad to be here - we must spread the word far and wide and make this our new home! WWG1WGA

Cristo316 ago

Yep. First thing I did after saying, well Damn was go to Neon Revolts website and found my way here in a matter or minutes.

All for a LARP?

These people are stupid!!

SnapAwake ago

Remember when the cofounder died after outing some pedo shit? That's when I suspect the platform was taken over.

LeesaAnne ago

Did they find out he was actually dead? I had heard he was missing.

MarielleBlackwood ago

They outed outed themselves ages ago. There’s screen shots from years ago of threads comprised of nothing but of [deleted] messages. They’re filth. This is what happened when the tech geeks got money and power. Instead of just becoming the new cool kids like in the movies, they weaponized their personality disorders and became fascists.


"...They’re filth. This is what happened when the tech geeks got money and power. Instead of just becoming the new cool kids like in the movies, they weaponized their personality disorders and became fascists."

Great quote. It describes exactly what went wrong with the internet. Geeks gone wild.

SnapAwake ago

Happens to the best of em. A little power goes to the head real bad.

dellip_der ago

Yep, I mean, Suckerberg thinks he's Augustus Caesar incarnate.

Nosferatutu ago

Those who call us fascists are the true fascists. I wish some of those sheep would educate themselves.

blownawayin5 ago

Projection. See Q's last post....

Stand_Against_Censor ago

Unfortunately Reddit was probably duped by left-wing operatives posing as Trump supporters to post offensive anonymous content to get us banned.


Reddit admins are the left wing operatives.

WanderingTaurus ago

So, how to we prevent it from happening again if that is the case?


Step 1) Avoid reddit. Step 2) Watch capitalism work on new, non-bullshit platform.

time_traveller ago

Reddit was not duped, Reddit admins are swamp creatures. They did this deliberately.

KarlKek ago

I agree. They may have done a token false-flag for apparent legitimacy.

But they planned this ahead of time. Very deliberate.

jzerocoolj ago

That's the most annoying thing about it. It is entirely possible that happened and there is no way to prove it. This heavy-handed throw out the baby with the bathwater approach never would have worked 10-15 years ago. People have been conditioned. Now they go "LOOK! There's one bad guy there! Even though his posts are routinely downvoted into oblivion and subsequently deleted and the majority of the community is anti-violence, we found the one bad actor so the whole bunch is spoiled. Sorry not sorry."

PapersRockScissor ago

Exactly. How long until we're 70K + strong here?

FatherDadDude ago

You mean 700K right? All you have to do is focus. Your reality is what you make it. That's what the movement is really about! Awakening our spirits together!

TNLunatick ago

Glad to see you over here.

FatherDadDude ago

No where else to go! Thank you.

Qzenseeker ago

NeonRevolt says the real number of subscribers is more like 300k. Q says 297K. I think that was what he was referring to.

216annongrl ago

I was a lurker on Reddit for months, never made an account because I was too scared to post anything... I'm sure there are thousands like me. I hope everyone finds this, we need to keep it going!!

OhReally73 ago

I was like you too..lurked for 9 months made an account then this shit happens. Jokes on them, this has spurred A LOT more interest! I'm doubling down now. WWG1WGA

YippeeQ_A ago

I'm here! Been having a hard time getting on, but it finally worked!

Lightblb ago

I'm getting off to let someone else get on. Not overload

vladi004 ago

So some random libtards (and possibly people in the government) are forcing the reddit admins to destroy the conservative side of reddit and destroy free speech. Then they say we were hateful.

ES-Trader ago

They're rolling out plans to stifle President Trump supporters before November. Then, most likely, REALLY roll-out the big guns ahead of 2020 so we never get the chance to rally again.

So sad for them . . . it will all be over before 2020.

"Trust the plan."


koolchange ago

Thank you!

SonarTech ago

ThankQ for your hard work

PhoenixFire ago

Their blatant censorship is absolutely vile, but not unexpected. Like Facebook and all the rest, their days are growing short.

implicittrust ago

I agree!

jwa71064 ago

Ever since I read about DARPA i’ve stopped going on Facebook. I really hope it shuts down...I don’t want to be on the FB or Twitter sheep farm!

