TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Fucking boys in the ass and sucking on their fresh cut dick is a culture thing you goyim. Dont be reeecist.

mendelbot ago

Wouldn't that make facebook serves in possession of child pornography? Lock those fuckers up.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

Why the fuck do you idiots keep using fucking facebook then?

If people stop using it, it will eventually die out.

Fuck facebook and that ugly, alien-faced, fucker that runs it.

boekanier ago

Perverted 'community standards' those shitskins have.

Fuckyounigger ago

What’s funny is that no matter if this article is real or not whoever speaks up and says “i reasearched and looked for the page and it’s real or it doesn’t exist this is fake news” will still be made fun of so we can’t say shit

capicua ago


One_out_of_many ago

Submit to FBI

Simple as that


Cause everyone on Facebook are pedos.

If that offended you...


Chumpychumpsmith ago

I am triggered by Facebook and Reddit, that's why I go and check for offensive content everyday.

Cat-hax ago

Lol at least you weren't racist eh?

Paulina_98 ago

Hello there!! I say right away I'm not a bot ..Photo & Video Gallery Girls, with Beautiful natural shapes.uncensored(no Fake , no photoshop).✔️you can write a private message,,.few people know about this platform..I'm sharing with you...just enjoy....Don`t doubt(copy the link )➤

copper_spartan ago

I was recently informed that they were deleting pro-2A memes I posted ~4 years ago, but they allow this crap.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

So, as usual with Liberal platforms, it thread moderation is not about what is logical or even considered to morally/ethically correct, but about mob justice and virtue signalling. One report should have been enough.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

The howler is they're right, after a really twisted fashion, because the Paki 'community standards' are basically if a girl is old enough to need tampons she's old enough to consent. Not even kidding. I help support missionaries over there. The horror stories they could tell you would make milk curdle and a statue plug its ears.

Alhambra ago

with all of these jew-run sites, you can translate "community standards" as "talmudic laws"

CrankyTeenageGirl ago

That's disgraceful!

CrankyOldMan655 ago

That's disgraceful!

Elemental_Lightning ago

What the fuck?

niggernomics ago

Expect that they are all in w each other, and they can mockingly call owned white bitch boy things like ''yo homie'' ''bruvva'' and hey ''fam''. Get it now?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Realize that MOST of the rest of the world is NOT in agreement with us about child sexual consent age. That's just PART of why we shouldn't ALLOW THEM IN OUR MIDST!!!

Butterbread ago

I'm a big fan of your COMMENTS. This argument needs to be shoved in the face of every fucking open borders Commie bitch. The fucking idiots.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Big fan? You mean OTHER comments? I'm not used to success in any other way than mathematics (UNDENIABLE) . People don't like me (I don't like them either). So this is unusual and disturbing to my thing. But THX.

Butterbread ago

I like pretty much all your comments. If you stopped commenting, I would visit this site less. No BS. No homo.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Uhm. Holy Toledo. ALL of them? I don't even like ALL of them. I'm NOT in control of when my mind sparks. I just HAVE to.

Butterbread ago

Pretty much all. I'm not stalking you, I just like them when I come across them. You're infuriated, and I am too, but your comment makes me a little happy about the fucked situation.

thebearfromstartrack ago

This seems fun. I LIKE it.

Butterbread ago

Keep doing your thing, man! I'll be looking out for your comments.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I'll try! But, WAIT...I've seen popular things CHANGE into formulaic DREK. I need to watch OUT! This is dangerous, I feel myself changing as I speak! I need to rely on my faith. PRINCIPLES. NOYES Ave BOOT!

Butterbread ago

Forget what I wrote. Be yourself. As long as you speak the truth from the heart, it's fine. No pressure.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I have had a fan before. I was shopping in a grocery store and some girl said.."Your that drummer aren't you". I AM. WAS.

Butterbread ago

Chicks love musicians, but I have to rely on my good looks, wealth, and charm.

The internet sucks in a way. Like anonymous penpals, but people you will never meet, never really befriend. People that, if this site goes away, you may never know again. Voat needs a fallback, it multiple contingencies just in case.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I LIKE the anonymous internet thing. I'm autistic. You think I care if you die? I may LOVE you, but I will NOT mourn you. I NEVER get lonely. Sorry (not sorry).

Butterbread ago

I hear ya. Do you have many real-world friends? You seem fairly normal for being autistic. Maybe I'm somewhat autistic too. I never have had many friends. Last good friends tried to pretend I didn't exist after I told them I question the Holocaust death total. Then they tried to come back around and forgive me, but they didn't realize I was done with them.

thebearfromstartrack ago

No. I HATE change though. Parents FORCED me to have friends ALL of my life. I actually LIKE some of them (SOLID). Holocaust is not really a thing I CARE about. People thinking they are special. Nigger comes at me I DEAL WITH IT. Done with it? Just come at me, see what the FUCK happens to you. I have 3 patents. I went to grad school on FULL scholarship (computer science) PLUS stipend. I have several attributes that would make you...never mind.

