Article's a little confusing since it discusses two different cases, one in Illinois where a woman was charged, and one in Minnesota where a man was charged.
For Illinois, her fiance cheated, she dumped him, he told family members she was mentally ill and he never did any of it, and she sent a private letter to family members defending herself, including texting transcripts between him and his mistress, and nude photos the mistress had sent him.
It would be revenge porn if she publicly published private photos of them together after breaking up.
I agree with her and not with the Illinois court that it was her right to defend her honor by showing her family evidence that the other party was a liar and a cheat.
In the Minnesota case a man broke up with a woman, then hacked into her accounts and stole images of her having sex with some other guy, sent them to 44 people, and posted them online. The Minnesota court says that their anti-revenge porn law is "overly broad" since it doesn't require an intent to harm. I disagree with the Minnesota court on this one, I think what this guy did, posting them online, was revenge porn, and his conviction was valid.
So I disagree with both courts. Courts do a great job of always doing the wrong thing.
Hm, it would be revenge porn if she publicly published private photos of them together after breaking up.
What this was is her fiance cheated, she dumped him, he told family members she was mentally ill and he never did any of it, and she sent a private letter to family members defending herself, including texting transcripts between him and his mistress, and nude photos the mistress had sent him.
I agree with her and this court that it was her right to defend her honor by showing her family evidence that the other party was a liar and a cheat.
Generally speaking don't take compromising photos of yourself and this will be a nonissue. The exception would be photos taken without permission or knowledge of, creepshots and that sort of thing.
a full length moving of you sucking a cock will be pretty hard to pass as a creepshot. By definition revenge porn needs to be a post relationship thing, so person must have been aware.
Used to be, a woman who married a second time wasn't looked down on, as it usually meant that her husband had died. Since she upheld the "til death do us part" section of her vows, remarrying was seen as a good thing. This meant that she had been able to grieve, move on, and find another partner and provider.
But those times are long gone, and with things like no-fault divorce, women are on their second, third, or even fourth (or more) husband. Nobody takes "til death do us part" seriously anymore, so your case is now the exception, rather than the rule. Sad times indeed.
The problem is that her real husband isnt the man she marries but the state. Because she knows that he isnt actually the provider he loses any status as a master and becomes some form of a sad dildo with legs that she can use as a scapegoat for anything bad in her life.
Supreme Court has time for this, but outlawing criticism of the Kikes in Israel or people going to prison for burning fag flags or calling people nigger isn't something they feel the need to bother with? Civil war when?
Mostly true. My mother divorced her first husband because he was a drunken philanderer. She then married my father and had 8 more white children (one child with her first husband). We’re all successful and are very tight-knit, even with her ex now (he had a come-to-Jesus moment years later). Healing is real.
I agree with you but also to be fair a lot of women marry a man with the best intentions but the man is such a disgusting beta slob that after years the woman has to leave as a last resort. The problem is that women lack the understanding to know what makes a good man and they stick with shitty men, whether they be beta slobs, nigger abusers, or what have you. Just trying to remind you guys that we need to have a heart. Its really easy to get caught up in the hate and the logic but the fact is that some of us are gonna end up in power one day and we need to remember yl be compassionate to some degree. Yes women are whores and they abandon relationships but sometimes its not their fault, they went into the relationship with the best of intentions but then the other factors come into play like hypergamy (which js not always a bad thing), lack of male leadership, and the fact that women are really thrown to the wolves now that there are weak men everywhere and daddy government and the electric jew telling them, and encouraging them to make decisions they ahouldnt be able to.
Thats very true, i do believe that women are stuck in between a rock and a hard place right now without male leadership. Theres a reason that marriages used to be arranged. We may think it cold or heartless but the truth we have seen now is that a womans love isnt based on some higher spiritual principle, its based on survival and she is barely concious of it. In a society where families and communities are more closely nit together and a more traditional culture prevails the men are certain to be of higher quality across the board and her male relatives will already know the kind of man they are sending her too. Also marriage isnt a romantic indulgence, its a job and it should be looked at as such.