OldSageGranny ago

I am slowly going off. I have family on there who don’t use anything else, so I’ve been removing five of my posts for each one I put on over the past couple of weeks...

DCLbeacher444 ago

Thank you for the great idea to remove five posts for each new one! I am only on FB for family too, unfortunately. I would quit tomorrow otherwise!

Lightblb ago

I'm somewhat old.I knew some original arpanet (DARPA) people, most in NASA, defense, or international University. They told me in the 90s that they could find out the color of my grandmother's underwear. I laughed. I am not laughing anymore.

jwa71064 ago

Big Brother is here for sure!! And to think we all fell for the lie that Zuckerburg invented FB in his basement.


FYI Facebook just got hit with a 1 Trillion dollar lawsuit a few weeks ago, by a software company that claims it can prove that Zuck hacked, and stole their code to build farcebook.

tn0org17 ago

I left facebook a few months ago, never been more happy!

TimberGhost ago

I’m totally with you on FB.

PutridPoots ago

Go there and downvote the fuck out their comments!

RowdyRonaldReagan ago

Streisand Effect

The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

dellip_der ago

Hence the saying, any publicity is good publicity.

SpagMeat ago

I saw lots of tweets today by people being red pilled by the GA ban. Seems to be making people more interested and open to the possibility Q is real. Who would do something like this if it were only a LARP. The plan is working. TRUST THE PLAN!

Phantom42 ago

Just like the Truth of WWII...

K19ves54 ago

What is the truth on WWII .

Phantom42 ago

Take it from Patton:

"We fought the wrong enemy."

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

These people are STUPID

EZMojo ago

Yep. Ruck feddit!

sdrawkcab_kaeps_i ago

Yep. Greatawakening was half the reason I stayed on reddit.

mr_shamalama ago

Exactly. They are stupid.

Sirnotabot ago

"for inciting harassment and violence, as well as the dissemination of personal information.” ... yet they hit all the Q boards, along with a bunch of alt-right comedy boards at the same time .... targeted, not random.

Lightblb ago

I was looking at the breakup of ATT, a monopoly. I am not sure what Q means by reasonable cause.

Sirnotabot ago

ATT are owned by the Payseurs if I remember all the info. from r/greatawakening .... I haven't heard of their breakup ... but if it is happening, it might be the bloodline dividing and hiding assets.

MisterSpock ago

Funny thing, the only harassment I EVER seen on the board was from shills and Larps trying to cause drama. We never acted like that and people know it, and are aware this was something else all together. And is getting people red pilled like crazy right now. Glad I found everyone here!! WWG1WGA!!!

ES-Trader ago


Anyone with at least two functioning brain cells can see the organized effort to CENSOR right-sided opinion, comedy, etc.

Oh yeah, the social media kingpins had their little top-secret meeting recently. Hmmm . . .

SnapAwake ago

The sickest part is that the left LOVE that "their team" is censoring others because they have a sick righteousness about them. Clearly not seeing their own shit is smelling up the farm house.

everlastingphelps ago

Know the voat rules. For example, doxxing of voaters is prohibited, but not "doxing" people off the platform. (Meaning, linking personal information to @everlastingphelps would be doxing under the rules, but posting info about James Alefantis is not.)

high-valyrian ago

Thank you. If you have any other resources we could point people towards in this vein, please let me know.


This link was blocked by my AdGuard due to reports of "Malware". Is it possible for a moderator to verify the link is ok?

everlastingphelps ago

Don't look at it then, faggot. Go ask your adguard mommy if you can have another chocolate milk before beddy time.

Bork_ ago

I don't think I need any other websites now, it's perfect

jzerocoolj ago

Beautifully illustrative

puppymax ago

How do we get back at Plebbit for their anti freedom of speech actions?

Ch4r_4sn4bel ago

The only reason I went to reddit was for Greatawakening. I won't be back ever again.

Jasperrock ago

They aren't worth it -- we moved on!!

Neon__Wolf ago

reddit's dead baby, reddit's dead

Bleubird66 ago

So is its founder, Aaron Swartz. barry obama made sure of that...

QuietButNotBlind ago

RIP, Aaron.

