When you have to tell people that burning down small business is bad and has consequences it's a very bad situation.
People don't understand where the tax money comes from. Who creates it. Tell someone that hates the one percent that amazon is the one percent and you tube is the one percent and they either blank or they get a look of shock on their face. Those are the people that do not pay their share of taxes.
They think it's patriotic to buy from a multinational corporation.
They have to be started at the very very beginning. They don't know the simplest things. Never assume they know anything at all you're talking about
This is possibly the most brilliant thing videographers could be doing right now. There are ZERO media companies interviewing business owners who lost everything!! ZERO coverage of them!!
All you need is a camera and a mic, the business owners are everywhere. Create a documentary specific to your city and your state. Share it for free with everyone in your Dem State. It will be one of the most powerful tools against these lockdown Dems getting re-elected.
Lets devise a template so anyone can follow the directions and make a very similar video.
Repition works for brain washing so it sgoukd work for reverse or more brain washing. Thats why similar likenesses will be more powerful. Hammer it home and then back and home again and then some more til next season. Keep hammering!!
I know how Final Draft works so skip the into / outro.
Step one, find local businesses that shuttered during Dem-imposed lockdowns. Check local newspapers.
Step two, find the owner contact info. Call them up and explain how important it is that their story is told and ask them for a sit-down interview.
Do this for about 5, 6, or more businesses. Put together a story timeline of the lockdown measures, riots, how it affected the business owners personally, emotionally, etc.
Show how cold-hearted the Governors and Mayors have acted. Show that they have extended zero sympathy. Then maybe summarize the documentary. With some Constitutional rights we have and how the Constitutional Law supersedes all other "mandates."
Then market it locally. This is a story that should be close to home, and share thje documentary with those in close proximity to the business owners. Remember, this can get the Mayor, Goveernor voted out if you share it with the right people.
gazillions ago
When you have to tell people that burning down small business is bad and has consequences it's a very bad situation.
People don't understand where the tax money comes from. Who creates it. Tell someone that hates the one percent that amazon is the one percent and you tube is the one percent and they either blank or they get a look of shock on their face. Those are the people that do not pay their share of taxes.
They think it's patriotic to buy from a multinational corporation.
They have to be started at the very very beginning. They don't know the simplest things. Never assume they know anything at all you're talking about
LibertarianForChrist ago
Fuck jewgle
nwguy ago
when will people learn, youtube is crap
ijazimran ago
The Network did its work so youtube does it well to.
blumen4alles ago
I mirrored it in case jewtube kikes it.
ketoll ago
This is possibly the most brilliant thing videographers could be doing right now. There are ZERO media companies interviewing business owners who lost everything!! ZERO coverage of them!!
All you need is a camera and a mic, the business owners are everywhere. Create a documentary specific to your city and your state. Share it for free with everyone in your Dem State. It will be one of the most powerful tools against these lockdown Dems getting re-elected.
Meme_Factory_1776 ago
Hook up some pointers... I'm goona do this.
Lets devise a template so anyone can follow the directions and make a very similar video.
Repition works for brain washing so it sgoukd work for reverse or more brain washing. Thats why similar likenesses will be more powerful. Hammer it home and then back and home again and then some more til next season. Keep hammering!!
I know how Final Draft works so skip the into / outro.
monolouge and preview contents..
ketoll ago
Step one, find local businesses that shuttered during Dem-imposed lockdowns. Check local newspapers.
Step two, find the owner contact info. Call them up and explain how important it is that their story is told and ask them for a sit-down interview.
Do this for about 5, 6, or more businesses. Put together a story timeline of the lockdown measures, riots, how it affected the business owners personally, emotionally, etc.
Show how cold-hearted the Governors and Mayors have acted. Show that they have extended zero sympathy. Then maybe summarize the documentary. With some Constitutional rights we have and how the Constitutional Law supersedes all other "mandates."
Then market it locally. This is a story that should be close to home, and share thje documentary with those in close proximity to the business owners. Remember, this can get the Mayor, Goveernor voted out if you share it with the right people.
Meme_Factory_1776 ago
kammmmak ago
Nothing to see here. Literally
BentAxel ago
Insert small black child: That's Racist!
OneDayOldShillAccnt ago