Theyre stuck in a kosher sandwhich. While the men are being spiritually and physically degraded by jewish subversion she is being told to attack and deny any competent male leadership and guidance by the same.
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Leveraction ago
What kind of arrogant stupid film themselves.
lovehate123 ago
Ilhan Omar is Al shabab.
Report her
JimSoddell ago
Article's a little confusing since it discusses two different cases, one in Illinois where a woman was charged, and one in Minnesota where a man was charged.
For Illinois, her fiance cheated, she dumped him, he told family members she was mentally ill and he never did any of it, and she sent a private letter to family members defending herself, including texting transcripts between him and his mistress, and nude photos the mistress had sent him.
It would be revenge porn if she publicly published private photos of them together after breaking up.
I agree with her and not with the Illinois court that it was her right to defend her honor by showing her family evidence that the other party was a liar and a cheat.
In the Minnesota case a man broke up with a woman, then hacked into her accounts and stole images of her having sex with some other guy, sent them to 44 people, and posted them online. The Minnesota court says that their anti-revenge porn law is "overly broad" since it doesn't require an intent to harm. I disagree with the Minnesota court on this one, I think what this guy did, posting them online, was revenge porn, and his conviction was valid.
So I disagree with both courts. Courts do a great job of always doing the wrong thing.
JimSoddell ago
Hm, it would be revenge porn if she publicly published private photos of them together after breaking up.
What this was is her fiance cheated, she dumped him, he told family members she was mentally ill and he never did any of it, and she sent a private letter to family members defending herself, including texting transcripts between him and his mistress, and nude photos the mistress had sent him.
I agree with her and this court that it was her right to defend her honor by showing her family evidence that the other party was a liar and a cheat.
QuiteUnusual ago
HA HA HA HA HA HA <deep breath> HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!
KillShill ago
Suck it Roasties! It happened and you are a slut.
Front424 ago
Ha ha, cunts BTFO!
tokui ago
Libs hate freedom.
notvirge ago
If "revenge porn" becomes a legal definition, I'll laugh my ass off.
boekanier ago
Judges are as stupid as humans.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
If you willingly give a picture of yourself to someone else it is theirs to do as they please.
Catfishbelly ago
Generally speaking don't take compromising photos of yourself and this will be a nonissue. The exception would be photos taken without permission or knowledge of, creepshots and that sort of thing.
Jagon ago
a full length moving of you sucking a cock will be pretty hard to pass as a creepshot. By definition revenge porn needs to be a post relationship thing, so person must have been aware.
Catfishbelly ago
Yes, and that's why we should have a set process in place to prevent false accusations.
FederalShill ago
I just realized why revenge porn is going to be protected speech. Keeping revenge porn legal will protect blackmail rackets they have going on.
Mother_Cube ago
Or we could just kill all these fucks...I mean there is THAT as an option too...
Brawndosaurus ago
All porn should be outlawed, including what goes on on Instagram. Kill pornographers.
Mother_Cube ago
Underrated comment.
AvengerZZ5 ago
This will never make it through LOL
Travisty ago
asshole move, but not illegal.
Folke ago
yeah good goyim shaming the whores is not the answer you just have to embrace them and encourage the behavior.
Travisty ago
Shame is a dumb emotion to have.
Mother_Cube ago
Imagine where Whites would be without shame.
FederalShill ago
Youre right, i suppose there is an exception to every rule.
uvulectomy ago
Used to be, a woman who married a second time wasn't looked down on, as it usually meant that her husband had died. Since she upheld the "til death do us part" section of her vows, remarrying was seen as a good thing. This meant that she had been able to grieve, move on, and find another partner and provider.