Butterbread ago

I'm in tech, myself. I never cared about the holocaust, and really still don't, but it serves as an example of the need to question everything you're told, and that it should be legal to question everything.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You're my new BEST friend. De omnibus dubitandum (- Rene Descarte). Instead they PUNISH you for disobeying. Relish your new position in life.

Butterbread ago

Yet, I think therefore I am. Cogito ergo... something, I forget.

Question everything and judge with reason, I'd say.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You are not. I AM.

I saw, I conquered, I came.

Butterbread ago

At least one person is, I say. Boggles the mind that anything exists at all, but then the idea that nothing could exist is just as baffling.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You're a piece of buttered bread. I'm a BEAR FROM OUTER SPACE. What did you THINK would happen? You need to work on your image.

Butterbread ago

Certainly true.

MrBateman ago

Try to create your own and they shut it down as "hate speech" and a "nazi hide out". Time to go to actual war

blumen4alles ago

The article says not to check out the faceberg link but never gives it. I'd look at an archive to see what they are talking about as I am sharpening my pitchfork.

Fuck Facebook

mediaisfooked ago

I tried to buy that domain years ago before they went public ;-)

TheWorstImaginable ago

It seems there are a few pages. It's all middle eastern boys

blumen4alles ago

Thanks for the recon. Amazing how they treat faggots there when every man has sex with boys, and every man had the same thing happen to them when they were a boy.

Now these men are all over Europe...

TheWorstImaginable ago

It is a bit bizarre.. I have made jokes before that are similar. I guess they think fucking boys isn't gay?

Because they got fucked as boys and they could never be gay.

blumen4alles ago

They are inbred, low-IQ, and are basically in a cult. The self-deception is astounding.

RoBatten ago

I worked in the Middle East. I had one Moslem guy tell me like just factual, straight out: "Men are for pleasure, women are for babies" . . . Uhhh . . . Fucker was serious. Holy shit.

Elemental_Lightning ago

As a living being, what the ever loving fuck? "Men are for pleasure, women aree for babies" how can someone be in this mindset? .... nevermind, culture, brainwashing and "ita always been that way" .... such a sad thing.

blumen4alles ago

Yep, that is their culture.

I like the story of couples coming to US medics in Iraq, asking them why they can't get pregnant. The man wasn't putting his penis into her vagina, but into her anus. Also they sew up most of the vagina too. Sick fucks.

Butterbread ago

They sew up most of the vagina. They sew up most of the vagina?

Come on, I've seen all kinds of degenerate videos and read all kinds of ridiculous nonsense. Never heard of this. Why would they do that?

blumen4alles ago

You have never heard of FGM?

Type 3 FGM

Infibulation: narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and sewing over the outer, labia, with or without removal of the clitoris or inner labia.

This practice is extremely painful and distressing, damages sexually sensitive skin and is an on-going infection risk. The closing over of the vagina and the urethra leaves women with a very small opening in which to pass urine and menstrual fluid. The opening can be so small that it needs to be cut open to be able to have sexual intercourse. Cutting is also needed to give birth and can cause complications which harm both mother and baby.

NSFW pics:




quoted text and pics from here:

another link

Why would they do that?

Because this world is infected by evil, and misery loves company.

Feldorai ago

I think that Mark Zuckerberg needs to be reigned in and charged for hosting and providing child pornography. If Facebook isn't going to take a hard stance on this type of shit then every employee who is employed by Mark Zuckerberg including the CEO's need to be reigned in and charged for hosting child pornography.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Islam - death to gays

Also Islam - BRB, I'm late for the 8 year old stripperboy party

illuminalto2 ago

When you're right you're right got dang it.

killkillkill ago

Islam - no sex until marriage

Also Islam - let's just fuck in the ass

Also Islam - I'm fucking rich so let's pay thots from America to come fuck us then steal their money when they try to leave

Also Islam - I'm off the Holy Land, wgaf?

Octoclops ago

They're not the brightest folks.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

I think that they have the Jew rules where if it’s a child under a certain age, it doesn’t count. Someone find that Talmudic quote.

B3bomber ago

Something about laying with mankind and that a boy is not a man.

lanre ago

Islam is against two gay guys enjoying it. They don't reproduce and further the race. Islam is totally okay with raping little boys for pleasure though, as long as you beat your wife enough and have some kids by her.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Misspelled 'wives'

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Islam is only brutal on adult faggotry so they don't end up like the West, dying due to childlessness.

CeasarSalud ago

It's not gay if the balls don't touch.cant touch if they haven't dropped.

HeavyBrain ago

Remember how they banned the historical photo of the little girl getting napalmed for cp and refused to admit they fucked up for days till even the most retarded tabloid started making fun of them?

Then they ok'ed the pic but still didn't admit to being wrong.

