Psylent ago

one of the problems with these alternatives is that they just become cesspools.

When you go to a video site (say in my case I like to watch guitar related videos) - and the vast majority of content is just conspiracy / political videos - it doesn't help with user retention.

speedisavirus ago

Guess we can go down the list

Bitchute is a shit site with an even shittier app. Completely useless search. Will never be much of anything unless they quit fucking around. The site hasn't been updated in ages and none of the usability issues have been addressed. None.

Brighteon is plausible if it can actually get real traffic. Their monitization is retarded and how they fund the site is even more retarded. Stop being retarded and it could work as it's fairly user friendly.

LBRY doesn't seem to have any way to fund themselves really unless they are mining bitcoin through user browsers from what I can tell. They have a similar monitization method as which can work...maybe. The fact it's mostly using open source code and is using a more P2P backbone at least keeps their costs down some.

D2Tube is flat at this point. Growth isn't happening. It will eventually die unless they do something.

PeerTube. Gay.

BitTube. Inconsequential and gay. Magnet links with personal seeding are the only thing they do that is cool but nobody cares and 90% of the users of youtube don't know what a torrent is.

VGA007 ago

There's nothing wrong with the YT. If you want to spread hatred then it's not for you but if you have decent content then YT is the right place for you.

charliebrownau ago

VGA Hate speech is any speech they hate

They being

White Commie traitors

and Global Zionist Jews

Psylent ago

No.. not the case, nothing to do with 'spreading hate'.

The site is extremely bias and one eyed in it's approach, it serves DMCA notices without checking anything - meaning large companies can crush content creators saying things they don't want to be said.. it means that ad revenue can (and is) removed from videos with content youtube doesn't see as marketable.. there are so many legitimate reasons youtube has gone to shit.

Your comment is so naive...

speedisavirus ago

Trannies aren't real women because they have a front hole isn't hateful.

charliebrownau ago

No one can change gender


claire_lovely ago

Great stuff! Have been really liking BitChute/

GenderPronoun ago

Someone recently mentioned

CaptnObvius ago

Am I the only one thinking it?

quick_and_dirty ago

Doesn’t matter. YouTube is where the eyeballs are. The #1 thing that matters for content creators is traffic. As evidenced by how hostile YouTube is but it’s still the go-to platform for content. Creators know it’s better for them to play the YouTube rules game

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

YouTube is where the eyeballs are.

This is everything. Even I use the jewtube, and I'd quit watching videos entirely if the 'current alternatives' were the only option. Note that I got the murdock murdock notification on jewtube last night, and posted the cheeky videos link here. Unfortunately, I could only get a few seconds worth of video to play every minute or two. Still have the tab open if anyone wants to try it, but I haven't been able to get it to play. :(

TheyLie ago

Any of these platforms allow batch uploading?

charliebrownau ago

Bitchute -


MGTOW TV (MGTOW content)

ugetTube (GUNS)

or self hosted - Peertube -

I recommend using Subscribestar instead of Pateron

I recommend using BittubeTV or JoshwhoTV for RMTP streaming

I recommend using ENTOPY for stream chat and stream donations

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

LBRY seems OK too; don't know what direction it's going but it has some momentum

charliebrownau ago

In the last 72 hours LRBY has show its true colors

Its CEO is JEW

Its pro pron

Its Anti ethnic Nationalism

Check out TTOR's video on LBRY on bitchute

Monkstar1 ago

LBRY is pretty cool. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that in order to watch a video, you need to download it to your computer.

WhiteMan ago

Its not the lack of video sites as the problem. The real issue is funding. PayPal, stripe, etc will cut off creators from receiving funds. We have many sites to choose from but very very few payment processors. Big problem.

claire_lovely ago


Mustard_Monkey ago

Go old school send money orders and checks priority mail instead.

brokenmonkey ago

I remember Vidmeo went down simply because it couldn't figure out how to significantly make money. Funny enough, Dailymotion is one example of a video site alternative that turns a profit.

yt4cz9 ago


Ghetto_Shitlord ago

There are hundreds of payment processors, use one of them.

WhiteMan ago

Yeah? Hundreds?

heywoodnj ago

I remember an internet where getting paid to voice an opinion wasn't an issue.

I think it adds a problem of trust. Is it your voice or the voice of whoever is writing the check?

WhiteMan ago

From that angle I can see your point. However it is not just about opinions. Selling stuff, donations etc are ways of making a living. Problem is there is limited choices with internet payment gateways.

BlueDrache ago

Problem is there is limited choices with internet payment gateways.

So ... jews. Got it.