But those times are long gone, and with things like no-fault divorce, women are on their second, third, or even fourth (or more) husband. Nobody takes "til death do us part" seriously anymore, so your case is now the exception, rather than the rule. Sad times indeed.
Mother_Cube ago
Just so you know, a lot of marriages don't use that line in the vows any longer.
FederalShill ago
The problem is that her real husband isnt the man she marries but the state. Because she knows that he isnt actually the provider he loses any status as a master and becomes some form of a sad dildo with legs that she can use as a scapegoat for anything bad in her life.
HistoryQuest ago
Easy. Don't let people film you doing private things and don't send naked photos of yourself to others. Problem solved.
obvious-throwaway- ago
Supreme Court has time for this, but outlawing criticism of the Kikes in Israel or people going to prison for burning fag flags or calling people nigger isn't something they feel the need to bother with? Civil war when?
Empire_of_the_mind ago
this is more important
uvulectomy ago
flagsragsRellik88 ago
If I took the pic. I am the owner of said art work. I can share or even sell it.
Shadowlight ago
If she sends you a pic, she no longer owns it.
Tabnam ago
Lol, as if any women is letting you photograph her naked. At least willingly
Rellik88 ago
Plavonica ago
It's still art!
viperguy ago
But WOMEN passed laws to curtail free speech, and now a woman is impacted instead of a male!
Hypocrite women.
FederalShill ago
One of the enemies of the family is a woman who marries twice.
DefenderOfTheThrone ago
Mostly true. My mother divorced her first husband because he was a drunken philanderer. She then married my father and had 8 more white children (one child with her first husband). We’re all successful and are very tight-knit, even with her ex now (he had a come-to-Jesus moment years later). Healing is real.
FederalShill ago
"8 more white children"
What an amazing feel good story.
RedWolfTheAnimal ago
I agree with you but also to be fair a lot of women marry a man with the best intentions but the man is such a disgusting beta slob that after years the woman has to leave as a last resort. The problem is that women lack the understanding to know what makes a good man and they stick with shitty men, whether they be beta slobs, nigger abusers, or what have you. Just trying to remind you guys that we need to have a heart. Its really easy to get caught up in the hate and the logic but the fact is that some of us are gonna end up in power one day and we need to remember yl be compassionate to some degree. Yes women are whores and they abandon relationships but sometimes its not their fault, they went into the relationship with the best of intentions but then the other factors come into play like hypergamy (which js not always a bad thing), lack of male leadership, and the fact that women are really thrown to the wolves now that there are weak men everywhere and daddy government and the electric jew telling them, and encouraging them to make decisions they ahouldnt be able to.
FederalShill ago
Thats very true, i do believe that women are stuck in between a rock and a hard place right now without male leadership. Theres a reason that marriages used to be arranged. We may think it cold or heartless but the truth we have seen now is that a womans love isnt based on some higher spiritual principle, its based on survival and she is barely concious of it. In a society where families and communities are more closely nit together and a more traditional culture prevails the men are certain to be of higher quality across the board and her male relatives will already know the kind of man they are sending her too. Also marriage isnt a romantic indulgence, its a job and it should be looked at as such.
Shadowlight ago
And yet women and all of society are TAUGHT to fight and deny male leadership....
FederalShill ago
Theyre stuck in a kosher sandwhich. While the men are being spiritually and physically degraded by jewish subversion she is being told to attack and deny any competent male leadership and guidance by the same.
Mother_Cube ago
It is not a job but it is a legal partnership just like any other contractual obligation.
Pllatinum ago
Dont be a whore. Problem solved.
GhettoGhost ago
But Daaaaaddy, my Instagram!
tempuser1 ago
Humansized ago
it really is that simple. if you dont want people seeing porn of you, don't make it.
SearchVoatBot ago
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hollywood2020 ago
Ilhan country, she's had more cocks than the whole Military
Mother_Cube ago
Incestuous bulb headed nigger. I can't believe there are no more White patriots in her country.