But hey muds can do whatever, even literally ploting attacks and it doesn't violate shit, but don't you dare posting memes or have a normal discuassion.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Ocelot ago






Deplorablepoetry ago

Why use fb?

Why use Twitter?

Why use Voat other than to tell a pig to kill itself

Or else

HeavyBrain ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago

can't hurt to try huh?

glownig ago


Many of these so-called muslim child sex pages are PAID to be there by a large ongoing US gov FBI program to snag and arrest degenerate muslims living in WESTERN NATIONS!

Its called a honeypot. In this case, though lots of collateral damage, and foolish to run, it is indeed a honeypot, and in about 8 months a "PERP WALK" will be in the news, but with the muslim sounding names redacted from most news articles, and a single token (((white))) face and name in the mention of over 200 arrested.


FBI battling child pornographers with darknet honeypots and Tor malware:

In the 1980s and early 1990s instead of the FBI, the US Post Office did thse stings, and sent UNSOLICITED porn to your actual street adress merely based on "a profile of your habits". Anyone caught keeping their mail and not throwing it out was arrested across the USA by The US Postmaster General.

USPS stings pre-internet :

Butterbread ago

Way to undermine the effort, you fuck.

glownig ago

Think more.

FEAR of these sites being fed honeypots makes the non-fed honeypots avoided also.

Its complex.

In fact if EVERYONE assumed all are honeypots, then there would be almost no sites like that.

Butterbread ago

EVERYONE in the world will do what you want, huh? You're one of these people that thinks they know everything, but really you're just deluding yourself, and fucking up the world even more with your stupidity.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

FBI on voat will truly downvote this exposé here, but...

1 downvoat. get over yourself.

glownig ago


it immediately got only downvotes, multiple downvotes from FBI, and no upvotes, so I deleted and reuploaded it, and the FBI lost this one time. look at very bottom of thread. see? pure downvotes by feds.

glownig ago


it immediately got only downvotes, multiple downvotes from FBI, and no upvotes, so I deleted and reuploaded it, and the FBI lost this one time. look at very bottom of thread. see? pure downvotes by feds.

tokui ago

When was the last time muzzies were netted? When was the last time a dragnet caught people "sharing on yidbook"? Never.

Pedos don't network on kikebook, you simpleton.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Really stupid ones do. The kind of people who think "private browsing" on Firefox makes their browsing government-proof. We just had someone a couple years back get busted for CP while using his work computer...which was on a government network. How dumb can you GET?!

justregtoasku ago

That's incredibly stupid behaviour, defo not a sting?

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

No, they confirmed it was just him, being unbelievably careless.

RoBatten ago

Yeah they do, and on Twatter too . . .

allahead ago

The information comes from documents that the American Civil Liberties Union was able to obtain from the FBI, and it at least implies that the FBI received authorization to run 23 sites in addition to the one site that it is known to have at least temporarily assumed control over.

So the ACLU is trying to stop the FBI from doing this? Color me shocked, SHOCKED!

glownig ago

Heh. True.

Oy Vey, too many (((people))) got featured int the Perp Walks during stings, with all the muslim faces not shown as much.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

That's crap

glownig ago

Its all true, Mr FBI.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Bah sound like some paranoids fantasy

itssomatic ago

"Paranoid fantasies" are currency on this site and you seem like a broke nigger.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Loser wussies always call people niggers

itssomatic ago

First, that's untrue, as Nigger is a metaphysical concept once one has seen the light.

Second, my statement used it more as analogy than pejorative, showing you for a boneheaded kvetcher.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Shows that you feel that you are not worthy

itssomatic ago

Go on, worthy of what?

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Anything. You are a paranoid loser.

itssomatic ago

Sticks and stones, I stay noided.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Noided? Isn't that when they cut off your balls?

BlueDrache ago

More like a glownigger.

glownig ago


Many of these so-called muslim child sex pages are PAID to be there by a large ongoing US gov FBI program to snag and arrest degenerate muslims living in WESTERN NATIONS!

Its called a honeypot. In this case, though lots of collateral damage, and foolish to run, it is indeed a honeypot, and in about 8 months a "PERP WALK" will be in the news, but with the muslim sounding names redacted from most news articles, and a single token (((white))) face and name in the mention of over 200 arrested.


FBI battling child pornographers with darknet honeypots and Tor malware:

In the 1980s and early 1990s instead of the FBI, the US Post Office did thse stings, and sent UNSOLICITED porn to your actual street adress merely based on "a profile of your habits". Anyone caught keeping their mail and not throwing it out was arrested across the USA by The US Postmaster General.

USPS stings pre-internet :

hillaryisanigger ago


AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Ok Q, we will continue to trust the plan.

MikeNelson ago

Qtards: We trust more plans by 9 AM than most people do all day

indoctrophobe ago

Hey, trusting the plan is my favorite hobby!

anticlutch ago


faggot boy rapists
