KolonelCrack ago

wow thats super criminal. not a good move

Testsusers ago

I use opera but i still see ads from youtube videos

MaxxNY ago

There are many other platforms now. YouTube will die a slow painful death like MySpace. Facebook is teetering also.

mohamedalarby ago

that is unfair

Nekketsu ago

Start placing ads? They already have been fucking doing it forever, whenever anything on a video is "copyrighted."

GretaT ago

Fuck jew tube go to another place.

AR47 ago

Their platform, and their rules....dont like it...make your own and be nicer.

19841989 ago

This is like a double fuck you.

RubberHead ago

styx did a video on this, even if you do not like him... he dead on

TheDarkForce ago

Because YouTube bans and demonetized so many channels in order to make money they have to cram more ads onto an ever smaller group of videos. They're killing their own service.

stinkydogfart ago

Sounds like we're going to have a rumble in the jungle. Ask Fox News what happens when you go full retard.

anticlutch ago

Yes jew. Send your viewers elsewhere. That surely will work.

Gargilius ago

Yep, did receive the memo; I have a few old videos from when I was toying with a gopro while doing some mildly interesting stuff ; got a few views, never got any money out of it ; but I would hate to see them make a cent in advertising if I don’t get a share of the shekels; so I’ll remove them asap.

Thinking about it : if you want to make sure your vids are not monetized, why not make them deliberately ‘controversial’ with just the right amount of verboten keywords?

85_iq_nigger ago

jews gonna jew

Rockfish1000 ago

They already put ads on demonetized channels.

Gargilius ago

....that was the question I was going to ask ; now that’s even more fucked up than I anticipated; I could perhaps understand why they’d put a threshold on how many views and thus much revenue a given account could potential generate before setting up a ‘creator account’, but punishing an account for wrongthink but still making bank with it is downright evil...

Rockfish1000 ago

I know. But here's the really fucked up part. Youtube is owned by Google, right. Well Google says Don't Be Evil, yet they are being evil! That's totally no fair!

I hate these fucksticks with the Huwite hot passion of a thousand suns.

4saken ago

looks at pi hole. Whats an Ad?

Gorillion ago

Honestly I keep forgetting they have ads.

Use adblock. If you like a creator do some patreon shit.

FridayJones ago

How do I install adblock on a Roku device's Youtube app?

i_like_cheese ago

You can't, so you do what I did. Connect a PC to your TV just for Youtube and use a wireless keyboard/mouse combo. uBlock Origin means no more ads. (I watch a lot of Youtube channels, so it made sense for me.)

FridayJones ago

That sounds like a major pain in the ass.

krypt ago

Pro Tip : play one ad per day to your IP, or video quality can plummet if you never steam a single ad. They can detect.

Disable block for at least one ad, if you like to rip large videos in hidef.

sometaters ago

This is some tinfoil shit lol. There are millions of people who haven't seen an ad in months or even years, yet their video quality is still perfect.

krypt ago

IDIOT! They are logged in with a GOOGLE ACCOUNT on their machines, or have similar cookie to google partners.

I told you the truth! I never once created any accounts (google, twitter, facebook , etc)

I told the truth.

AnonymousLex ago

Then I guess you haven't seen any yt vids since they made being logged in a req?

krypt ago


I have NEVER ever EVER logged in. I never owned any accounts for Google nor YouTube. I use Firefox Browser on mac. You can confirm my words yourself.

I think you are talking about SOFT-PORN videos on youtube.

SOFT-PORN you need to log in or change url to a trampoline site, like using www.yewtu.be/

www.yewtu.be/ instead of youtube, for lower rez image stream (sometimes) of softporn videos

AnonymousLex ago

Moving on, Firefox and Mac user. All I needed to know. Take care man

krypt ago

Windows PCs have too many exploits per week to safely attach to the internet.

AnonymousLex ago

I agree overall with what you're saying but I hand built both of my pcs and they've never connected to the internet because I dont use them to be a simp

sometaters ago

I mean I guess it's my fault for not reading through your entire post before responding, but why would you not say that earlier in your reply? It seems like the cornerstone of your statement, so why put it so deep in the post?

krypt ago

My words are for people with no google account login that like to get videos in 4K, 1080p60FPS, and high bit rates. shitty bitrates work even on some IP addresses youtube hates.

krypt ago

Pro Tip : play one ad per day to your IP, or video quality can plummet if you never steam a single ad. They can detect.

Disable block for at least one ad.

muffalettadiver ago

Why create content for YouTube anymore?

MaxxNY ago

I expected this a long time ago. I just used it to publish content for copyright verification

Gargilius ago


...back when I uploaded a few videos, I did that because it was a convenient way to share some stuff with a few friends (and it was fun to play with the gopro and video editing software...); I was very surprised that people other than myself and a small circle of friends actually had a look...

krypt ago

its mostly crap promoted. all the good stuff is shoahed and hidden.

But Youtube streams 1080p videos BitShit (BitChute) does not.

But Youtube streams 1080p videos at 60 frames per seconf (60FPS) BitShit (BitChute) does not.

Youtube streams 4K VIDEOS, critical to compare MS Flight sim 2020 to other flight sims, BitShit (BitChute) does not stream 4K VIDEOS

Lots of tech reasons to use Jewgles JewTube over BitChute.

MaxxNY ago

Not unless they censor you it's pointless if you can't call out the fucking Jew and say fuck the jew

mikenigger ago

Youtube streams 1080p videos at 60 frames per second (60FPS) BitShit (BitChute) does not.

That's a shame, the bandwidth cost isn't much different due to the way the codec works.

anticlutch ago

muh (((4k)))


Cat-hax ago

Fuck 4k

oldblo ago

360p or being the bitch of great evil. Simple choice if you ask me.

AltUserMe ago

They don't want you to. It's primarily a place for movie trailers, music videos, and msm "clips" trying to get you to tune in on TV.

muffalettadiver ago

They don’t create. They rely on our creation. When creation is discouraged all that is left is destruction because we are at war with them. Who is they?

AltUserMe ago

In my post they is youtube

ggolemg ago

Do any of the alternative sites directly pay the contributors for including advertising?

tourgen ago


ImOnAVoatSon ago

Support LBRY.tv or other platforms as best you can.

tourgen ago

Why? I don't support businesses. I absolutely do not "support" businesses where I am the product and the advertisers are the customers. Are you a retard?

ImOnAVoatSon ago

Go live in the jungle then. There's no one that will take your money or time there. Or if you live in real society where you interact with real things, choose ones that are better than things that are worse. Or don't. I don't care what you do.

Belrick ago

The amount of ads on duetube now drives ppl like me away. Rumble is growing exponentially as a result

Moon_Central ago

Opera browser blocks every youtube ads.

Cucky_Sanders ago

lol what ads - i havnt seen an ad on the net since 2001?

with Adnauseam you can even block their ads and have it cost them money$

totallynotFBI ago

Use Ublock Origin.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

so they shouldn't be on Youtube. get what you pay for. try peertube instances, bitchute, etc etc.

krypt ago


Jews slowly subvert.

You might think this is normal acceptable greed, and not outright exploitation of others copyrighted works, but its actually directed by Jews.

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