SneakyWino ago

Never go back, even for T_D. Plebbit is dead to me.

EarnYourVote ago

Deactivate your account, I did mine. I read on 8chan that they get advertising dollars based on active accounts.

kgeig0011 ago

Won't ever go back

CelticCoyote ago

I dumped those asswipes as soon as I saw the Greatawakening was banned.

Lupinstorm ago

Literally the only thing I went on reddit for. So thanks reddit, you cut my cord for me and made Voat more popular. The fuck did they think this would accomplish anyways?

AsOnlyIAm ago

Same here, the only reason I was on it is now gone. Guess alot of people will be doing the same..

Hillary_is_a_faggot ago

Yup, this here. Get them upvoats out to the newbs.

Paul_Rick ago

The tighter they try to squeeze, the more squirts out the side. MAGA!

Bork_ ago

Oooh that's nasty ;)

brexit_ahoy ago

Only went there for the great awakening....Their loss. In they go with all the other stupids.

QuietStorm ago

Me too! Amen...there loss!

graceExplosion ago

Same here. Leftists are such fascists.

Bork_ ago

It's okay to be a fascist if you're only doing it to stop alleged fascists, right? :D

Dragonkoi ago

Same. I've avoided Plebbit for a long time, and was finally swayed to create an account just to access The Great Awakening. No that that's been shutdown, Plebbit can suck mastodon phallus. Bye Felicia.

1whoknocks ago

Same. Deleted my account tonight.

WanderingTaurus ago

Same. I had just left Facebook a month prior to finally taking the plunge into Reddit in April. Oh well, no loss.

BeTheGame007 ago

mastodon phallus... nice!

RustyKuntz ago

If I'm interpreting Q's post correctly (#2168) we had 297k subs... not the 70k displayed

SuperiorPotassium ago

297k is in reference to Russia troops and the war games with China.

1whoknocks ago

wow - that's a serious throttle

Clanfeargus4597 ago

Amazing thing to see, how fast this community moves. Shows you the numbers reddit were showing was a lie, but we knew that anyway.

EDC3 ago

I remember long time ago T_D complaining because they said there were 600k subs when it only showed 80k or thereabouts. Wouldn't doubt GA had 300k.

Clanfeargus4597 ago

That's the way I read it.

Libtriggeringpatriot ago

Or its possible 70k have reddit accounts and the rest visit regularly but dont have accounts. I know many baby boomers who are on it regularly but dont have accounts

QShepherd ago

I was a great awakening lurker on reddit with no account. I bet there were tonnes of ppl like me. My family used to think I was a bit loopy talking about Q in Canada but after I told them tonight they shut down the reddit site...... lets just say I think that's going to backfire bigly. Everyone can recognize a response to being over the target. All for a larp? Right.

SnapAwake ago


SphynxtheRiddler ago

For sure makes sense. I'm not a boomer by a long shot but I definitely visited regularly! Made an account just yesterday and then... lol. Because fuck me, right?

GentleRenegade ago

Makes a lot more sense.

Nattylitecoin ago

Crazy. Also popular you tubers are watching the actual number of views go down throughout the day IPOT, prayingmedic, and justinfornedtalk

RustyKuntz ago

IPOT? What’s it stand for? Don’t think I’ve heard of this one but I’m always game for new Q decoders

Nattylitecoin ago

In pursuit of Truth, sir Patrick Mack

“God dawg” he’s fun to listen to!

SpagMeat ago

My three favs

spetraniv ago

Mine too.

Awake2Truth ago

Mine too, especially PM and IPOT (who is hilarious!)

mr_shamalama ago

You think Rubbit was being honest with our numbers? Sort of like Hillary's poll numbers, and by the same class of people.

colway4 ago

They like every other fake liberal site were LYING! The REAL numbers are HUGE WORLD WIDE!!!

SnapAwake ago

Ive thought about this too. Probably not honest with their numbers, no.

Lightblb ago

Ok, throwing it back to Hillary numbers made me laugh. ThanQ

Ammojeff ago

That tickles Bwahaha

CelticCoyote ago

Take a look at this shit. They think they have it all planned out but we are winning, not them!