SyncStatus ago

pretty much, and the banks like Mastercard who help Soros fund their immigrant invaders are all on the same ideological side. There will be no monetization for any right wing youtube. Then there is Paypal and others, all sucking that terms-of-service and "community standards" jew coolaid.

heywoodnj ago

I do agree, gateways should be agnostic and great you can make a living venting your spleen. I just think if you need to get paid to speak your truth is it really your truth or the turd with the fat checkbook? If the rents due and this is your sole income you can be bought. Been to the drudge report lately?

WhiteMan ago

Agreed. But like I said its not just about truthers or whatever.

ant_earth ago

Why do creators need to receive funds? Are you talking about the thing where everyone on YouTube tries to stretch out their content to ten minute videos and post every day regardless of quality? People should just put a pattern link in the description or something similar

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Do you work for free?

ant_earth ago

why should making youtube videos be a job?

MikeNelson ago

Why not? Shouldn’t people be able to decide for themselves?

whyamIevenhere ago

why shouldn't it? are you a communist who believes everything you get should be free? that other people's time has no value?

ant_earth ago

nigger, nobody is forcing anyone to make youtube videos. i don't go out in my back yard and start banging sticks together and expect to get paid for it. however, if someone does want to pay me for it then that's another story.

whyamIevenhere ago

They're doing more than "banging sticks together". They're spending a lot of time and energy to produce valuable content. If they make it a full time job, they can improve the quality and produce more. The Youtube platform has the ability to monetize, and if the creator wants to utilize it, they should be free to do so.

I guess I don't understand your argument. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. You banging sticks in your backyard is not productive economic activity, but if someone wants to pay you for it, that's on them.

Making Youtube videos doesn't have to be a job, but it can be and is for some. I don't know why you think it can't be one, which is what you seem to be arguing.

Also, the name calling is childish. Grow up.

ant_earth ago

The majority of monetized content on YouTube isn’t absolute trash. Because of monetization the incentive is to mass produce addictive clickbait. Real value is not encouraged. Because of the monetization scheme the site is a watered down spam heap. A channel like pewdiepie would not exist without standard monetization. His channel does not produce anything of value whatsoever. Even channels that do produce value often become less valuable because they take what could be put into one five-minute video and they stretch it into three ten-minute videos because that’s how you play the youtube game. This is the norm among the most watched channels.

Don’t try to take the high road on name calling. You implied I was a communist and now you’re implying I’m childish, you passive aggressive faggot.

WhiteMan ago

Any creator is what im talking about. So many people have been deplatformed and their capability to receive donations/sell stuff etc eliminated.

And yes in terms of a whole site as well. Voat was removed from so many. .Redstate is going through this now..

charliebrownau ago

Also no open source replacement exists currently in May 2020 to self host your own ad system

speedisavirus ago

There are literally opensource ad market systems on github.

tourgen ago

This. It's the payment processors and banks. And it will never get better as long as the anti-terrorism banking laws are in place, forcing banks to answer through back-channels to government while the government can claim they aren't actually doing it.

mememeyou ago

im not that smart, but it seemed like there were cryptocurrency answers setup and ready to work around this, but they were stopped by the government and credit card companies.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

There's also all the hurdles people need to go through to buy crypto, as well as the need to understand how to use it. And ((((finance)))) has moved in in a big way.

claire_lovely ago

It should get easier to set up with as more adoption is reached, has already proven itself to be a very useful uncensorable alternative.

WhiteMan ago

Yes. From my limited knowledge..there is PayPal and stripe. They being the main ones. I know subsribestar is bitchutes one..but not sure how they process payments.

They cut off voat long ago. Redstate is going through hell right now. They cannot find a payment processor for their donations. Happening to many.

An option is to seek out a credit Union or bank that is not connected to the main ones. However even then, if the management are Jews or leftist they will cut it off as well.

poly ago

smells like a market opportunity for the entrepreneur in the right place.

tankingwrong ago

Any system that depends on pull or conversion of funds will be targeted, and either blocked by the major card companies or enforcement-to-death over AML/KYC that only billion dollar companies have the momentum to comply with.

The solution is to operate outside of it with a cryptocurrency that has privacy features and never convert to dollars, but good luck convincing anyone to get paid in something that they can't pay directly to their utilities, despite all those other local businesses that would possibly adapt and accept funds in this way.

There's so much logistically disruptive and for no good reason. The real solution is the gallows.

IncognitoVoatGuy ago

BitChute #1

MikeNelson ago

I like Bitchute but that place is unnecessarily difficult to navigate efficiently.

IncognitoVoatGuy ago


rob_white ago

Monetization is the the thing that stops many video creators moving, even those with large Patreon pledges still stick on Youtube for the ad money.

RoBatten ago

Some great alternatives out there! The key will be decoupling entirely from the Google ecosystem. SimilarWeb Ad Sense Getting monetized is the challenge. Larger companies now are cucked the fuck out and leftist (but I repeat my self) and won't support any platform not approved by their Ministry of We Say What Goes.

SearchVoatBot ago

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